Dumbest post I have seen in years!!!


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20+ Year Member
This happened on outlawmuscle

A woman posed this question...

ash311 said:
I tried to post in the fem forum, but I didnt get much help. Maybe this will be a better place.

Hi, sorry if I sound like such a newbie. Well, Its because I am. But I have done a lot of research and I have decided to take the leap. I need help though. From what I have read Primo and Var would be the best combo for me at this time. I am a bit overwhelmed with where to go for my gear. Any recomendations? Im so lost. Id rather use human grade over vet or UG stuff. Ive Just heard its better and safer. So please help...

PM's are welcome

Here was one of the answers that was given her...

Jordan said:
You may get the results your looking for with a nolvedex and clen cycle without androgen risks. Unless you want to compete steriods are probably not needed to reach your goals. Diet and training can take you along way and skip the pb&j.

Babe, at 22 what you really need is some hard dick and buble gum and I'm all out of buble gum, lol. :cool:

And of course, me being me.. I had to let him know what I thought of his posts...

Phreezer said:
Well, first things first.. You're dumb as shit. Nolvadex and clen???? Clen is not an anabolic or androgenic compound... it has nothing in it that would convert to estrogen.. and second... SHE'S a woman... DUHHHH!!!! What does she need an antiestrogen for? All taking an anti e will do for her is kick her body into a menopausal state!!!! I swear this is one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen...

Second.. Next time you talk to one of our female members like this you'll be banned for 72 hours from this site...

WTF is wrong with you... (uhhh... it's a joke right?? well, it's not the least bit funny) You wouldn't walk up to someone at the grocery store and talk that way... you're not going to do it here either.
what a fuckin loser bro, that is by far the stupidest thing i have ever heard and then tries to follow it up with a joke that i guess he thought was funny but it makes him look even more stupid, how pathetic , those people should not be allowed to post or juice
I was about to get really angry about that post liek i do when i read all morons posts but leave it to phreezer to let him know what an ass he is....nolva+clen combo, priceless, anti-e's for a woman...omg... did he reply to that yet?
WOW this guys an idiot. He should go lay down in the middle of a highway and do the rest of the world a fav.
I thought it was kinda funny. Then again, as I was laughing about it, I would have banned his ass and laughed even more that the dipshit was gone! :D
Deacon said:
well I ahve seen quite a few posts in tat league lately - some of them on this very board
Including the "How bad are rec drugs" post today.
ok im not a gear guru by no means but c'mon now. what are these people thinking. as for that dumbass with the sexuall comment, thats just a dicke being a dick.
Not to take away from the fact that this guy is certainly up there with the highest achieving tools to date, I would have called it a pretty ridiculous thread even before he responded with her actually asking to be pm'd with sources. I hope she was informed about the nature of most of the responses to her request.
Bob Smith said:
I thought it was kinda funny. Then again, as I was laughing about it, I would have banned his ass and laughed even more that the dipshit was gone! :D

lmfao!!!!! funny shit bro
Yeah that was kind of stupid post now that i take a closer look .. Who the hell runs out of bubblegum .. Man what an ass,they sell it like in every store around :rolleyes: .. Time for some Ramen Noodles BABY! and then bed .. see you guys tomorrow and then away next week to make some money .. Please stop me because i will go on and on .. and on .. goodnight