DNP Cycle Diary


New Member
OK...well, after a LOT of reading, I've decided to go on a DNP cycle.

I'm starting out at 175#, and need to drop 15 to be in good "fighting" shape.

I spent the last year working 12+ hour days in a very stressful job, and let myself go to hell. I've dropped about 10# with a better diet, but have reached a bit of a plateau there. It doesn't help that I'm now on the wrong side of 40. For you young wippersnappers....just wait until YOU turn 40 and YOUR metabolism crashes. Anyhow, I'm now only working half time, so if I feel a bit wiped out from the DNP, that's OK.

I'm sure a lot of other people out there are curious about DNP, so I'll try to keep people up to date with daily postings on this thread.

I feel a certain serious respect for DNP, so I'm going to do a mild cycle. I don't plan on doing more than 2 200mg capsules a day. 3 days of 200mg, the rest 200mg morning and 200mg 12 hours later. These are the "Version II" capsules provided by a certain Meso DNP Expert. I'll refer to him as "H" (who provided outstanding service and communication, btw). I recently had all my blood tests run, and everthing was within normal ranges.

The cycle will start this morning. Before I start, I plan to be stocking up on a few things:

* bananas (for potassium)
* various fruits - pears, peaches, melons, etc.
* powders for making good tasting fluids (some gatorade, crystal lite)
* glycerin
* benadryl (just in case)
* high fibre foods
* case of V8 juice 12oz cans

I already take a fist full of vitamins, anti-oxidants, supplements, herbs, etc., so I don't need to buy any of those. I'll be doing some T3 supplementation at a moderate level too.

Although I normally follow a reduced carb diet (not nearly as severe as Atkins, but maybe 100g a day or less--no refined carbs like white flour, bread, sugar, etc.), I won't be worried about carb grams while on the cycle. I will not be lifting or doing any intense cardio. We'll see how it goes.
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OK...been all of 7 hours. Haven't really felt much, except for a couple of little hot flashes, but that might have been my imagination. We'll see how it goes as this stuff builds up in my system.
cvguy said:
OK...been all of 7 hours. Haven't really felt much, except for a couple of little hot flashes, but that might have been my imagination. We'll see how it goes as this stuff builds up in my system.
keep us updated bro!
OK...about to take dose #2 (200mg) with breakfast. Haven't noticed much change. I might be imagining a bit of sweating. Also, I'm hungry as all hell. Not normal for me in the morning.
CV, I get those hot flashes too, even at 200mg. Maybe a few minutes to a half hour of warmness, particularly in my hands. Be sure to keep water intake on the high side.

Be sure to keep some sort of measurements to guage your progress. Also, how long was your cycle going to last?
Bob Smith said:
CV, I get those hot flashes too, even at 200mg. Maybe a few minutes to a half hour of warmness, particularly in my hands. Be sure to keep water intake on the high side.

Be sure to keep some sort of measurements to guage your progress. Also, how long was your cycle going to last?

very cool thread...
I have read in several places that it is important to split the dosage whenever possible. Even back in the 30's when DNP was a legal diet pill, patients were instructed to take 1 pill 3x a day. Usually the pills had 100mg DNP
I only started feeling moderate effects after I went up to 400mg. I ran 200mg for 4 days before bumping it up. I ended up going to 600mg a day. I really liked being on DNP!
I have been playing with DNP for a while and was taught by the Guru himself. The usual dosage is all at once and in the A.M. so you can get some sleep at night. You should start with 1 per day for the first 3 days and then go up to 2 a day for the following 4 days making it 7 total. If the sides are tollerable and you have enough out of the same batch you can do 2 a day for the first 3 and 3 for the rest. Just be sure to take your Vitamin C and magnesium as well as some milk thistle for the liver. Also, I say the same batch because you should start out at the 1/1/1/2/2/2/2 dosage with any new batch just in case it is over dosed etc......
OK, it's been about a day and a half now...200mg yesterday AM and 200mg this AM. I'm *definitely* feeling the effects.

I break out in a sweat if I do almost anything physical, although I'm not "soaking" through my clothes (yet). I sort of feel like I'm radiating heat (like an electric blanket or a quartz heater). I can't really describe it any better than that.

I don't feel awful or physically drained. I've read that DNP almost totally shuts down T-4 to T-3 conversion, so I'm supplementing with 75mcg of T-3 (3 cytomels). Maybe I'll still feel like crap tomorrow...we'll see.

Haven't weighed myself yet. Trying to drink a lot. With all the liquid I'm drinking, I'd think I'd weigh MORE now. Don't really feel all that thirsty, but I've heard that DNP masks your thirst.

Am totally avoiding alcohol, as I read that most of the people who died from DNP back in the WWI munitions factories and in the 20's and 30's had liver or kidney problems, or drank a lot. I'm trying to keep very hydrated.

Interestingly, I read that a lot of the people in the 20's/30's who took DNP diet pills were on the stuff for weeks and months. The stuff was lower-dosed back then...typically 1 pill = 100mg DNP
sleeping was no problem. of course I'm still on 200mg.

I spent a long time reading a 150page document on DNP some of the stuff is pretty scary, but I'd rather know than not know.

It seems to clearly show that all the effects of DNP are highly dose related. Typically, weight loss starts at around 1mg per KG of body weight. Typical weight loss at that level is around 1-1.5 pounds per week w/o dietary changes.

at 200mg/day, I'm already up to about 2.5mg/kg. Today, I'll be going up to 400mg/day or 5mg/kg. According to "the charts", my metabolism should be up nearly 50% by then, and weight loss should be in the range of 5-8 pounds per week. I don't feel comfortable going past 400mg/day right now. I think I'd rather stay "lower" and go longer. DNP human studies regularly lasted 60-90 days or longer, so I feel OK about going 2 weeks.

Have not weighed self yet.
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