Many of us believe more is better. You're proof that's not always the case though. A beast at 270+ running what most would consider minimal doses of AAS
I agree! It seems if 500 mg of test a week is great a 1000 mg must be better. Hell, if 1000 mg is better then 2000 mg of test a week has to be even better than that.

I've always been a big advocate of minimal doses for maximum results. I just hope I can educate those I come across to understand that.

Hey don't think I haven't thought on more than one occasion(Especially that I might be doing a NPC Masters show next year) to get into that 1000 mg a week range of test and that 1000 mg a week range of EQ or Deca. :) Hell I haven't ran my anavar dose over 40 mg a day on any given cycle.

I'd never suggest any young person run AAS let alone DNP. This much we can both agree on. And the more is better mentality is prevalent amongst many of us but especially younger ppl. Hell just look at the 15yo kid on Instagram running gear and slin and shit.
Meant no disrespect either against you. Just I see it all the time young guys my age and even lower running grams of gear dnp and clen and they just can't see the big picture at all
Meant no disrespect either against you. Just I see it all the time young guys my age and even lower running grams of gear dnp and clen and they just can't see the big picture at all

Don't worry about it, I meant no disrespect either.

The best way to help these young kids is to educate them. Trying to scare them away will work like it has with recreational drugs IMO which is not much. Educates them, teach them, learn the facts and present them accurately. What they do after that they must live with. Not you or I.
Don't worry about it, I meant no disrespect either.

The best way to help these young kids is to educate them. Trying to scare them away will work like it has with recreational drugs IMO which is not much. Educates them, teach them, learn the facts and present them accurately. What they do after that they must live with. Not you or I.
Yeah fear isn't a good motive with drug use for some reason. Even the way the OP asked it looks as if he has done NO research and is going to try it no matter what. My advice is start LOW much better to start to low then to high IMO.
Bro your pretty stupid for wanting to try DNP. And I haven't even taken the time to read your post or even the replies.

Why DNP? seriously just run T3+clen. Throw some test and an oral and you can DRASTICALLY change your body composition in a single 12 week cycle. Even without the clen you can see great results with just T3.

And you should see the number of people that are scared out of there minds to even run T3, when you can just diet and exercise. and DNP is WAAAY more dangerous than T3. Be safe bro.
dnp is pretty muscle sparing relative to t3.. DNP present within the body will trigger the release of Heat Shock Proteins which aid in muscle sparing/repairing i.e. reducing catabolism
Is dnp catabolic? I've heard crazy fat loss stories of it

Is dnp catabolic? I've heard crazy fat loss stories of it

Harper JA, Dickinson K and Brand MD (2001) Mitochondrial uncoupling as a target for drug development for the treatment of obesity. Obesity Rev, 2, 255–265
"In contrast to the use of thyroid extract (also in common use at the time to treat obesity), DNP did not promote urinary nitrogen excretion, so the assumption was made that weight loss could be attributed to a specific loss of fat (47)."

Bell, Jacques. 1939. Etude biologique des produits dinitres chez l'homme. Medecine. 19:749-54.
"2. This increase of the metabolism is due mostly to an increase in the combustion of the fat and a little to combustion of carbohydrates.
3. Dinitrophenol does not attack cell tissue albumin and does not determine the fat loss to the expense of the muscles, contrary to thyroxine.
Finally, thyroxine causes a nitrogen malnutrition: it burns the muscle and fatigues the heart. Dinitrophenol-lysidine, to the contrary, causes a lipid-glycemic loss: it is the elimination of reserve materials without attacking visceral and muscle tissue."

Simkins S 1937 Dinitrophenol and desiccated thyroid in the treatment of
obesity. JAMA 108:

"The extra energy of metabolism is derived mainly from fat and practically not at all from protein or carbohydrate. Consequently, dinitrophenol in therapeutic dosage produces no breakdown of significant amounts of body protein, even with patients on an inadequate protein intake. This is in marked contrast with the very consdierable increase in nitrogen excretion observed in patients undergoing treatment with thyroid. The fat is used completely and satisfactorily broken down, as no ketone bodies are found in urine. There is a no hyperlipidemia or constant change in the fixed and fatty acids of the blood."

Cutting WC, Tainter ML. Metabolic actions of dinitrophenol with the use of balanced and unbalanced diets. J Am Med Assoc 1933; 101: .
"Dinitrophenol, used in doses of therapeutic range,caused increases in metabolism of the usual magnitude irrespective of the type of diet. The nitrogen excretion was never greater than the intake, even when the subjects lost as much as 5 pounds in body weight during one week. From this it seemed probable that there was no actual tissue breakdown during these short periods of heightened metabolism, but that the loss of weight was due to the utilization of stored carbohydrate or fat. This does not mean, of course, that tissue breakdown would not occur if the drug should be given over longer periods, but probably when materials other than protein are available these are utilized first. Thus the assumption might be made that, as long as the protein intake is adequate, any reduction in body weight is not primarily at the expense of the tissue proteins.
3.The subjects excreted less nitrogen than they ingested, yet there were definite losses of body weight. Therefore, body proteins probably were not broken down. The output of urinary organic acid was not increased, thus indicating that the fats were completely burned without giving rise to acidosis."