Does Primobolan RAISE Testosterone?

Conclusive results within the normal variation of the human body. Even if you just took the right blood test every week running the same Test/same frequency your results would come back ~+/- 100 ng/dl.

Primo (or any other AAS) doesn't increase blood levels of testosterone while using exogenous testosterone. Actually, it's the exact opposite when you consider Total Tesotsterone mediated by SHBG. But that's a whole nother rabbit hole.
Yes, that is what I always thought, and so assumed that, if my test has gotten higher -- and it did -- that must mean the primo I'm using is fake, maybe test propionate or something. But sounds like you're saying that the labcorp test I took simply can't differentiate and registers everything as an increase in test.
But sounds like you're saying that the labcorp test I took simply can't differentiate and registers everything as an increase in test.
Nandrolone, definitely. Cross interference from primo? I have no direct experience but your results above wouldn't definitely suggest that or your primo was Test or partially Test (watered down)..
No need to get offensive, bruh. I may not have your "Bro Science" credentials, but I have a basic understanding of the lay of the land. Moreover, I've got real experience vs abstract theory, and, as such, can tell you that I've done primo -- real Schering Primo in the 90s -- at 300 mg/week, without test for months at a time, and felt and looked phenomenal (including great libido, etc.). So everything is not quite so cut and dry as the books say... Ciao.
Cool story. Enjoy your magical primo.