Does testosterone really change your face or is it just bs?

Idk but I get jaw pump when I eat. Also test makes my neck bigger.
Dude me too. Especially when I’m bulking and eating way more volume.

Going from natty to blast and cruise, and I have to shave EOD now. Previously, I could go almost a week. It also made my whole significantly more hairy.
masteron(or androgens) changed my face a bit.. insulin+gh a lot.. looking older and got some skin fold on my head and next to my mouth/nose.
Is there really a noticeable difference in your appearance between a trt dose and something moderate like 500mg test ? I thought higher testosterone will make you look better facially and physique wise. Maybe moon face is a myth and just simply due to crappy diet or high body fat?
I look older. Moon face Def when blasting. More facial hair. I notice my wrinkles have become more pronounced. It could just be regular aging tho since I'm in my 40s. Seemed to speed up once I started using gear tho.
masteron(or androgens) changed my face a bit.. insulin+gh a lot.. looking older and got some skin fold on my head and next to my mouth/nose.
yeah same. I had braces when I was a kid so I had a normal bite and after blasting gear and gh my bottom teeth are hitting my top teeth when I bite down now the dentist said I need to get braces again on the bottom because I keep chipping my top teeth when I chew. I think the most noticable thing gh does to your apperance is push you bottom jaw out or just grows the whole bottom jaw thats why my head is so square looking now. Its weird because my shoe size or hat size hasent increased AT ALL.
It does; it is the main reason of your changes during teenaging and consuming test just accelerates them accordingly.

Virilization as it most (see transgenders for example )
I got my drivers license photo on 400mg test. Then I came off everything for 6 months and got my passport photo. Legit went from 25 to 15.

A lot of it has to do with facial muscles looking older or more masculine. I tend to get a bloated face if i get too high up in bf % not even from the estrogen, but i think the muscles in the face hold more glycogen etc just as the rest of our muscles do, combine that with a little extra water from carb intake / fat and it layers over the masculine facial muscles and you get a moon face. Its kind of like having a strong core but you layer it with just enough fat to hide it and then it just looka like youre fat.
Would switching to a cruise also partially reverse it I wonder? Sorry for the double reply.
Does this reverse on a cruise dose or are you just perma-fcked. I was a very good looking guy, now I look ugly and that I’ve aged 10 years since I began using the juice.
I think it’s mostly caused by water retention in the face aka moonface. so getting rid of that extra water should reverse this side effect.
Ive cycled on and off for 8 years mostly on test until the last year when i started bnc.

In my case when people try to guess my age, most usually think im 5 years younger.
My face became more defined, but people still think I’m way younger than I actually am. I feel like maybe hgh and slin cause bigger features more than anything else and that’s one thing I have yet to do. When I’m on dbol or anadrol though my face does swell up and get the moon face but that goes away once the water is gone
I chew alot of gum, like 10 pieces at a time
i feel a much stronger mind face muscle connection with my left side more than my right

Now my face muscle is uneven and i dont know how to fix it. My buddy saw me from 30 feet away and says Yo what happened, You get punched in the face??

I chew on the weak side and i still mostly feel it on my strong side
(Typing this instead of the work I need to be doing.)

I haven't really read up on this topic responsibly, but for anyone interested, I would suggest breaking this into two questions: short term (on-cycle) effect versus long-term effect.

Short term, I think there's no question. Water retention alone impacts facial appearance a great deal, and depending on what you're running, you can alter your skin tone, too. I've got a current BJJ training partner whose face I can read like the phases of the moon when it comes to his cycling.

Long term to permanent, the answer appears more complicated. If one starts young (teens, early 20s), there may be some actual structural change to the bones. It's still modest; we know this from (albeit) observations on gender transition patients. By contrast, we know a *ton* about the effects of hGH on craniofacial development, and they are far more profound. You'd need a backpack full of the best and worst Soviet-era rocket fuel to approach the impact of growth hormone.

I think the most realistic, longer-term facial appearance changes would simply be thickening of the skin. It happens to everyone on gear long enough. For a decent proxy of how thick your facial skin is, pinch your nostril (thumb inside, forefinger outside). A small change to that can have a huge impact on how you look, or it can do very little. (Interestingly, that speaks more to the human brain's sensitivity to processing faces, which it handles differently from every other object in nature, than it does to whether the epidermis itself is altered. Neat, huh?)

One interesting hypothetical would be oddly persistent hypertrophy of some facial muscle. Until recently, with the proliferation of dipshits online, no one trained their masseter or buccinator. Still, no one trains their temporalis. All of those tend to scale with overall muscle mass, sort of like neck musculature. I would love to see someone with quirky genetics that made them especially androgen sensitive and recalcitrant to atrophy.