Dirts Brew log

How much do you start with adding to bring it down? Lets say in a 30ml?
Idk immediately a 600ml batch of lcarn and had to add bakingsoda.. I had the opposite problem.

Gonna make some dope today. Thinking of trying a 600 blend of test d&c.. miglyol 840. I also need to make some test e, tne, and possibly some more test c.. I am awaiting some results on the testd sample before I make the next big batch of that...fuck yall
I made a testosterone 600mg/ml yesterday and pinned this morning.. I am excited about this one. I call it the blast blend
Cypionate 300/ Deconate 300

I pinned it in the upper quad so for me if it's gonna give pip it will happen but I have a feeling it's gonna work great. Vial in the freezer for 18 hrs got thick as fuck but no crash.
No supersolvent
Miglyol 840
Fuck yeah17428214092187509712508097744599.webp