Yes sir i am only going to do 100ml batches. However i put quite of thought into the concentration thing. One of the reasons i wanted to make my own was to make a little higher concentrations for less volume. At the moment i use qsc test and it crashes. i already heat all my oils before injection, just a habit i formed. I have no problems if it crashed a little and needs to be warmed up and uncashed ever so often. I have looked into to using Ethyl oleate and get mixed reviews. From what i have gathered i feel that 26% BB will hold the Cyp. I would like to hear some opinions on the EO thpough! Most long esters will be at 300 is what i have on my mind at the moment. First 3 anyway.@dirthand I would suggest lowering concentration to 200-225mg per ml range for first brew. Depending on the state/quality of your raws, it might crash on you if you’re not familiar with the process yet.
Start small, do 100-200ml batches then let it sit for a month, remember it’s warm in the summer so it might be ok now but come colder months the 300mg/ml might crash.
It’s just trial and error, most compounds are so basic to do that adjustments aren’t needed until you make blends or push mgs to the upper limits.
testc 300
mast e 300
tren e 300