Do you plan to blast in old age (40+)?

I'm not claiming it's healthy or smart.

I just turned 40 and being on gear simply makes me feel great and adds too much to my life. I've come to the conclusion that'll run between TRT and 1g of gear as long as I can.

> "Bro, you're just a drug addict."
Probably! Honestly I don't care. Honestly I'm proud of it at this age.

>"What about your health?"
My health markers are great. Not claiming that will last forever. Things might go to shit in a few years.

> Healthy gear choices
For me just test/primo/mast/gh. But I guess the dose makes the poison.

Anyone else feel the same?
I'm not claiming it's healthy or smart.

I just turned 40 and being on gear simply makes me feel great and adds too much to my life. I've come to the conclusion that'll run between TRT and 1g of gear as long as I can.

> "Bro, you're just a drug addict."
Probably! Honestly I don't care. Honestly I'm proud of it at this age.

>"What about your health?"
My health markers are great. Not claiming that will last forever. Things might go to shit in a few years.

> Healthy gear choices
For me just test/primo/mast/gh. But I guess the dose makes the poison.

Anyone else feel the same?
Everyone has different tolerances to drugs, some can still blast heavy even at 50+, that’s how masters category exist.

It’s all about how much you’re willing to risk.

I am in my early 40’s myself, however I am always been conservative in my dosages, did pct and time on time off until I stopped steroids all together.

Nowadays, I blast and cruise since I am on trt anyway but I always go off everything for 3 months of the year, people will say it’s probably bad for my hormones but I can tolerate being low testosterone for that time and at least I could see my markers reset once I do get off.

It’s probably useless but it gives me some peace of mind lol. So far so good even my hematology issues I usually deal with have been resolved lately.
WTH? 40 is old age???
Ok, 45 here, tons of research, I stay on trt at 120 mg week and once maybe twice a year I do what I think is best benefit to risk ratio: test prop 150 EOD x 8 weeks, that’s it. Look good, feel good. Calcium score zero. Cholesterol great. Only issue is blood pressure which is controlled with telmisartan.
I'm in my 50s and no problems blasting a few times a year. No orals...ever again. I handle test great except the regular bloating but mast helps considerably if you're not worried about your hair.
I'm not claiming it's healthy or smart.

I just turned 40 and being on gear simply makes me feel great and adds too much to my life. I've come to the conclusion that'll run between TRT and 1g of gear as long as I can.

> "Bro, you're just a drug addict."
Probably! Honestly I don't care. Honestly I'm proud of it at this age.

>"What about your health?"
My health markers are great. Not claiming that will last forever. Things might go to shit in a few years.

> Healthy gear choices
For me just test/primo/mast/gh. But I guess the dose makes the poison.

Anyone else feel the same?

If you think 40 is "old age" in 2024 you're doomed.

I've seen plenty of guys in their 40s think and move like "old men". It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, with these guys being "elderly" by 50 and too far gone to recover anything resembling youthful energy.

Meanwhile I've known dudes in their 70s that were absolutely unstoppable with limitless energy.

A simple but statistically accurate "shorthand" method scientists use to gauge "biological age" of men in studies is walking speed. Slow walkers tend to have bad outcomes, more disease, more pain, more depression, and shorter lifespan.

Quick pace is indicative of better physical and psychological health, and correlated with longer life.

Try to walk quickly, everywhere, always.
If you think 40 is "old age" in 2024 you're doomed.

I've seen plenty of guys in their 40s think and move like "old men". It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, with these guys being "elderly" by 50 and too far gone to recover anything resembling youthful energy.

Meanwhile I've known dudes in their 70s that were absolutely unstoppable with limitless energy.

A simple but statistically accurate "shorthand" method scientists use to gauge "biological age" of men in studies is walking speed. Slow walkers tend to have bad outcomes, more disease, more pain, more depression, and shorter lifespan.

Quick pace is indicative of better physical and psychological health, and correlated with longer life.

Try to walk quickly, everywhere, always.

Your a smart guy, thoughts on my opinion that safest blast is prop only 150 EOD x 8 weeks? In addition to trt…
40's is old to teens and maybe early 20's youngsters who still have a lot of shit to do and learn in life.

As always what you can or can't do depends on a lot of factors, genetics is a bitch. Some people are like tanks when it comes to health.

I know some people who were chronic alcoholics and abused for 20-30 years. Then suddenly realized they can't go like this anymore. Also smoking a pack of cigs. Few years later they look younger than their age compared to others.
Old fart maybe. Old man, nope!

I am far healthier than the average late 40s man, but not a prime example of athleticism. Don't smoke, don't drink other than 4-5 times a year and that's a couple old fashioned at a time, watch my diet, bp sits at 120/70 on cycle with 2.5mg nebivolol and 20mg telmi.

So yes, pending genetics, one can blast gear conservatively deep into their 50s or early 60s. After that grandchildren and peace of mind are far more precious...