Do I need to donate blood?

Just got blood work back rbc was 5.85 and hct 49.9 but I was not really hydrated properly when I went in for the test. Blood pressure is usually around 140/70. I was cruising on 250 mg test but just started 375mg test 300 eq last week. Should I donate blood this week before continuing?
Why do you think you need to give blood?

You guys need to research the basics before even trying these drugs.

I might sound old but I think you need a lecture on how you’re approaching peds. First off, you need to learn the basic interpretation of values on your blood tests. The color green means your in range as the numbers indicate, red would mean the opposite and the numbers will reflect too.

Next, you should read about the effects of blood donation on your general well being and its effects on ferritin.

Research a little bit more on general effects of aas on haematology, use the search button on hematocrit, hemoglobin and rbc.

In short, donating blood is an archaic way to combat elevated h and h, rbc; which works for some and disastrous to others.
Why do you think you need to give blood?

You guys need to research the basics before even trying these drugs.

I might sound old but I think you need a lecture on how you’re approaching peds. First off, you need to learn the basic interpretation of values on your blood tests. The color green means your in range as the numbers indicate, red would mean the opposite and the numbers will reflect too.

Next, you should read about the effects of blood donation on your general well being and its effects on ferritin.

Research a little bit more on general effects of aas on haematology, use the search button on hematocrit, hemoglobin and rbc.

In short, donating blood is an archaic way to combat elevated h and h, rbc; which works for some and disastrous to others.
I don’t think I do really also the green is from January and the other test was posted which was slightly out of range.
Why do you think you need to give blood?

You guys need to research the basics before even trying these drugs.

I might sound old but I think you need a lecture on how you’re approaching peds. First off, you need to learn the basic interpretation of values on your blood tests. The color green means your in range as the numbers indicate, red would mean the opposite and the numbers will reflect too.

Next, you should read about the effects of blood donation on your general well being and its effects on ferritin.

Research a little bit more on general effects of aas on haematology, use the search button on hematocrit, hemoglobin and rbc.

In short, donating blood is an archaic way to combat elevated h and h, rbc; which works for some and disastrous to others.
I agree but the green sample he gave was from January, other numbers above are a tad high but again I agree with your statement
I don’t think I do really also the green is from January and the other test was posted which was slightly out of range.
Woops . Even then, it is a slight elevation of rbc is not that bad as long as you don’t have genetic clotting condition or platelets are screwed, that’s according to my doc. And your numbers are way below dangerous levels.

In my experience, donate only if your ferritin is on range or as a good deed to our fellow humans.

In my experience, donating is hit and miss. There are protocols vets employ, supplement recommendations as well but in the end results differ between individuals.
Why do you think you need to give blood?

You guys need to research the basics before even trying these drugs.

I might sound old but I think you need a lecture on how you’re approaching peds. First off, you need to learn the basic interpretation of values on your blood tests. The color green means your in range as the numbers indicate, red would mean the opposite and the numbers will reflect too.

Next, you should read about the effects of blood donation on your general well being and its effects on ferritin.

Research a little bit more on general effects of aas on haematology, use the search button on hematocrit, hemoglobin and rbc.

In short, donating blood is an archaic way to combat elevated h and h, rbc; which works for some and disastrous to others.
My PCP advised me to donate blood with a Hemoglobin of over 19, and my TRT specialist is telling me NOT to donate blood . These are both Dr’s that went to medical school that have 2 different opinions in the matter.
I do wonder if donating blood is good for blood pressure.

In theory, less volume of blood in circulation should = less blood pressure?

There does seem to be different theories on if donating impacts RBC. I mean it certainly can't hurt?
My PCP advised me to donate blood with a Hemoglobin of over 19, and my TRT specialist is telling me NOT to donate blood . These are both Dr’s that went to medical school that have 2 different opinions in the matter.
Exactly, you have to find the cause of the problem, hence, most would recommend you deal with root cause be it sleep apnea, hydration or avoiding compounds that raise the values significantly like eq, nandrolone or anadrol.
Exactly, you have to find the cause of the problem, hence, most would recommend you deal with root cause be it sleep apnea, hydration or avoiding compounds that raise the values significantly like eq, nandrolone or anadrol.
I have COPD and hemoglobin was high before I even started TRT. But with Test it’s gotten higher . Gonna donate a few times and get bloodwork in 3 months and see what that does .
I donate every six months because I am morally superior and I am a huge naps shill. Just kidding. I don't put a lot of thought into it, and I'm not worried about ferritin or iron issues developing from twice a year donations. I think if you're eating lots of beef, like most bodybuilders, iron probably won't be an issue.
Dude that cookie will erase all the calories you donated.
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I think you don't need to. Try to do bloods when u are fully hydrated. Drink like 1,5 liters of water before the bloods.
Effects of donating blood are very short and don't have any purpose regarding your own health.
If the values are high even when u are hydrated then try one baby aspirin a day and see if that changes things.