Does this seem sketch? Similar lab results


I'm shopping for anavar and came across this on PMroids. One test is Ultima and the other is Nakkon. Tested immediately after, same day, and the results are Identical down to .01mg.

That seems awfully suspect to me, they checked out on janoshik site but wtf.


They check out on Jano's site. Jano has reported that mutliple entities can share tests. So if company A and B go in together to create a batch of a product and send to testing, they can ask for multiple test results to be provided for the same sample. Common practice among UGL providers to share resources. Does not mean what you are purchasing is legit, but these test results certainly do not cause a concern.
They check out on Jano's site. Jano has reported that mutliple entities can share tests. So if company A and B go in together to create a batch of a product and send to testing, they can ask for multiple test results to be provided for the same sample. Common practice among UGL providers to share resources. Does not mean what you are purchasing is legit, but these test results certainly do not cause a concern.
I don't think you get what I'm saying.
Its 2 different manufacturers.. Nakkon and Ultima.
Same company that sent in the samples, PMroids.
Why would two completely different manufacturers have the same dose. It's not two samples of the same manufacturer
I don't think you get what I'm saying.
Its 2 different manufacturers.. Nakkon and Ultima.
Same company that sent in the samples, PMroids.
Why would two completely different manufacturers have the same dose. It's not two samples of the same manufacturer
My bad, did not fully get that part. My uninformed opinion is that these two providers are sharing resources. The fact that the JANO task numbers are sequential, states that they were run concurrently (or they were the same sample). Just recently Jano mentioned his lab was averaging 400 tests per week, so I highly doubt the coincidence that with that many tests the same exact value result would occur. Total guess of course.

It would make sense that Jano might 'batch' tests together, so they run groups of products during the week to minimize changeover.

This a shitty reply that offers little value, but wanted to acknowledge that I did mis-read your initial post. :cool:
Jano won’t half ass it! Check authenticity… Could be strange coincidence but not that uncommon Many of those sources don’t “produce” every single product in-house, they source and private label products. that would make sense if pills or capsules look identical. Unless you have been to the lab and can confirm they produce all their products, it’s possible source some of gear from a wholesale supplier. Send both to Jano and ask them to authenticate. Jano can give you a better idea how and why, if results are confirmed. Could be a result of quantitative analysis formula
It's all good. These are 2 completely separate manufacturing entities, Nakkon Medical and Ultima Pharmaceuticals I really don't think they are sharing resources.
If you look they are both listed as AAS sample 25. I really wonder if the same sample was ran twice in a row on accident when instead it should have been AAS sample 26.
Or the results were inadvertently duplicated on the report via typo.
Shit happens but I want to know which was a true 57.11
Jano won’t half ass it! Check authenticity… Could be strange coincidence but not that uncommon Many of those sources don’t “produce” every single product in-house, they source and private label products. that would make sense if pills or capsules look identical. Unless you have been to the lab and can confirm they produce all their products, it’s possible source some of gear from a wholesale supplier. Send both to Jano and ask them to authenticate. Jano can give you a better idea how and why, if results are confirmed. Could be a result of quantitative analysis formula
The pills also look different and are blister pack tabs. For them to test the exact same would be... Idk dude that's bordering impossible
The pills also look different and are blister pack tabs. For them to test the exact same would be... Idk dude that's bordering impossible
You’re probably right if that’s the case. No other explanation than duplicated. Especially if sample number is same as you identified. Does seem odd. I have control numbers on everything I send to Jano, helps track and catch things like that.
They check out on Jano's site. Jano has reported that mutliple entities can share tests. So if company A and B go in together to create a batch of a product and send to testing, they can ask for multiple test results to be provided for the same sample. Common practice among UGL providers to share resources. Does not mean what you are purchasing is legit, but these test results certainly do not cause a concern.
This is correct.
It's all good. These are 2 completely separate manufacturing entities, Nakkon Medical and Ultima Pharmaceuticals I really don't think they are sharing resources.
If you look they are both listed as AAS sample 25. I really wonder if the same sample was ran twice in a row on accident when instead it should have been AAS sample 26.
Or the results were inadvertently duplicated on the report via typo.
Shit happens but I want to know which was a true 57.11
No. It's very common. I know multiple sources who share the same lab results.

It's probably the same parent company
It’s the same manufacturer, different label. All the packaging and tabs are the same.
Thanks, that would definitely explain it. I misspoke when I said the tabs and packaging were different. Probably just printed different on the sleeve and tab pack.
Learn something new everyday
Thanks, that would definitely explain it. I misspoke when I said the tabs and packaging were different. Probably just printed different on the sleeve and tab pack.
Learn something new everyday
As I had suspected all along but you threw me off that they were different. lol. I’m glad there was resolution and hopefully peace of mind now