Dumbbell step ups experiences?


Hurt my lower back 2 weeks ago. I heard a crack and couldn't even take my underwear off unless I was laying in my bed. Now my back is good. Like 90% better. But I want to avoid barbell squats to actively recover while I train legs for a couple of months until I feel 100%>>

Leg extension
Leg curl

Goblet squats
Dumbbell lunges/reverse lunges
Dumbbell step ups*** thinking about adding this but still in the fence due to not having constant time under tension. But some of these guys doing it got big legs and always been a hands on experience kinda guy over studies. So looking for others experience with this exercise if they saw further leg development with it
But some of these guys doing it got big legs and always been a hands on experience kinda guy over studies. So looking for others experience with this exercise if they saw further leg development with it

What is your experience level: years training, amateur/professional bodybuilder, etc.?

How developed are your legs currently, on a scale from "do you skip leg day" to Tom Platz thighs?