Wife is interested in losing weight

Hey all, I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of an idea of what a woman can supplement with for weight loss. My wife has been seeing the results I'm getting with my training and obviously it's the gear that's making the difference, now she's asking me if I can get her something to help her get fit too. I don't have a clue and I don't wanna go by what random internet articles say. She isn't fat at all but like every other girl I've ever been with, she thinks that she is..I ended up getting a free box of clen with one of my orders perhaps I can give her that? She doesn't wanna get muscular, and doesn't wanna gain any masculine traits, she just wants really skinny legs. Advice is much appreciated thanks:)
Do NOT give her any Clen nor any other substance. Does she exercise ? Is she on a diet plan ? If not, start with that first. She will get results fairly quickly. If she’s already doing both then tweak the diet a bit. Drop some of the carbs out. Having said that, my wife, like many women these days, has jumped on the Ozempic train. I don’t like it but I have to say, that stuff works. Keeps her thin. But she still needs to exercise regardless. And not eat too much crap.
I have personally witness people increase calories on semaglutide and loose fat. My brother for one. Dr said it was because his a1c improved. He was starving himself for years 1000 calories or less and still fat. After Ozempic he dropped 45 pounds in a year and eats way more . Over 2000 calories. He's crippled and doesn't exercise. Calories in and out didn't do much for him. Improving his A1C made him loose fat. Just like thousands of the patients prescribed the drug.
hgh fragment 176-191 (is also excellent spot reduction)
clenbuterol (injectable is also excellent spot reduction)
My go to is albuterol/caffeine. I have no sides with it. It doesn't cause any virlization. It may need to be cycled 2 weeks on two weeks off. It can be taken continuously with ketotifen.
I have personally witness people increase calories on semaglutide and loose fat. My brother for one. Dr said it was because his a1c improved. He was starving himself for years 1000 calories or less and still fat. After Ozempic he dropped 45 pounds in a year and eats way more . Over 2000 calories. He's crippled and doesn't exercise. Calories in and out didn't do much for him. Improving his A1C made him loose fat. Just like thousands of the patients prescribed the drug.
It's definitely true that some people with very bad metabolic derangement will see an increase in lean body mass from the GLP-1 agonists. The extra lean mass will cause some increase in metabolic expenditure, and may cause a small amount of weight loss. That's one reason that testosterone can help reverse poor insulin sensitivity -- a bit of extra muscle can make a difference there. It's also why exercise helps -- increased expenditure from the same amount of muscle has the same effect.

However, the effect size is not typically as large as what you've seen with your brother. That's not to say that what you're describing didn't happen. It's more that the results of a rather extreme outlier can't easily be extrapolated back to a general population.

It sounds like your brother's physical limitations have also caused some cellular- and system-wide metabolic adaptations that most of us don't share. Being able to reverse those problems with GLP-1 agonists, then, mimics the effects of exercise or increased lean tissue in a person who may not be capable of achieving either. That's a really fucking awesome outcome, and I'd be ecstatic about it, but I wouldn't expect to be able to replicate it in someone who wasn't in the same situation.
If she's older and her diet is on point and she's exercising and still not losing weight.... I would try semaglutide because her insulin resistance and sensitivity may be jacked up. If this is the case semaglutide definitely 100% work.
Could be a thyroid thing too no?

I knew a fatty who got on thyroid medication and lost weight for the first time in her life.

Started banging every guy on the jobsite. Didn't have the heart to tell my buddy about it.

Puma was eating her ass like Ice Cream.
If she's older and her diet is on point and she's exercising and still not losing weight.... I would try semaglutide because her insulin resistance and sensitivity may be jacked up. If this is the case semaglutide definitely 100% work.

Actually you're wrong about semaglutide. Some older people diet like crazy and workout and don't loose weight. Like 50 year Olds. Semaglutide improves insulin resistance and sensitivity. You can loose fat staying on the same macros because of what it does to your insulin and blood glucose levels if you have this issue. It improves all your labs. Again this is what I've seen in 50 years olds who are active but just getting older and processing foods differently as they age.
Menopause sucks and sometimes you can do everything and still not lose it because your body is so screwed up. Semaglutide can help.

Everyone doesn't have the same response to lowered calories. Some like you will have minor chemical reactions and you'll get a message to your brain saying " might want to eat a little bit in the next 4 - 5 hrs bro. Others will release a huge cascade of chemicals making your stomach grind and your brain scream eat or die over and over . Semaglutide lowers that chemical waterfall .
While I agree with others I that diet and training are safest, I think we can all relate to watching others make seemingly great progress in little time.

My wife made a huge transformation in about 8 months and competed in a local show womens wellness this month.

170lb fat to 130 lean and muscular with great skin.

She dieted and got progressively tighter with it as she lost weight. She worked out 5 days a week and similar to diet- ramped up cardio closer to show date.

She cycled anavar 25mg daily 8 weeks on three times during that 8 months. Added Armour 60mg but her labs warranted it.

For her case adding gear gave a boost and helped mentally to see results and dig in further. Labs are all good as well.

Best wishes to both of you


Just noticed your wife wasn’t interested in gaining any muscularity. I don’t have any experience with fat burners. Going hungry and some intermittent fasting along with diet training will get the job done.
Thank you for the description! Your wife is inspirational.
Actually you're wrong about semaglutide. Some older people diet like crazy and workout and don't loose weight. Like 50 year Olds. Semaglutide improves insulin resistance and sensitivity. You can loose fat staying on the same macros because of what it does to your insulin and blood glucose levels if you have this issue. It improves all your labs. Again this is what I've seen in 50 years olds who are active but just getting older and processing foods differently as they age.
N=1 with a hard agree to your description. Add in menopause and the weight just gets stickier.

Additionally, sema and/or tirz seems to remove my food chat in my brain: thinking about eating was a run-on sentence that easily turned into chapters.

Sema and tirz give me the power of punctuation and page breaks in my food ramblings.