Wife is interested in losing weight

If we were all limited to only using AAS when it was needed, there'd be maybe 3 people on this forum. I'll really never understand this gatekeeping.

Yohimbine is used in clinical settings to induce panic attacks. DNP in the middle of the night feels better than yohimbine does.
Normally I agree with you on most things, but not here. That statement would lead someone to believe dnp is a better choice than yohimbine.

Do you have personal experience with yohimbine HCL? Or have you used it with clients before? Yohimbine HCL, in proper doses combined with caffeine is typically very well tolerated and beneficial for fat loss. I have encountered one person who experienced an increase in anxiety with a 5mg dosage
Thank you for all the replies I really appreciate it. I guess I should give some context, my wife and I have both been into fitness and nutrition for a long time. I personally lifted natural for 10 years and probably plateaued after 3. Constantly tweaking everything I could diet and training wise to try to get some gains, tried to squeeze in more training, tried all kinds of conventional supplements, and frankly now I deeply regret not getting on the sauce years ago. My wife is also very disciplined with her training and diet. She is what most ppl would consider hot but I guess one can always find room for improvement in themselves. She definitely feels that she's plateaued fitness wise so I really can't think of a better candidate for some supplementation. I also certainly can see where ppl are coming from when they discourage use of ped's.
Normally I agree with you on most things, but not here. That statement would lead someone to believe dnp is a better choice than yohimbine.

Do you have personal experience with yohimbine HCL? Or have you used it with clients before? Yohimbine HCL, in proper doses combined with caffeine is typically very well tolerated and beneficial for fat loss. I have encountered one person who experienced an increase in anxiety with a 5mg dosage

Yes, I have thorough experience with yohimbine. It is effective, but I would much sooner use compounds classically deemed "harsh" than use yohimbine again. I have not encountered anyone who has liked it, which really isn't a surprise due to how it works.

I don't know what you'd deem a proper dose - most people do not use sufficient dose to achieve optimal results in the first place, 5mg would be sufficient for a lightweight female or a day 1 dose for a male beginning titration.

My main point was, yohimbine really is not a "light" compound - I see no sense in saying this drug is okay, but you haven't earned these other drugs over here.
If she's older and her diet is on point and she's exercising and still not losing weight.... I would try semaglutide because her insulin resistance and sensitivity may be jacked up. If this is the case semaglutide definitely 100% work.
I honestly don’t care if people find that statement offensive. I stand by it 100%. Literally the easiest part of this whole game is losing weight, all it takes is a little bit of self control to make dietary changes, and some discipline.

Semaglutide doesn’t do anything for weight loss it just kills your appetite which is just band-aiding lack of will power. If you lack the will power to do that I find that pathetic, and anyone who lacks the willpower to make those kind of decision shouldn’t be using performance enhancing drugs, they should be learning the basics of how to diet.

Now the person who can’t diet in the first place will most likely become pretty reliant on the drug, not physically, but mentally if you’re using it to band aid will power. It will only make it even more difficult to diet in the future without the drug. I don’t sympathize with people using this drug for these reasons. If it’s someone who has a serious eating disorder due to mental trauma or something sure, but not just guys being too lazy to do the work.

It also has a lot of downsides for a person who is trying to optimize their performance in the gym, etc. it slows down gastric emptying so shit just sits in your stomach all day. So now any specific food choices you’re making around training time or around cardio are now pointless because gastric emptying is so slow. Even water just sits in the stomach so you can’t hydrate quickly when needed. Hunger ques can be incredibly beneficial as well.

Not to mention the digestion issues this can cause which is something that plays a huge role in our progress.

I don’t think people should be using / abusing more drugs to achieve the same things you can achieve without them. No one on planet earth is going to look like a professional bodybuilder without using steroids. Literally anyone can go on a diet and lose weight without using a drug that nukes your appetite so that you can feel a little bit more comfortable to make you feel all warm and fuzzy during your diet phase. You’re choosing to lose weight, man up and do the work. Gtfo outta here man
Actually you're wrong about semaglutide. Some older people diet like crazy and workout and don't loose weight. Like 50 year Olds. Semaglutide improves insulin resistance and sensitivity. You can loose fat staying on the same macros because of what it does to your insulin and blood glucose levels if you have this issue. It improves all your labs. Again this is what I've seen in 50 years olds who are active but just getting older and processing foods differently as they age.
Actually you're wrong about semaglutide. Some older people diet like crazy and workout and don't loose weight. Like 50 year Olds. Semaglutide improves insulin resistance and sensitivity. You can loose fat staying on the same macros because of what it does to your insulin and blood glucose levels if you have this issue. It improves all your labs. Again this is what I've seen in 50 years olds who are active but just getting older and processing foods differently as they age.
Do you care to elaborate on how I’m incorrect?

It doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 50, if you’re eating in a deficit you will lose weight. Using a personal anecdote really means absolutely nothing. Just because you know some 50 year old who says they diet and workout and can’t lose weight (do you know how many people say this, the reality is they are not dieting as hard as they think the laws of thermodynamics don’t just disappear once you’re 50 years old)

Even if that were true (which it’s not) what does that have to do with semaglutide and where did I say something incorrect about it due to your personal anecdote?
Do you care to elaborate on how I’m incorrect?

It doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 50, if you’re eating in a deficit you will lose weight. Using a personal anecdote really means absolutely nothing. Just because you know some 50 year old who says they diet and workout and can’t lose weight (do you know how many people say this, the reality is they are not dieting as hard as they think the laws of thermodynamics don’t just disappear once you’re 50 years old)

Even if that were true (which it’s not) what does that have to do with semaglutide and where did I say something incorrect about it due to your personal anecdote?
Not true. You're only speaking on behalf of super healthy people that have a perfect A1c. Like I'm saying some older folks can be dieting and eating right calories in calories out does not always apply to them because they have a bad A1C.... it could even be genetics or hereditary. Semiglutide improves their A1C and they drop weight without even doing anything to their diet. You're just talking out your ass and you don't understand that much about semaglutide
Do you care to elaborate on how I’m incorrect?

It doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 50, if you’re eating in a deficit you will lose weight. Using a personal anecdote really means absolutely nothing. Just because you know some 50 year old who says they diet and workout and can’t lose weight (do you know how many people say this, the reality is they are not dieting as hard as they think the laws of thermodynamics don’t just disappear once you’re 50 years old)

Even if that were true (which it’s not) what does that have to do with semaglutide and where did I say something incorrect about it due to your personal anecdote?
Everyone doesn't have the same response to lowered calories. Some like you will have minor chemical reactions and you'll get a message to your brain saying " might want to eat a little bit in the next 4 - 5 hrs bro. Others will release a huge cascade of chemicals making your stomach grind and your brain scream eat or die over and over . Semaglutide lowers that chemical waterfall .
Hey all, I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of an idea of what a woman can supplement with for weight loss. My wife has been seeing the results I'm getting with my training and obviously it's the gear that's making the difference, now she's asking me if I can get her something to help her get fit too. I don't have a clue and I don't wanna go by what random internet articles say. She isn't fat at all but like every other girl I've ever been with, she thinks that she is..I ended up getting a free box of clen with one of my orders perhaps I can give her that? She doesn't wanna get muscular, and doesn't wanna gain any masculine traits, she just wants really skinny legs. Advice is much appreciated thanks:)
give her a baby asprin and tell her its clen.

Its my opinion that thermogenics and "fat burners" have no place outside of a contest prep. Juice just isnt worth the squeeze and most of the time its just people being impatient.
She will get better, more long lasting results by just sticking to an intelligent diet plan and trusting the process.
As cliche as that adage is
@spamwizard clen is ok but make sure you read up and research on it. I know some people want that boost along with their diet and exercise.
If used responsibly and in lower doses, its fine for most people with a relatively normal health background.
Not true. You're only speaking on behalf of super healthy people that have a perfect A1c. Like I'm saying some older folks can be dieting and eating right calories in calories out does not always apply to them because they have a bad A1C.... it could even be genetics or hereditary. Semiglutide improves their A1C and they drop weight without even doing anything to their diet. You're just talking out your ass and you don't understand that much about semaglutide
Dude I just explained in great detail exactly how that drug works. I have a very good understanding of that drug, clearly a lot better than you do. But sure go off about a1c, If that’s an issue just use metformin.

Your understanding of thermodynamics and calories in calories out is clearly very limited as well. Sure there are certain medical conditions that can make it more challenging for some people to lost more weight than others… most people don’t have any of said conditions. Even if they did they WILL still lose weight in a deficit, maybe just not as quickly as someone who doesn’t have said medical condition. But guess what, that’s genetics in general. Some people have an easier time building muscle than others, that doesn’t mean that people with poor muscle building genetics CANT build muscle in a surplus, it just takes more time.

Sorry it hurts your feelings, that doesn’t make anything I said above any less true.
Everyone doesn't have the same response to lowered calories. Some like you will have minor chemical reactions and you'll get a message to your brain saying " might want to eat a little bit in the next 4 - 5 hrs bro. Others will release a huge cascade of chemicals making your stomach grind and your brain scream eat or die over and over . Semaglutide lowers that chemical waterfall .
Yes, they’re called hunger cues, and like I mentioned above in my initial post those can be very important for an individual who wishes to make progress.

You’re being incredibly dramatic, your body is not screaming at you and telling you that you will die because you’re slightly uncomfortable in a minor calorie deficit. It’s a minor inconvenience, that’s literally all.

If you don’t have the willpower to deal with the minor inconvenience and you feel the need to use semaglutide to band aid that willpower, have at it, but don’t chalk it up to something it’s not.

Also how are you sitting here and assuming that I’m an individual who doesn’t experience the same discomfort.

You say “some like you will only have a minor chemical reaction”

A.) you have no idea what you’re talking about.
B.) why are you assuming it’s easier for me to diet than someone else?

Just because I have had success with my journey and have accomplished something cool with my physique doesn’t mean it was any easier for me than it would be for you. It just means I’m willing to work harder to achieve my goals than you are.

So sure use you guys use your semaglutide so that you can feel all warm and fuzzy, but don’t be surprised when you don’t ever accomplish anything worth while on this journey. It’s meant to be hard, if it were easy, everyone would do it.
Not true. You're only speaking on behalf of super healthy people that have a perfect A1c. Like I'm saying some older folks can be dieting and eating right calories in calories out does not always apply to them because they have a bad A1C.... it could even be genetics or hereditary. Semiglutide improves their A1C and they drop weight without even doing anything to their diet. You're just talking out your ass and you don't understand that much about semaglutide
This is nonsense.

They will not, for a fact, drop weight if calories are equated and they arent expending any more than normal.
And semaglutide does not cause any excess expenditure.
If their diet is the same, and their expenditure is the same, no drug will make any difference whatsoever.
This is nonsense.

They will not, for a fact, drop weight if calories are equated and they arent expending any more than normal.
And semaglutide does not cause any excess expenditure.
If their diet is the same, and their expenditure is the same, no drug will make any difference whatsoever.
He has no idea what he’s talking about. People’s personal feelings and rhetoric often make them throw logic out the window in a desperate attempt to make things fit their narrative.

He does not understand the mechanisms of the drug nor does he have a basic understanding of general nutrition, weight loss, or thermodynamics, etc , which is probably the main reason he needs semaglutide to lose weight.
He has no idea what he’s talking about. People’s personal feelings and rhetoric often make them throw logic out the window in a desperate attempt to make things fit their narrative.

He does not understand the mechanisms of the drug nor does he have a basic understanding of general nutrition, weight loss, or thermodynamics, etc , which is probably the main reason he needs semaglutide to lose weight.
I don't know a ton about sema but I do know some.
I agree calories in equal calories out.

Indeed a better diet and exercise with sema is the best route however it is not uncommon for people to lose a few pounds right off the bat due to side effects like diarrhea for example. The same thing happens to people who start on high mg metformin.

The main route for sema dropping weight is through appetite suppression which of course means the user will most likely be taking in less calories than before.
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not uncommon for people to lose a few pounds right off the bat due to side effects like diarrhea for example.
none of which is fat.

The main route for sema dropping weight is due to it suppressing the appetite which of course means the user will most likely be taking in less calories than before.
thats the right answer.

people say "no changes to diet" meaning they had no diet, dont track their food, and just started eating less as a result of the drug.
theres no voodoo witchcraft going on, theres no fancy super complicated metabolic or hormone magic happening to make them lose weight.

they just eat less.