Dispose of vials in a hurry ?


New Member
Any thoughts of what you’d do to dispose of vials if your home was gonna be searched ?
has anyone given this a thought ? .

Would flushing a full glass vial , one at a time work ? Risky but in a pinch ?

Or Pop then open with pliers and Flush the oils ?

Then maybe have a bucket with some kind of solution in there that would fully dissolve the remnants so they’re not testable ?

Just curious what’s the best plan to have besides carful when ordering etc etc.

i also assume in most scenarios they’d ring your doorbell rather than bust open so you’d have a couple of minutes between getting alert from external cameras of movement in the driveway to the ring itself
Probably you have drainage on the street? drop the vials from high point into the metal, they would break.

unless you deal with high volumes of vials and pills, I wouldn't be concerned, we are not talking class 1 drugs here...
Sounds like you got too much time on your hands if you think your doors getting kicked in for a few vials of testosterone buddy.

Surely you cant be serious?
Swat team is en route to take your ass down for your 4 vials of testosterone. Book a one way flight to Mexico OP.

Or can just remove labels, top, and throw in the trash
best believe they read ur post, so will be onto ur trick ;) and yes they knock but u get seconds not minutes for the reasons ur saying(no time to hide/flush/run/get ur gun etc). fyi they know when u sleep or are at work and will make sure ur sleeping when bust down ur door.
Any thoughts of what you’d do to dispose of vials if your home was gonna be searched ?
has anyone given this a thought ? .

Would flushing a full glass vial , one at a time work ? Risky but in a pinch ?

Or Pop then open with pliers and Flush the oils ?

Then maybe have a bucket with some kind of solution in there that would fully dissolve the remnants so they’re not testable ?

Just curious what’s the best plan to have besides carful when ordering etc etc.

i also assume in most scenarios they’d ring your doorbell rather than bust open so you’d have a couple of minutes between getting alert from external cameras of movement in the driveway to the ring itself
Bro you sound hard as fuck. You’d have no problem serving time. Just stay on the couch and calmly watch the rest of your show.

Lol. If you’re worried about your parents door getting kicked in for a few steroids then you shouldn’t be doing steroids.
Go to Walmart , buy a cheap ass big container of protein powder. Hide the suckers mid way down into the powder. Easy peasy! Not sure why you would be paranoid by a search. There are worst drugs that LE search for. LE don’t give two shits about some random vials of juice.
Any thoughts of what you’d do to dispose of vials if your home was gonna be searched ?
has anyone given this a thought ? .

Would flushing a full glass vial , one at a time work ? Risky but in a pinch ?

Or Pop then open with pliers and Flush the oils ?

Then maybe have a bucket with some kind of solution in there that would fully dissolve the remnants so they’re not testable ?

Just curious what’s the best plan to have besides carful when ordering etc etc.

i also assume in most scenarios they’d ring your doorbell rather than bust open so you’d have a couple of minutes between getting alert from external cameras of movement in the driveway to the ring itself

If they have a valid warrant looking my dozen or so vials I'm going to hand them over, so they hopefully don't tear the place up, and I can move the process along as quickly as possible to the inevitable dismissal.

In the US steroid end users are not sought out for prosecution and even huge multi million dollar multi state manufacturing and distribution operations get minimal punishment. You'd be worse off getting a 3rd DUI than being a steroid "kingpin".