Digestion, stomach and gut health


For the last months i m blasting high Trest, Primo and HGH and i m getting some stomach issues.
Digestion of the food is slow and i m not hungry most of the time.
Every time i eat something my gut gets abnormally big, which stays like this during the day. But when i wake up in the morning its in normal size.
During night time im getting heartburn and sometimes i wake up puking some kind of fluid.

Any ideas on how to improve gut and stomach health and deal with those issues?
Psyllium husk I just started taking and I can tell big time a difference in digestion and overall stomach/gut health. I also lowered my test dose to trt and stopped a 8 week blast. I know for a fact for my body at least everything will subside in a month and I’ll be able to fully blast again in 2 or 3. It’s funny i never get bad e side, ever. No gyno, no acne, barely any at all if I do get it, but my stomach takes a huge hit. I do think oral bpc helps, it’s just at what point do I say “let me extend this blast and minimize side effects or completley stop and let my stomach fully heal”
Psyllium husk I just started taking and I can tell big time a difference in digestion and overall stomach/gut health. I also lowered my test dose to trt and stopped a 8 week blast. I know for a fact for my body at least everything will subside in a month and I’ll be able to fully blast again in 2 or 3. It’s funny i never get bad e side, ever. No gyno, no acne, barely any at all if I do get it, but my stomach takes a huge hit. I do think oral bpc helps, it’s just at what point do I say “let me extend this blast and minimize side effects or completley stop and let my stomach fully heal”

Do you take the psyllium at the same time as you eat yoghurt ?
Anyone else tried oral BPC157 (L-Arginine Salt)?

I'm curious, but its like 169$ for 60x500 mcg caps. Pretty fucking expensive

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I plan on trying a mix of that and kpv plus another couple gastric health peptides to clear up the rest of my issues once I start my gut health protocol. There’s a product called “Ultimate GI Repair” unsure if I can talk about sources on here even though it’s just some oral peptides but it’s $215 and I’ve heard it’s worth it to run for a month or two
Psyllium husk I just started taking and I can tell big time a difference in digestion and overall stomach/gut health. I also lowered my test dose to trt and stopped a 8 week blast. I know for a fact for my body at least everything will subside in a month and I’ll be able to fully blast again in 2 or 3. It’s funny i never get bad e side, ever. No gyno, no acne, barely any at all if I do get it, but my stomach takes a huge hit. I do think oral bpc helps, it’s just at what point do I say “let me extend this blast and minimize side effects or completley stop and let my stomach fully heal”
This is how I am. My gut takes the biggest brunt of the side effects. I think a big part of it is the force feeding but it’s really just what I need to do to put on weight. No gyno and limited acne for me but lots of ibs and gastritis
But you still won't listen ;)
why would I listen to a random on the internet with no education on the subject over professionals with 10-20 years of experience with access to endoscopies, colonoscopies, stool samples, bloodwork, breath tests, and symptoms?

If I want to listen to someone in the bodybuilding space, I’ll listen to the professional bodybuilder dietician who has provided me along with hundreds of clients results, not a guy who posts misguided and dangerous ped use on the internet and claims to be a vet (which has no application towards human bodybuilders by the way)
why would I listen to a random on the internet with no education on the subject over professionals with 10-20 years of experience with access to endoscopies, colonoscopies, stool samples, bloodwork, breath tests, and symptoms?

Because they still haven't found a solution to your issues, as you seem to keep complaining ;)

Time to listen to alternatives
Because they still haven't found a solution to your issues, as you seem to keep complaining ;)

Time to listen to alternatives
Except they have, and I already used the supplements you recommended (the result of a quick google search) which exacerbated all the issues in the first place. it is painfully obvious you have no idea what you’re doing lmao