Do I need nolva for "second PCT"? (slow recovery) Bloods attached


New Member
Hi all,

I did my first cycle last winter/spring: test e 500/wk. for 14 weeks (w/ exemestane).
I just turned 37 a few days ago.

Started PCT ~four weeks after last pin:
HCG 20k total over 20 days, leading up to PCT
40mg nolva for 45 days
100mg clomid for 30 days (I dropped to 50mg when my eyes started bothering me)

3-4 months later and my libido sucks, erections are not as hard, etc. I was 936 TT pre cycle and 4547 at 6 weeks in. Both bloods below.

Going to get more bloods done in a few days, but I am thinking about running a second PCT to see if it helps recovery.

Question is, do I need nolva at this stage? I imagine I need not be worried about aromatization with, presumably, currently low test levels. Does nolva have additional recovery benefits? If not, I will just do HCG and clomid. If so, all three.

I will post bloods later in the week when the results come in. Thanks!

(Not my first post, just had a name change)


Your plan sounds reasonable,
900 ng pre cycle is really good. Hope you get it back
Why did you wait 4 weeks after last pin to start pct? That seems really long. Normal protocol is around 2 weeks
Most of what I read said two weeks is too short for all exogenous test to leave the system. I mentioned two weeks at some point, and many members said that's far too short...
Im trt,
But id say 3 weeks or when you can tell that your test is tanked by feel.

Assuming its test e.

All bets are off with deca
And id skip the nolva, do low dose clomid and maybe 250 iu of hcg 2x a week.

But thats just me.
The last time i had a shitty pct i decided to go trt.
But im old.

To add some data to the "when to start PCT" conversation, here are my pre-PCT bloods. Taken 26 days after last pin. TT is 1035, about 100 above my pre-cycle level. So still a bit of exogenous kicking around. I started PCT a few days later. I'm not an expert, but might be of interest.


damn, that is a lot of test left!!!
never would have guessed it could still be that high.

did you do mid cycle bloods? looks like 4500 ng/dl mid cycle..
Just test E or C?
no decanate or undecanate?
damn, that is a lot of test left!!!
never would have guessed it could still be that high.
did you do mid cycle bloods? looks like 4500 ng/dl mid cycle..
Just test E or C?
no decanate or undecanate?

Just test E
I did mids, as well. I'll attach them here. Going for bloods again today to see where things stand.

I also did that "power pct" HCG blast leading up to PCT. I don't know if that would have any affect on that pre-PCT TT number staying a bit higher...


I'm set on waiting longer now. It makes sense, just something I've never done and have never had issues with.
Wish I had your natural T levels too

Right, seems like good timing to wait. Thinking now, though, I don't know how important it is to wait until you're back at your exact pre-cycle TT? Presumably it takes a bit of time for your natural production to kick in, so maybe a slight overlap is ok--meaning starting PCT with a small amount of exogenous test still around. So that you're natural is "ramping up" as that last bit of exogenous is dying out. I don't know the answer to that.