Dirts Brew log

@dirthand I would suggest lowering concentration to 200-225mg per ml range for first brew. Depending on the state/quality of your raws, it might crash on you if you’re not familiar with the process yet.

Start small, do 100-200ml batches then let it sit for a month, remember it’s warm in the summer so it might be ok now but come colder months the 300mg/ml might crash.

It’s just trial and error, most compounds are so basic to do that adjustments aren’t needed until you make blends or push mgs to the upper limits.
Yes sir i am only going to do 100ml batches. However i put quite of thought into the concentration thing. One of the reasons i wanted to make my own was to make a little higher concentrations for less volume. At the moment i use qsc test and it crashes. i already heat all my oils before injection, just a habit i formed. I have no problems if it crashed a little and needs to be warmed up and uncashed ever so often. I have looked into to using Ethyl oleate and get mixed reviews. From what i have gathered i feel that 26% BB will hold the Cyp. I would like to hear some opinions on the EO thpough! Most long esters will be at 300 is what i have on my mind at the moment. First 3 anyway.
testc 300
mast e 300
tren e 300
I have read an extreme amount of information in the homebrew section.. Thing is that it usually ends up with guys bickering back and forth about how it can be done this way and that way. There are a few people that when they post i really try and look at it a little closer cause it seems like they are a little more confident and trusty than others. I only know 2 people in person at the moment that run gear that i talk to face to face. Unfortunately even though they have both been running gear quite a bit longer than me they are definantly not educated as they should be.

Narta and Spiff brew a lot and I have been reading their posts.
Qadsan has been posting quite a bit, too.
Deskoze is always generous with everyone, sharing his experience.
I understand what you are saying, people have their own take on things, but you need to be sure about what you are doing.
It's right to identify the members that have extensive experience and it does shine through what they write, as you say.
I hope Mr N will pop by with some advice for you, D
Yes sir i am only going to do 100ml batches. However i put quite of thought into the concentration thing. One of the reasons i wanted to make my own was to make a little higher concentrations for less volume. At the moment i use qsc test and it crashes. i already heat all my oils before injection, just a habit i formed. I have no problems if it crashed a little and needs to be warmed up and uncashed ever so often. I have looked into to using Ethyl oleate and get mixed reviews. From what i have gathered i feel that 26% BB will hold the Cyp. I would like to hear some opinions on the EO thpough! Most long esters will be at 300 is what i have on my mind at the moment. First 3 anyway.
testc 300
mast e 300
tren e 300
At 100ml you shouldn’t be losing a lot of powder time and effort if it doesn’t work the first time and you have to repair it.

Also, if you’re not ready for some forearm workout, just buy some caulking gun.
I hope Mr N will pop by with some advice for you, D
Narta has been a wealth of knowledge. Lots to learn by anybody who takes the time to read his older posts. Meso is a wealth of knowledge and I’ve leaned plenty by simply searching and reading. Fun stuff!
Narta has been a wealth of knowledge. Lots to learn by anybody who takes the time to read his older posts. Meso is a wealth of knowledge and I’ve leaned plenty by simply searching and reading. Fun stuff!
I read your posts (hence the mention) (BTW, I often don't tag people in case they don't want to be bothered by someone random, here).
You also put a lot of good info, out there.
Have you been homebrewing for a long time?
Narta and Spiff brew a lot and I have been reading their posts.
Qadsan has been posting quite a bit, too.
Deskoze is always generous with everyone, sharing his experience.
I understand what you are saying, people have their own take on things, but you need to be sure about what you are doing.
It's right to identify the members that have extensive experience and it does shine through what they write, as you say.
I hope Mr N will pop by with some advice for you, D
All thise guys you mention I feel are credible!! Actually we're the ones I was talking about!
I read your posts (hence the mention) (BTW, I often don't tag people in case they don't want to be bothered by someone random, here).
You also put a lot of good info, out there.
Have you been homebrewing for a long time?
I started with syringe filters a little more than a dozen years ago. It was just basic test c at the beginning, and later with npp, mast and primo. Got more heavily into it these past few years with more equipment just because it was fun and I wanted more control over my gear, trying blends, etc. I’m a bit of a newbie brewer compared to many here.
I have found many posts by Declan in this forum, too, so I am not surprised he replied, here
He is always so humble and unassuming, but he knows a lot of stuff.
Super cool
yes @DECLAN seems solid and been around for a while. I can almost bet he can explain to us how to get tren out of pellets meant for cattle! lol
I started with syringe filters a little more than a dozen years ago. It was just basic test c at the beginning, and later with npp, mast and primo. Got more heavily into it these past few years with more equipment just because it was fun and I wanted more control over my gear, trying blends, etc. I’m a bit of a newbie brewer compared to many here.
It would seem that you have a very sophisticated brewing set up! The first 3 for me will be testc, maste, and trene. I plan on sending samples for testing to get exact dosing but I am making them to use to will be tring them out as they are done!
Narta has been a wealth of knowledge. Lots to learn by anybody who takes the time to read his older posts. Meso is a wealth of knowledge and I’ve leaned plenty by simply searching and reading. Fun stuff!
What are your thoughts on EO? probly 4 on the list will be an oil base tne.
yes @DECLAN seems solid and been around for a while. I can almost bet he can explain to us how to get tren out of pellets meant for cattle! lol
Yeah @DECLAN gave some great advice about compound concentration when starting
It can be very temping to start with higher concentrations. especially if that personally is one of the main reasons for brewing.
Brewing is very simple but locking in the basics is still important. The process needs to learned and you will learn the most by actually brewing yourself. Doing a small brew to start at a standard dose (Test C 200 mg/ml) will help you to understand how everything reacts when used as it should when in a standard concentration range. Then pushing to higher concentration after, you will be able to judge the difference because you have a baseline. Also, as Declan mentioned, less waste if you start with a smaller brew and mess up.
Personally when I have done experimental brews I do 30-50 mL.
Good luck, your getting a lot of good advice so far from the people on your thread and your going to enjoy the process. Looking forward to you posting about your brew projects in the future
What temp do you guys typically take Test C to? I realize it's not for sterilization, but I'm curious what you find necessary to get proper dissolving of the raw, and how long you have to keep it there. Do you go over 100c to evap off moisture?
What temp do you guys typically take Test C to? I realize it's not for sterilization, but I'm curious what you find necessary to get proper dissolving of the raw, and how long you have to keep it there. Do you go over 100c to evap off moisture?
I downloaded this from a thread narta posted it on. From what I have been told you don't even want to go all the way to the melting g poi t if you don't have to..
Yeah @DECLAN gave some great advice about compound concentration when starting
It can be very temping to start with higher concentrations. especially if that personally is one of the main reasons for brewing.
Brewing is very simple but locking in the basics is still important. The process needs to learned and you will learn the most by actually brewing yourself. Doing a small brew to start at a standard dose (Test C 200 mg/ml) will help you to understand how everything reacts when used as it should when in a standard concentration range. Then pushing to higher concentration after, you will be able to judge the difference because you have a baseline. Also, as Declan mentioned, less waste if you start with a smaller brew and mess up.
Personally when I have done experimental brews I do 30-50 mL.
Good luck, your getting a lot of good advice so far from the people on your thread and your going to enjoy the process. Looking forward to you posting about your brew projects in the future
I appreciate that. However 200mg/ml would be a waste.. I wouldn't use it. I'm gonna do the cyp at 300 and it's gonna work out great!! Like I had said if it crashes I will heat it up before injection.. I think it will hold at 26/2 though. I have had other people at it will hold at 24% but I don't want to chance it.another reason I started the thread is to state my untentio s an get some feedback and I appreciate yours. DO you have doubts of it holding at 26/2? Any tricks of the trade to share?
I'll be honest, I got a batch of vials that are crashed, and instead of tossing it as I normally would (I'm not reheating every time I want to pin, since it recrashes ofc), I decided to put one in the oven at (190f) 88c for 45 minutes and to my surprise, it's stayed in solution for weeks.

Makes me think the "coffee cup warmer" or other methods aren't fully dissolving the crystallized raws, and some tiny undissolved crystals were acting as "seeds" to initiate the crashing process, but the long period in the oven got it to full dissolution.

Does that temp(88c) and time(45min) likely damage the test is what I'm wondering though...
I recommend as much reading of xkawns posts as possible. I agree with nearly everything he's ever said. Except that ba will sterilize a filter media. That's just my personal opinion and not meant in incite an argument.

I look forward to seeing your first brew @dirthand
I appreciate that. However 200mg/ml would be a waste.. I wouldn't use it. I'm gonna do the cyp at 300 and it's gonna work out great!! Like I had said if it crashes I will heat it up before injection.. I think it will hold at 26/2 though. I have had other people at it will hold at 24% but I don't want to chance it.another reason I started the thread is to state my untentio s an get some feedback and I appreciate yours. DO you have doubts of it holding at 26/2? Any tricks of the trade to share?
Absolutely 100% will hold test c 300 at 2/22. I have test c 350 holding right now 2/25
What temp do you guys typically take Test C to? I realize it's not for sterilization, but I'm curious what you find necessary to get proper dissolving of the raw, and how long you have to keep it there. Do you go over 100c to evap off moisture?
I don’t know who you’re asking, but I’ll give you a reply. When I brew I use as little heat as possible. I actually keep my hot plate on the absolute lowest setting basically warm. I use a separate magnetic stirrer. Since I’m trying to use as a little heat as possible, I’m never bringing the brew up to a certain temperature because that is never the goal. I stir and then warm as needed. Using heat will bring your solution clear and then get the grainy particles dissolved pretty quickly and very little is needed for that Heat does damage raws.
Heat is never used to dissipate moisture if there is moisture in your brew, you fucked up and just throw it away