Adding more fuel to a vehicles gas tank does not make the vehicle go any faster does it?
Well that's a pretty close analogy bc much like depressing the accelerator on a car will cause it to speed up, the "accelerator" needed for the conversion of DHEA into TT requires TWO enzymatic steps, and bc of the involved kinetics, their ability to increase DHEA/Testosterone turnover is quite limited.
The first step converts DHEA into "andro" while the second step converts "andro" into EITHER TT or ESTROGEN!
What's important to know is that the rate of conversion is genetically predetermined and relatively fixed. Thus it should NOT be surprising, (bc of the much lower DHEA levels in females) while DHEA supplementation increases TT levels in females, a similar effect is NOT NOTED IN MALES. (The latter is also true for andro supplementation)
Having said all that DHEA is a very safe supplement, but a word of caution. Since the conversion of DHEA into E-2 rather than TT is at least a theoretic possibility, periodic E-2 testing, especially if signs and symptoms consistent with hyperestrogenemia are observed is warranted IMO!