Donating plasma to clear long esters


New Member
What are your guys thoughts on donating plasma a few times to help clear some of the longer ester steroids such as deca from the blood stream so you could start pct sooner? I know it would just be theoretical, but possibly could work?
It wouldn't take much to do the math on that and see how little it would actually help. The longer esters are sitting in your muscle waiting to cleave from the base. Not sure plasma would have any benefit over a regular donation, which doesn't do a whole lot.
Yeah, doctor's have told me donating doesn't "contaminate" the recipient with whatever I'm blasting at the time of donation. My GP and Marek Health peeps were on board with me giving blood due to high ferritin at one point.

I still chuckle thinking there's someone getting a pint of my MENT infused cherry juice. :cool:
It wouldn't take much to do the math on that and see how little it would actually help. The longer esters are sitting in your muscle waiting to cleave from the base. Not sure plasma would have any benefit over a regular donation, which doesn't do a whole lot.
I’m pretty sure the steroid esters are bound to albumin in the blood (plasma). They are only in the muscle for a day or two after injection when they are still in the oil depot.
Yeah, doctor's have told me donating doesn't "contaminate" the recipient with whatever I'm blasting at the time of donation. My GP and Marek Health peeps were on board with me giving blood due to high ferritin at one point.

I still chuckle thinking there's someone getting a pint of my MENT infused cherry juice. :cool:
I think the reason why they say this is because they mix about 10 peoples blood of the same type together and that averages everything out. Woman’s blood with their hormones, mens blood with their hormone etc
I’m pretty sure the steroid esters are bound to albumin in the blood (plasma). They are only in the muscle for a day or two after injection when they are still in the oil depot.
donate for money for your next cycle. its pointless to hope it would clear faster.
What are your guys thoughts on donating plasma a few times to help clear some of the longer ester steroids such as deca from the blood stream so you could start pct sooner? I know it would just be theoretical, but possibly could work?
I can't see how this would make much of a difference.
I always wonder which countries check for what. Imagine donating blood when deep on a Tren cycle, and then a 80 year old woman gets the blood or something? I don’t understand the ins and outs. But it seems, seems, like there may be ethical reasons involved.

Another one, surely is there’s Finasteride in my system and a pregnant woman gets my blood.. that could mess things up? Right? Or am I misunderstanding the whole thing?
yup Red Cross has monopoly and just pockets most of the money although do help out in disasters at least.. you know those CEOs make bank, all from donated blood the gov buys off them and donated funds...very slick racket, but what can u do as very much needed to save lives.... just thank the gov for those "free' tshirts, chips and juice... one of those weird ones when u break it down on mushrooms.

it will help clear what's in blood obv, but as its fat soluble it slowly is metabolized IIRC and not just circulating around as everything gets filtered in ur kidneys etc, so small decrease for short time. plasma perhaps would reduce more as take alot more out of you than with blood. from my understanding filter out cells and take plasma as replace it with saline so can loose alot more than u can blood.
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Removing through plasma donation may be relatively small, and it may not have a significant impact on the overall clearance.
It's not good to donate plasma if it contains AAS, it may be harmful to the recipient, that's just my opinion.
If you are clear for more than 6 months go ahead, but still, it takes away a small amount is it worth it? Maybe only to help someone in need.