hey man
to see some experiences with him and his dosage/protocols please look at the propeciahelp forum, a couple guys are being treated by him, although not all with success
i believe you were looking to fix your ED correct?
remember that he primarily works with T gel and finasteride on the side to prevent hairloss, according to him it works but if you need a functioning wiener you may think twice about going
further more he does offer some other good options like GH which users report is good for ED and melanotan 2 for erections, thing to remember is that a Omnitrope pen 5 with 5 cartridges will cost you roughly 600 euros so it's expensive
he also works with injects like androtardyl but is not up to speed on weekly injects, and instead does one every two weeks
he does use arimidex, but hcg is also a foreign concept to him
so decide what you wanna do, he does treat low cortisol and thyroid with the correct stuff