Difference between 500mg and 750mg Test E

Other than the amount of oil used, what are some differences in running 500mg vs. 750mg test e pw? Namely sides, gains, mood, etc?

Help an inexperienced guy out :)
I feel there is definitely noticeable gains on 750mg/wk over 500mg/wk. better wellbeing as well. Sideeffect wise I didn't notice much difference. I always got acne after cycle after which ever mg I go with. Didn't effect my estro much different as well. Call me crazy But I felt I leaned up more on 750mg over 500mg
4-5 times the half life is the period it takes for a compound to be considered eliminated. Since the half life is the same. The wait is the same regardless of dose.
If you do the math you will see there is very little difference in the mg you are left with. Especially if you consider the mg/day being metabolized.
Merry Christmas all btw

The wait depends on the amount used plus the half life. It only takes 3 weeks for a 500 mg/wk cycle to get down to 62.5 mg but it takes 5 weeks for a 2000 mg/wk cycle to reach the same level.

2000 mg Test E/wk vs 500 mg/wk (half life 7 days for sake of argument)

2000 mg/wk cycle:

Week 1, 2000 mg/7 days = 1000 remaining
Week 2, 1000 mg/7 days = 500 remaining
Week 3, 500 mg/7 days = 250 remaining
Week 4, 250 mg/7 days = 125 remaining
Week 5, 125 mg/7 days = 62.5 remaining​


Week 1, 500 mg/7 days = 250 remaining
Week 2, 250 mg/7 days = 125 remaining
Week 3, 125 mg/7 days = 62.5 remaining​
The wait depends on the amount used plus the half life. It only takes 3 weeks for a 500 mg/wk cycle to get down to 62.5 mg but it takes 5 weeks for a 2000 mg/wk cycle to reach the same level.

2000 mg Test E/wk vs 500 mg/wk (half life 7 days for sake of argument)

2000 mg/wk cycle:

Week 1, 2000 mg/7 days = 1000 remaining
Week 2, 1000 mg/7 days = 500 remaining
Week 3, 500 mg/7 days = 250 remaining
Week 4, 250 mg/7 days = 125 remaining
Week 5, 125 mg/7 days = 62.5 remaining​


Week 1, 500 mg/7 days = 250 remaining
Week 2, 250 mg/7 days = 125 remaining
Week 3, 125 mg/7 days = 62.5 remaining​
2 grams of test a week?
Damn CBS you must be going hard...
What substantial proof is there that "1g didn't shut me down as bad as 500mg" - I've seen none. Shall we ask professionals? @Docd187123
I don't think the addition of "DR" in your username makes you an authoritative source. I disagree with a lot of what dr scallywags says for example, and dr Jimbo is one of my least favourite members. I just thought it was odd you'd refer to some guy that claims something about their title on a steroid forum. Especially considering most docs know less than your average internet Educated and self experimenting juice head.
I truly don't care to debate this topic honestly. Also who said 1g shut them down less than 500mg? My only point, (which is based on opinion and personal experience) was that once your body becomes tolerant to massive doses of hormones for extended periods of time, normal levels of testosterone don't provide the same effect. If your body adapts to having extremely high test levels for EXTENDED periods of time, going back to normal range test levels will seem like low T, because your body has adapted to that being the new normal. Of course this isn't the case for every little cycle, so don't misunderstand. But I do believe the higher the level of hormones your body adapts to, the more it needs to function normally. Nobody has to agree with me, it doesn't matter really. This is just my belief. Also, the term "Doc" being in his username doesn't make him a doctor nor an expert lol. However I'm sure he's knoweledgable, nobody has really done studies on the differences of effects on the body from high to moderate doses for extended periods of time. Not specifically for the concept I'm describing at least.

Just look at Jay cutler. The guy was probably running grams of every steroid in the book, year round, for years straight. Nowadays he's just on TRT and he always looks depressed, lethargic and unmotivated. I believe his body is so accustomed to such a variety of massive hormone levels, that he feels like shit on TRT alone.

You really know enough about jaycutlers day to day behaviour to make that statement and then use it as evidence for your shaky interpretation?

I don't agree or disagree with you, I simply find it odd drug tolerance exists for every single other substance that interacts with bodily and brain receptors yet steroid users claim there isn't an androgen receptor down regulation with exogenous hormones. So I don't disagree with your point, in fact I'd like to know more, but I think your reasoning is a little off. Show me some science
Is atrophy of cells permanent? Can you go into details about it? Is it similar to opiate or benzodiazapene addicts? I had always been told steroids SHOULDNT cause permanent damage if run at reasonable doses and with proper precautions. But am I playing with my long term fertility and receptor related health by running half gram of Test for 4 months of the year? Can I ameliorate potential damage by using SERMs and hcg and hmg or are those just bandaids for inevitable permanent androgen receptor atrophy?

I'd like to learn more so if you don't have the time perhaps the relevant search terms for pubmed would help?


Your whole point is invalid. A person doesn't become tolerant to massive doses of hormones. Tolerance in the aspect you are speaking of doesn't exist. If you want to argue further, please provide some evidence of this.

There are not various degrees of getting shut down. When it comes to cycle doses of AAS; imagine the HPTA as an on or off switch.
You cannot get shut down to a negative value if that makes sense?
Atrophy of cells can occur but that is based on the duration of the shutdown. Also, different compound can have additional pathways of shut down and esters can have different half lives; so the compound is lingering in the body for a longer period of time.
2 grams of test a week?
Damn CBS you must be going hard...
You know @Sworder you actually sound some what knowledgeable at times. That being said everytime I see your posts debating something or someone you come off as a true douce bag. I know you say it doesn't matter if you're accepted around here but people might learn some stuff from you if it didn't always come off as a 3 yr old. Nobody likes to be talked down too even when you're trying to teach them something.
Is atrophy of cells permanent? Can you go into details about it?
Atrophy of the leydig cells in the testes is not permanent. It makes sense doesn't it that if they are not actively producing testosterone they would become smaller as a lack of activity. HCG helps prevent this.
But am I playing with my long term fertility and receptor related health by running half gram of Test for 4 months of the year? Can I ameliorate potential damage by using SERMs and hcg and hmg or are those just bandaids for inevitable permanent androgen receptor atrophy?
Playing with the long term fertility of your body by using AAS? Yes, of course you are. The risk that one cycle would ruin your fertility is extremely small however.
SERMs and hCG are great compounds to use to minimize side-effects. Even being on TRT for 4-5 years straight you could have success in having a baby with high success rate. As long as you are using the drugs and are being monitored by somebody who knows the timing of the drugs etc.

"Androgen receptor atrophy" is not something I have said, androgen receptors are rather not effected much at all. There has been numerous discussions about receptor desensitization and nothing has been proven to be true.

Atrophy regarding AAS use is mainly focused on sertoli and leydig cells.
You know @Sworder you actually sound some what knowledgeable at times. That being said everytime I see your posts debating something or someone you come off as a true douce bag. I know you say it doesn't matter if you're accepted around here but people might learn some stuff from you if it didn't always come off as a 3 yr old. Nobody likes to be talked down too even when you're trying to teach them something.

Yeah, I sound like a complete douche-bag 3 year old in this thread... Did you even read it?

Thank you for the advice, I will pay attention next time I am writing to somebody that doesn't read my posts or understand concept of the post.
Yeah, I sound like a complete douche-bag 3 year old in this thread... Did you even read it?

Thank you for the advice, I will pay attention next time I am writing to somebody that doesn't read my posts or understand concept of the post.
Yea I read it & understood it. Just like most of the stuff around here. But what I don't understand is why you invite confrontation then cry about the "circle jerk crew". Just seems stupid & pointless. If you're as smart as you say you are then you could be helping alot of people not putting them down for not agreeing with you.
-Boodee out
Yea I read it & understood it. Just like most of the stuff around here. But what I don't understand is why you invite confrontation then cry about the "circle jerk crew". Just seems stupid & pointless. If you're as smart as you say you are then you could be helping alot of people not putting them down for not agreeing with you.
-Boodee out
I always accept any intellectual debate. Keyword being intellectual.
Circle jerk crew? In this thread? I missed where I wrote that....
I didn't just mean this thread. But it's ok, I know how you like to twist things around(or try to) in your favor. It's all good an I'm riding a high tonight because I just noticed a big vein running across my chest into my shoulder that wasn't there before. So ima go stare at it some more.
I don't think the addition of "DR" in your username makes you an authoritative source. I disagree with a lot of what dr scallywags says for example, and dr Jimbo is one of my least favourite members. I just thought it was odd you'd refer to some guy that claims something about their title on a steroid forum. Especially considering most docs know less than your average internet Educated and self experimenting juice head.

You are free to disagree but that doesn't change reality...

I never claimed anything about my title here. My USERNAME is just that, a name. I've made it perfectly clear on multiple occasions.