Do you think i could use a stronger dose of trestolone, than testosterone, with 1mg adex per day?

Do you think i could use a stronger dose of trestolone, than testosterone, with 1mg adex per day?

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If someone aromatizes testosterone at a higher than average rate, would they also aromatize different compounds,
for example trestolone, at also a higher rate than the average guy?

I convert a lot of testosterone to estrogen, i require 1mg adex ED on 1025mg.
Do you think i could run a stronger dose of trestolone with 1mg adex per day?

1. I'm not a hyper responder to testosterone itself either, I get around a 5x response rate, this may be taken into consideration when considering if I could get more out of trest than test
2.I don't want to add primo/eq to run more testosterone, or use tren or deca alongside testosterone.

I could also replace adex for letro, I don't see many people talk about letro anymore, but people have said it is stronger than 1mg adex.
I could add some asin on top of the adex im currently taking.

(No, I am not fat)

happy saturday
If someone aromatizes testosterone at a higher than average rate, would they also aromatize different compounds,
for example trestolone, at also a higher rate than the average guy?

I convert a lot of testosterone to estrogen, i require 1mg adex ED on 1025mg.
Do you think i could run a stronger dose of trestolone with 1mg adex per day?

1. I'm not a hyper responder to testosterone itself either, I get around a 5x response rate, this may be taken into consideration when considering if I could get more out of trest than test
2.I don't want to add primo/eq to run more testosterone, or use tren or deca alongside testosterone.

I could also replace adex for letro, I don't see many people talk about letro anymore, but people have said it is stronger than 1mg adex.
I could add some asin on top of the adex im currently taking.

(No, I am not fat)

happy saturday
is it pharma?
You’d have to get blood work to know. I’m a big believer in actually doing it and pulling bloods and see where your e2 is at. It’s just a guessing game otherwise and going by feels with e2 is very hard to know where you’re at.
You’d have to get blood work to know. I’m a big believer in actually doing it and pulling bloods and see where your e2 is at. It’s just a guessing game otherwise and going by feels with e2 is very hard to know where you’re at.
I've read that its difficult to get an accurate estrogen reading from trestolone due to methylestrogen or other metabolites or whatever. Its hard to find legit info on trestolone, i think it attracts a lot of newer guys without experience with gear/bloodwork/estrogen/ etc or guys give up on it quickly due to sides. whenever I see info on trestolone, its always just an anecdote, a dosage, maybe a side effect, never all 3. You just see "gyno got real bad" or "I ran 300mg had to stop" or "made me full and strong and BP went up had to stop" or "1 asin per day wasnt enough", just little meaningless bits of info withoutcontext
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I ran trestolone and it blew me up high water retension it converts at a high rate and very quickly.there are way better compounds to use other then trest plus it knocks your dick in the dirt
it converts due to the aromatese enzyme. test targets the androgen receptor, SHGB and aromatese enzyme the lower your SHGB the more free test you have. your aromatese is found in subcontanious bellyfat as well as other areas
I've read that its difficult to get an accurate estrogen reading from trestolone due to methylestrogen or other metabolites or whatever. Its hard to find legit info on trestolone, i think it attracts a lot of newer guys without experience with gear/bloodwork/estrogen/ etc or guys give up on it quickly due to sides. whenever I see info on trestolone, its always just an anecdote, a dosage, maybe a side effect, never all 3. You just see "gyno got real bad" or "I ran 300mg had to stop" or "made me full and strong and BP went up had to stop" or "1 asin per day wasnt enough", just little meaningless bits of info withoutcontext
t converts due to the aromatese enzyme. test targets the androgen receptor, SHGB and aromatese enzyme the lower your SHGB the more free test you have. your aromatese is found in subcontanious bellyfat as well as other areas
I've read that its difficult to get an accurate estrogen reading from trestolone due to methylestrogen or other metabolites or whatever. Its hard to find legit info on trestolone, i think it attracts a lot of newer guys without experience with gear/bloodwork/estrogen/ etc or guys give up on it quickly due to sides. whenever I see info on trestolone, its always just an anecdote, a dosage, maybe a side effect, never all 3. You just see "gyno got real bad" or "I ran 300mg had to stop" or "made me full and strong and BP went up had to stop" or "1 asin per day wasnt enough", just little meaningless bits of info withoutcontext
if you go on u tube Tonyhuge did alot of videos on trest.about 7 years ago
I've read that its difficult to get an accurate estrogen reading from trestolone due to methylestrogen or other metabolites or whatever. Its hard to find legit info on trestolone, i think it attracts a lot of newer guys without experience with gear/bloodwork/estrogen/ etc or guys give up on it quickly due to sides. whenever I see info on trestolone, its always just an anecdote, a dosage, maybe a side effect, never all 3. You just see "gyno got real bad" or "I ran 300mg had to stop" or "made me full and strong and BP went up had to stop" or "1 asin per day wasnt enough", just little meaningless bits of info withoutcontext

it also raises your prolactan so caber might have to be used also
If someone aromatizes testosterone at a higher than average rate, would they also aromatize different compounds,
for example trestolone, at also a higher rate than the average guy?

I convert a lot of testosterone to estrogen, i require 1mg adex ED on 1025mg.
Do you think i could run a stronger dose of trestolone with 1mg adex per day?

1. I'm not a hyper responder to testosterone itself either, I get around a 5x response rate, this may be taken into consideration when considering if I could get more out of trest than test
2.I don't want to add primo/eq to run more testosterone, or use tren or deca alongside testosterone.

I could also replace adex for letro, I don't see many people talk about letro anymore, but people have said it is stronger than 1mg adex.
I could add some asin on top of the adex im currently taking.

(No, I am not fat)

happy saturday
Arimidex is stronger than letrozole on a mg to mg basis, it kills it. I don't know where it comes all that love for Letrozole tbh, people should read research.

In any case you can't use Adex to control E2 from Trestolone, just Raloxifene or Nolvadex to avoid gyno.

If you are an heavy aromatizer just use EQ to control Test in 1:1 ratio and then once you did bloods add Adex if needed, usually I keep E2 <51pg/ml. This doesn't work for all people but I hope you are one of those.

Trestolone is not the solution, none really big uses exotic AAS and never will.

It's always Food +Training + Test + EQ/NPP/Primo + HGH + Insulin in huge quantity that builds the mass.
If you aromatize that much avoid NPP ofc.
With just Test EQ/Primo HGH Insulin you will grow as much as you want, and you can really push the doses out of this world.
Last thing, here I speak about ratios but are just a guideline, you have go adjust your doses by bloods as always....

I was lucky that ratios worked for me, but with a friend he just tuned the dose of EQ accordingly to E2 blood test.... Took really a lot of weeks to do that.