Different PCT Protocols


New Member
Around the forum I have seen a number of PCT protocols, I have listed them from heaviest to lightest protocol dosage:

1: Power PCT (loosely)
HCG 10 days after last pin (1000 or 2000 IU for 10 days)
Clomid 100mg for 30 days
Nolva 40mg for 45 days

2: Typically seen in cycle logs
HCG During Cycle (250 IU 3x week)
Once test levels are within normal range, PCT for 4 weeks:
Clomid 100\100\50\50mg per day
Nolva 40\40\20\20

3: Bill Roberts (in profiles)
HCG During Cycle (250 IU 3x week)
Nolvadex - 40mg x 4 days then 20mg x rest of month (26 days)
Clomid - 300mg first day, then 50mg for rest of month
(He also said that if using both then dosages should be cut in half of what I wrote above)

4: Another I've seen in logs
Nolvadex only - 40\40\20\20

So there are 4 protocols that I have found. I am confused which I should go with for my cycle. I tend to want to go with #3 or #4 since my first cycle I plan to be using a short cycle and low AAS usage, I thin a light protocol would match, but I don't want to screw things up either. I would appreciate any thoughts.
I am really asking for general guidelines. Curious if protocol X is the one and only one that anyone should do, which I doubt because everyone is different; or is it based on personal preference/cycle dosage?

Personally, for myself I plan on doing 350mg test per week for 8-10 weeks pinning twice per week, with letro for an AI. I didn't want to post that since I have already been flamed for using a small dose, but based on my research, and personal preference, it is all I need for my first cycle.

I am here to learn why there are multiple PCT protocols that seem to all be acceptable despite how they differ in dosage so vastly.
Anyone? Thoughts on which protocols to use in which situations? Is it just based on experience/personal recovery? Are they all good? Or some junk?