Driada Education

My question is the following - if I use only 100 mg of nandrolone per week - can it also affect the libido level?

Hello, sir!

Everything is personal but, if you ask about the possibility - yes it can. Also would ask...100 mg of nandrolone per week - solo?

Meanwhile, I read lots of studies where senior people get a low dosage - about 50mg of nandrolone per week solo and feel no negative side effects for years.


For most people testosterone was and still is the base for any cycle or hrt. This is pretty logical since this is a bio-identical hormone which could be used year around almost without any side effects at moderate/low dosages.

However for the majority of people it’s also somewhat unclear why such thing is sustanon exists when there are at the first glance more convenient solutions such as enanthate and cypionate?

Originally the main idea was that because of its fourth ester(decanoate) it could be injected less frequently thus serve a better option of hrt. In our scenario where we want to achieve performance enchantment this is not the case.

We are basically a lot more interested in the three shorter esters: testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone isocaproate.

Anecdotally speaking the shorter the ester the more adrenergic activity it has and the more productive your training sessions while using it would be. At the same time keep in mind that the composure of sustanon will require lesser amount of aromatase inhibitors since 150/250mgs are shorter esters as we already know.

What’s the takeaway from here? If you are more into achieving strength goals and prefer less water retention while on cycle than you can give sustanon a try.

Hello, sir!

Everything is personal but, if you ask about the possibility - yes it can. Also would ask...100 mg of nandrolone per week - solo?

Meanwhile, I read lots of studies where senior people get a low dosage - about 50mg of nandrolone per week solo and feel no negative side effects for years.
No, not solo. I use 250 mg of testosterone and 200 mg of drostanolone per week in addition to nandrolone and 125 mg of boldenone to reduce estradiol.


Almost every human being once in his/hers lifetime encounters such an inconvenience as acne. It’s common, it happens all the time and probably for someone who never had it in a severe form or for a prolonged period of time it might not seem like big deal but for some people who happened to be less lucky, skin problems could be a serious issue.

Having your zits all over your face will not likely help you in your daily social life and sometimes cbs even cause anxiety or even a minor depression. This is why this issue should be addressed as soon as possible and it’s really important to leave no stone unturned.

When dealing with acne the first thing that we have to do is to define the primary cause of it. The paradox is so that even though hormones do play a big role in this process and for example extremely high levels of estradiol can grant you oily skin,- this is not always the reason why you have acne. Some of us struggle with unpleasant skin texture for all of our lives never even touching any hormone at all.

As you might have already guessed this is the type of acne I am going to talk about in about in this article.

At the same time I toltally admit that hormones do play a great role in skin moistening however we will talk about steroid-related skin problems in the following notes.

So what can bring you zits if not the hormones?

First of all it’s the lack of bathing. No, I am not telling you that you don’t spend enough time on your hygiene procedures but I am just pointing out that some people’s skin genetically require more frequent bathing than others. This is why switching to a two time daily bathing regimens indeed can make a difference. Sometimes adding a shower gel to your routine can also make a difference simply because your ordinary shampoo doesn’t have a required drying effect. If you haven’t ever considered this being a problem, we’ll you should give it a thought.

Secondly remember that hydration is also a pretty important piece of puzzle in the when it comes to skin health. You should be drinking at least 35ml of water per kilogram of bodyweight(it also has other benefits especially for blood viscosity but that’s a totally different topic which should be granted a separate discussion). Sufficient water intake is a must if you do care about your health and better skin quality is just a pleasant bonus that comes on top of it.

The less obvious thing which is we can’t skip is micro nutrients deficiency. Or it to put it better: individual requirements for certain minerals and vitamins. As we all know even though we are all humans we in fact posses different metabolic genes which are accountable for the fact why some humans can emulate effects of antidepressants while taking high dosages of certain B vitamins and others particularly don’t feel anything by doing so.

So, yes, individual requirements do exist and we can’t neglect this fact. Speaking of which: a lot of people report drier skin and suppressed acne growth when they introduce zinc supplements and dosages >30mgs per day(zinc chelate works fine).

Another vitamin B like structure that works in this scenario is pantethine which could be easily acquired on supplement sites and is 100% legal. It’s shown to work at dosages ~600mgs taken daily.

If none of this works and you are still pretty positive the problem is about your hormones being dramatically out of range, then taking roaccutane at relatively low dosages(2.5-5mgs per day) for several moths usually does the trick. It’s really important to keep in mind that this indeed is a serious medication and must be taken with cautiousness. Don’t forget to not exceed this dosage(it’s better to run it for longer periods of time than bombarding yourself with higher dosages) and seek professional medical council before introducing this drug to your regimen.

The things that we discussed today are not the only things you can do to get rid of non-steroidal acne but they definitely work, it’s been tested by many people.

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Almost every human being once in his/hers lifetime encounters such an inconvenience as acne. It’s common, it happens all the time and probably for someone who never had it in a severe form or for a prolonged period of time it might not seem like big deal but for some people who happened to be less lucky, skin problems could be a serious issue.

Having your zits all over your face will not likely help you in your daily social life and sometimes cbs even cause anxiety or even a minor depression. This is why this issue should be addressed as soon as possible and it’s really important to leave no stone unturned.

When dealing with acne the first thing that we have to do is to define the primary cause of it. The paradox is so that even though hormones do play a big role in this process and for example extremely high levels of estradiol can grant you oily skin,- this is not always the reason why you have acne. Some of us struggle with unpleasant skin texture for all of our lives never even touching any hormone at all.

As you might have already guessed this is the type of acne I am going to talk about in about in this article.

At the same time I toltally admit that hormones do play a great role in skin moistening however we will talk about steroid-related skin problems in the following notes.

So what can bring you zits if not the hormones?

First of all it’s the lack of bathing. No, I am not telling you that you don’t spend enough time on your hygiene procedures but I am just pointing out that some people’s skin genetically require more frequent bathing than others. This is why switching to a two time daily bathing regimens indeed can make a difference. Sometimes adding a shower gel to your routine can also make a difference simply because your ordinary shampoo doesn’t have a required drying effect. If you haven’t ever considered this being a problem, we’ll you should give it a thought.

Secondly remember that hydration is also a pretty important piece of puzzle in the when it comes to skin health. You should be drinking at least 35ml of water per kilogram of bodyweight(it also has other benefits especially for blood viscosity but that’s a totally different topic which should be granted a separate discussion). Sufficient water intake is a must if you do care about your health and better skin quality is just a pleasant bonus that comes on top of it.

The less obvious thing which is we can’t skip is micro nutrients deficiency. Or it to put it better: individual requirements for certain minerals and vitamins. As we all know even though we are all humans we in fact posses different metabolic genes which are accountable for the fact why some humans can emulate effects of antidepressants while taking high dosages of certain B vitamins and others particularly don’t feel anything by doing so.

So, yes, individual requirements do exist and we can’t neglect this fact. Speaking of which: a lot of people report drier skin and suppressed acne growth when they introduce zinc supplements and dosages >30mgs per day(zinc chelate works fine).

Another vitamin B like structure that works in this scenario is pantethine which could be easily acquired on supplement sites and is 100% legal. It’s shown to work at dosages ~600mgs taken daily.

If none of this works and you are still pretty positive the problem is about your hormones being dramatically out of range, then taking roaccutane at relatively low dosages(2.5-5mgs per day) for several moths usually does the trick. It’s really important to keep in mind that this indeed is a serious medication and must be taken with cautiousness. Don’t forget to not exceed this dosage(it’s better to run it for longer periods of time than bombarding yourself with higher dosages) and seek professional medical council before introducing this drug to your regimen.

The things that we discussed today are not the only things you can do to get rid of non-steroidal acne but they definitely work, it’s been tested by many people.

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When I'm in my teenage years (natural obviously), I got horrible acnes on my face. Then I was presribed accutane and that helped clear them greatly. Now on blast, I don't really get that bad of acne on my face, but my back is is covered by a lot of red bumpy spots. Never had any issue with backne before. Luckily I'm not really mentally affected by backne; facial acne on the other hand destroyed my confidence.

Do you think facial acne and backne maybe caused by different factors?
When I'm in my teenage years (natural obviously), I got horrible acnes on my face. Then I was presribed accutane and that helped clear them greatly. Now on blast, I don't really get that bad of acne on my face, but my back is is covered by a lot of red bumpy spots. Never had any issue with backne before. Luckily I'm not really mentally affected by backne; facial acne on the other hand destroyed my confidence.

Do you think facial acne and backne maybe caused by different factors?

Good morning, sir!

Actually, yes it could be different factors
for example, during the cycle, you start eating more, and intestinal problems often lead to acne.
Personally, during the cycle, I often have a problem with the biliary tract, the density of bile, and this entails acne on my face. For 15 years now, on the advice of one doctor, I have been drinking bile thinner supplements and the skin is cleared within a few days. seems doc was right

btw it could be a light allergic reaction on the one of blasting components too... but I'm not so sophisticated in dermatological questions to say for sure.

In your case, if the story has already been, I believe that it is a matter of sensitive skin - what kind of stuff do you use for the "blast" ?
Good morning, sir!

Actually, yes it could be different factors
for example, during the cycle, you start eating more, and intestinal problems often lead to acne.
Personally, during the cycle, I often have a problem with the biliary tract, the density of bile, and this entails acne on my face. For 15 years now, on the advice of one doctor, I have been drinking bile thinner supplements and the skin is cleared within a few days. seems doc was right

btw it could be a light allergic reaction on the one of blasting components too... but I'm not so sophisticated in dermatological questions to say for sure.

In your case, if the story has already been, I believe that it is a matter of sensitive skin - what kind of stuff do you use for the "blast" ?
Even on solo high test (300-500mg/week) I got bacne, but they went away during cruise. So I just assumed it's the hormone fluctuation.
Even on solo high test (300-500mg/week) I got bacne, but they went away during cruise. So I just assumed it's the hormone fluctuation.

well, even 300 its much more than an average biological level.
Did you tried to reduce test amount, or add finasteride, or partially replace the test with a drug with a high anabolic and low androgenic index, oxandrolone for example?

this kind of experiment will give you some understanding , i think
well, even 300 its much more than an average biological level.
Did you tried to reduce test amount, or add finasteride, or partially replace the test with a drug with a high anabolic and low androgenic index, oxandrolone for example?

this kind of experiment will give you some understanding , i think
Not really, as I'm not too bothered with bacne. I think side effects are just part of the game, but luckily I'm not prone to ED, gyno and baldness, so I considered myself fortunate.

I'm not too interested in using ancilliaries or oral, mainly just injectables. Trying not to "fix a drug problem with more drugs" and ends up as a walking pharmacy.
Instead of using spironlactone/aldactone, why not introduce a DHT derivative such as mast, primo or even proviron? That's what I have done on my previous deca cycles and never experienced the deca dick syndrome. I must say that I always keep a trt dosage in the background and therefore the DHT derivative helps with the estrogen control and DNT issue at same time.
This is what I did and it fixed the DD problem (50mg a day of Proviron). I tried many other things including the finasteride to no avail.


Bodybuilders love growth hormone(GH) for two main reasons: the first one being it’s ability to raise fatty acids oxidation thus making us leaner without any diet interventions and second one being the potential of additional intramuscular water retention which equals a better cosmetic visual appearance.

It’s safe to say that this particular hormone is capable of doing so much more than thus but today we would be better of discussing why it is bot a smart idea to take GH first thing in the morning.

The name growth hormone has to do with the fact of this hormones role in rDNA transcription. As you might guess cellular growth and repair processes take place at night time and this is why GH is meant to be a nocturnal hormone.

It is mostly secreted in during the midnight hours via melatonin regulated enzymatic pathways. This is also one of the reasons why GH puts our bodies into fat burning states,- we function best in ketones during our sleep.

If you are to take you GH dose in the morning there is a probability that your circadian rhythm will be shifted and it will make you sleepy during the day and more wakeful during night hours.

You should also keep in mind that altered melatonin secretion will likely make you more insulinemic while you are awake thus will cause insulin resistance over time and drastically hinder your ability to recover from training sessions.

So remember, if you want to stay lean, muscular and healthy you are better off taking your GH before bed.

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Before you are to test your hormones and start introducing any pharmaceutical compounds in your regimen you would be better off making several adjustments in your daily life, make sure your diet is clean and probably check out whether you fall into the category of people how are genetically prone to acne. All of this you can read in the previous article where we discussed what are the main reasons why people get non-hormone related acne.


However today the narrative of the story will go into details on why your hormones might not be okay, how they can potentially influence your skin and what measures can be taken to counter such scenarios.

Fist of all we have to remember that injectable testosterone can go a long way through many enzymatic conversions and many of its effects on our physiology has to do with the molecules which are metabolites from it.

It’s a material for a whole lecture on what is happening to testosterone and where it can end up through hormonal cascade(it’s also interring to note that endogenous testosterone comes from pregnenolone via the cholesterol-pregnenolone-progesterone-testosterone pathway,- this is also what supports the necessity of HCG on a long cycle because otherwise you are not getting these hormones) but in this article we would mostly focus on testosterone conversion to estrogens via aromatize enzyme and it’s conversion to dehydro-testosterone(DHT) via 5α-Reductase.

Let’s start with estrogen(specifically it’s estradiol(E2) which is the potent “slice” of it but we can generalize it whilst speaking of acne). If you do have high estrogen you might notice that your skin is getting more and more oily over time. The same thing happens to women who happened to be unlucky enough and now talking birth control pills which contain oestrogen.

Excessive estrogen makes your skin produce more sebum and this is why you might gain that undesirable oily look. The solution is indeed quite simple: you should control your estrogen level and make sure it doesn’t get too high and fall off the reference range(anything above 50pg/ml is indeed undesirable). This could done through utilizing aromatize inhibitors(AI).

It’s safe to say that letrozole is probably not the best choice since it’s extremely high potency in hindering our bodies ability to aromatize testosterone. At the same time exemestane or anastrozole(also known as arimidex) are really good options which would definitely work. It’s likely hard to guess the exact dose since the aromatize enzyme actively heavily depends on individual genetics and body fat percentage, but if we assume that you are using anything around 500mgs of test per week,- 0.5mgs of anastrozole per day or EOD and 12.5mgs of exemestane per day or EOD are good starting points. Once again this should be prescribed individually and the only good indicator is your blood work.

What about DHT? Well DHT indeed can cause cause irritation and dryness of the skin which would leave us with a different type of acne. Keep in mind that crushing your estrogen while you are having high DHT levels will make situation way worse. This is why you are always better off having a blood test before you try to intervene in any enzymatic sequence in your body.

As we have already discussed above high DHT can also dramatically worsen your skin quality not even speaking about its ability to induce prostate hyperplasia(another topic which requires a long discussion), so what shall be done if we are dealing with a 5-10 fold increase in DHT levels? By the way this is common during heavy steroid cycles especially if DHT derivatives are involved.

You are to use anti DHT agents. However once again not all of them are sustainable long term. I personally wouldn’t recommend finasteride or dutasteride as for this medications not only partly chemically poison your libido but are also able to induce clinical depression and overall turn you into a very unmotivated person.

5α-Reductase is not only responsible for converting testosterone into DHT but also does convert pregnenolone into allopregnenolone. This second metabolite could easily be described as an important mood enhancing neurotransmitter. It’s undesirable to switch it off.

So what shall we do with DHT then? Look for a milder solution. Luckily is exists and its called saw palmetto. I personally recommend looking for the extract and taking it in dosages around 300-1000mgs daily adjusting it via bloodwork and your personal well-being. Most people do just fine with these dosages.

To sum up its safe to say that this is probably it: we covered most of the topic. Remember that skin is also an organ(some professors state that it is) and it should also receive good care. Make sure you digest this message and continue to strive towards a healthier, stronger and prettier version of yourself(what else is there if not to be pretty).

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Today there are many interesting anabolic agents that all do poses different unique properties. There are indeed so many of them that it’s almost safe to say that users are spoiled with extremely wide and choice.

However there is one compound which is so special that it almost in the league of its own.

Here is the list of unique properties that proviron/mesterolone has:

  1. It is a very well studied compound with a lot actual data from human trials. It’s safe to say that only testosterone, nandrolone and oxandrolone can exceed it in terms of available information.
  2. Even though it’s an oral drug which structurally is relatively close to DHT,- it is not 17 alpha-alkylated like dianabol/turinabol/oxandrolone. It means it’s not liver toxic however is a bit less bioavailable.
  3. In dosages on scale from 25 to 50 mgs proviron doesn’t suppress the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis(HPTA).
  4. Some mesterolone indeed could be a useful tool to enhance sperm motility.
Here is some interesting data on the subject:



These findings indicate that mesterolone is capable of treating mild oligospermia and at the same time doesn’t suppress the HPTA.

To sum up its safe to say that mesterolone is a really safe and interesting drug that can be used almost by every men no matter whether he is on trt or not. Have fun with it :)

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In the enhanced world of fitness industry there are two groups of enthusiasts when it comes to steroid cycles. The ones who are pro post cycle therapy (PCT) and the ones who are against it.

We are not up to discussing which approach is indeed better today. Both of them have their pros and cons. Today I would like to suggest a rather versatile approach to recovering your body after any pharmaceutical interventions.

First of all let’s define what PCT indeed is. It’s probably best described as a list of measures that are supposed to bring your blood markers in normal ranges. Does it only include the recovering your hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis(HPTA) mechanism? Of course not, it’s also about making sure that your liver and your kidneys are functioning properly. But let’s not rush things up.

The best way to analyze your current state of HPTA is definitely to check your LH and FSH levels alongside with estrogen and prolactin. However we live in different countries and some of us are unlucky enough not to have an access to a lab. What shall we do then? Well this only means that we must use lower dosages of the compounds and make our PCT a bit longer.

So, a rather universal approach to PCT would most likely be looking like this:​

Week 1-2

HCG 1000iu every other day

Tamoxifen 20mg per day

Vitamin E 800iU per day

Week 3-4

Clomiphene citrate 100mgs per day

Tamoxifen 20mg per day

Vitamin E 800iU per day

Week 5-8

Clomiphene citrate 50mgs per day

Tamoxifen 10mg per day

Vitamin E 800iU per day

Week 9-12

Clomiphene citrate 25mgs per day

Vitamin E 400iU per day

This will be enough to make sure your gonads are properly functioning after 90% of cycles(excluding the “yolo cycles” which would require a more detailed approach with blood work control).

In the scheme above HCG will kickstart your HPTA and anti estrogens will make sure you pituitary is commanding your gonads to start producing testosterone. At the same time vitamin E would enhance the effects of clomiphene citrate and tamoxifen.

It’s not a guarantee that this approach would always work but it’s hundred times better than doing nothing and hoping for the best.

Alongside with HPTA recovery scheme you would be better of introducing some liver and kidney care. I would suggest not making things way too complicated and focus on two main things: NAC for the liver and astragalus for kidneys.

1500mgs of NAC once daily and astragalus root 1500mgs twice daily is a good starting point. If you have been using oral steroids or “heavy” compounds like trenbolone this two things are most likely a must for you.

All in all there are definitely more stuff that can be written on this topic but what we described here today would be enough to cover most of your basic needs. We would discuss a more detailed approach to PCT in future articles. Don’t be lazy and take care of your testies, your liver&kidneys and show some love to your organs. That would be a lot better love story than Twilight anyways :D

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Hello sir. Can you stop? Wtf do you even base this on? Why is the clomid protocol pushed one week? And who is this PCT for?
How is this effective for 90% of blasts, where did you get that number? And what is a "yolo" blast?
Inb4 you hide behind "oh but it's a harm reduction board I'm just trying to help".
You're promoting, nothing more. Driada education lmfao.

"NAC for the liver and astragalus for kidneys." :cool:
Inb4 you hide behind "oh but it's a harm reduction board I'm just trying to help".
You're promoting, nothing more. Driada education lmfao.
gonna second this. just a way to promote your name out there to push for customers. its a little annoying. keep it in your own source thread
Hello sir.
Bonjour, Monsieur!

Can you stop?
Why your hysteria, known as "DONT CALL ME SIR"-gate, in our main thread should stop us on this particular topic?

How is this effective for 90% of blasts, where did you get that number?
Practice and experience. Prove me wrong

Inb4 you hide behind "oh but it's a harm reduction board I'm just trying to help".
You're promoting, nothing more. Driada education lmfao.

gonna second this. just a way to promote your name out there to push for customers. its a little annoying. keep it in your own source thread
We don't make advertising here, we do not use the trade names of our drugs, there are no links to the topic of our store here ... So where is the profit? ... So what exactly is the promotion?
If some dude finds this article in a Google search, he won’t even understand who we are and what we do, if he even says us THANKS in his head - it will be enough, sir. ... So where exactly is the promotion?

P.S. @Cridi887 - tits on your profile picture - I love it

Wtf do you even base this on?

So if you need proof - I can answer you. But to get the answers (not attention only) you may show some respect - it's an etiquette that underlies interaction and mutual assistance in our culture in general and this community in particular.

"NAC for the liver and astragalus for kidneys." :cool:

Oral Astragalus Root Supplementation for Mild to Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease: A Self-Controlled Case-Series



The effect of N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) on liver toxicity and clinical outcome after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - Scientific Reports N-Acetylcysteine Improves Liver Function in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Long term N-acetylcysteine administration rescues liver steatosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress with unfolded protein response in mice - Lipids in Health and Disease


Who is this PCT for?
Athletes who would like to "recover" after the long cycles.
Why is the clomid protocol pushed one week? And who is this PCT for?
Antiestrogens are used on HCG to prevent intratesticular aromatization.
tamoxifen is more active in the body, Clomid is a better option to pass blood-brain barrier and affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - that's why in breast cancer therapy tamoxifen is preferable, but to restore testosterone production clomid is better. It will not will reveal all the positive sides of its effects on HCG
Last edited:
Bonjour, Monsieur!

View attachment 164501
Why your hysteria, known as "DONT CALL ME SIR"-gate, in our main thread should stop us on this particular topic?

Practice and experience. Prove me wrong

We don't make advertising here, we do not use the trade names of our drugs, there are no links to the topic of our store here ... So where is the profit? ... So what exactly is the promotion?
If some dude finds this article in a Google search, he won’t even understand who we are and what we do, if he even says us THANKS in his head - it will be enough, sir. ... So where exactly is the promotion?

P.S. @Cridi887 - tits on your profile picture - I love it

So if you need proof - I can answer you. But to get the answers (not attention only) you may show some respect - it's an etiquette that underlies interaction and mutual assistance in our culture in general and this community in particular.

Oral Astragalus Root Supplementation for Mild to Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease: A Self-Controlled Case-Series

https://www.ajkd.org/article/S0272-6386(10)00474-9/fulltextView attachment 164503

The effect of N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) on liver toxicity and clinical outcome after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - Scientific Reports N-Acetylcysteine Improves Liver Function in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Long term N-acetylcysteine administration rescues liver steatosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress with unfolded protein response in mice - Lipids in Health and Disease

View attachment 164502

Athletes who would like to "recover" after the long cycles.

Antiestrogens are used on HCG to prevent intratesticular aromatization.
tamoxifen is more active in the body, Clomid is a better option to pass blood-brain barrier and affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - that's why in breast cancer therapy tamoxifen is preferable, but to restore testosterone production clomid is better. It will not will reveal all the positive sides of its effects on HCG
Cringe attempt