Dynamite Explanation & Apology - 2021

it's a shit situation all around, obviously for the clients and you won't get much sympathy for it all. Dyna did make everyone whole in the past under certain circumstances, to his credit. that said, this isn't the type of environment conducive for me to be buying shit from, which is why I always hesitated in the past.

all the best in making customers whole, though.
So my understanding is there is one member and one source still out of their money. What is your exact plan to reimburse them? You planning on partial payments as you make money so that community here knows you're actually trying to do the right thing?
However, I chose to do something that I never thought I would do as a human, and I don’t wish to elaborate on it. Still, it took me to the depths of hell, where I felt like I couldn’t escape.
Idk the whole situation at all considering I've been rarely on meso especially last year. But kinda sounds like you got caught up on some opiates from this statement. But I shot dope for 15 years so that's where my brain goes. Especially after someone has any type of operation or surgery. If that's the case good luck to you and my DM is always open in that regard to anyone.

I think with meso, members would like to see these things settled prior to an apology.
I don't know about you but if I paid for a product and never received it, I would think I was scammed. I don't see how you can come back from this on this forum as a source.
He’s done it before…. This same exact scenario has happened before

You can interpret that message how you wish. Some could take it as a positive thing where others could see it as a negative thing.

The fact remains that this is not the first time this has happened, which to me is very very concerning.
Also I do think it’s only fair to discuss this in full transparency, seeing as you keep running off with peoples money over and over again.

Everyone keeps talking about the health issues that occurred, and of course I can see where @Mustang_18 is coming from in his response, he’s trying to be understanding because he wants his damn money that he is owed, and as they say you catch more bees with honey than vinegar.

But let’s be real, that is not the issue that caused you to run off with peoples money for months at a time on numerous occasions. Let’s call it what it is.
Sooo many better domestic raws (as well as international raws) options out there guys without having to risk your money with this guy..
I mean Im gonna give it to you straight, coming here with the pity party stuff when you still owe multiple people 4 figure amounts does not look good. AFAIK Dyna was known for guaranteed shipping to rare places like Canada etc. I was very interested in what you had but I think until you have made everyone whole that got screwed over during your clearly trying time, this post will ring hollow for most, especially the ones owned 4k+ in product.

Weren't you the one guaranteeing 100% shipping rates on huge amounts to Canada?
Hi, sorry I can’t quote most of the above replies, I'll address everything and more here below.

Firstly, I am trying to pay the people I owe back - not take any orders. I don’t know much, if anything, at all about the current domestic raw situation and have not done any due diligence, due to the fact that I’m here, firstly to explain what happened to the people I owe, and the people that wondered where I suddenly went.

All the above responses are warranted, but at the same time, I think it would be fair to also look at the timeline of events. I accept the backlash and lack of trust, especially on MESO, since it takes a long time to build that trust, and one stroke of bad luck or mistake to destroy most if not all of it.

Yes, I have been as transparent as possible and have always been. As someone mentioned before, and anyone familiar with myself, something similar happened under very different circumstances at the end of 2019. I won’t elaborate on that except that I made everyone right and provided all proof of events that occurred.

In the past year of 2021 I got myself into a deep hole due to my chronic health issue, still with no one to blame but me. I believe elaborating on my personal struggles is a waste of time, won’t win me any brownie points with most of the people here and it doesn’t have a place here.
I kept everyone updated to the best of my ability, mainly through Wickr and Protonmail; I also had my rep give as much info as possible on MESO. Throughout the middle of 2021, I tried multiple times to come back and “break the shackles” that were holding me down. However, it was almost impossible during that period due to how deep in I was. I would tell people that I would be back within two to three weeks and give various updates on my situation, but whenever I came back, I would leave again because my situation was not resolved. I tried not to leave anyone in the dark about my whereabouts, I was constantly in and out of the hospital due to my condition, and I sent proof to various members, customers, and friends.
During that time, I was receiving a lot of support, and people would tell me they wanted to see me get better and stay healthy… sadly I was unable to do so because I was at my “rock bottom.” I was taken aback and still am by some of the kindness I received.
Reading some of the comments, I would like to personally address a few that I felt/feel are a little inaccurate.
I believe that calling someone a compulsive liar and bullshitter when I have provided proof of my issues (albeit not publicly on the forums, but to members on MESO on Wickr, my friends/customers), and have come back to make things right is a little rash. Also, during the time of sourcing, I have always kept my word, I did not lie, and I always provided the best comms and customer service to my ability (as I am a one man team). I got lied to and scammed many times, but that’s part of the game. I personally don’t believe the jacket fits me, but everyone is also entitled to their opinion. I will just defend myself where I believe I should.

Regarding people finding other domestic sources without “having to deal with someone like me”. I don’t believe I let anyone down during my time as a source, when I had no personal issues. Yes, this personal issue affected a lot, but at the time I was already private and was not accepting many orders.
Things became too much for me in November (the last time I tried to come back), health wise, luck wise, and like I said it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. My mental health deteriorated and I was at a new low, I would not talk to anyone in life and isolate. I also kept my phone off, basically ignoring everyone checking in on me, not only the few people that I owed. I am not trying to throw a pity party, far from it.

There are people that asked me for exactly what happened and I am just giving a timeline of events, apology and transparency - which I am doing so.

I wish to make things right, and actions speak louder than words. I believe I took the right action by coming back, it would’ve been easy to come back on a different handle and try to do whatever or just leave permanently. It’s very hard to come back when you’re down, and I’m trying. Albeit not only once but twice - people may use the first time against me as above, but coming back to pay people the first time after that loss was extremely rough, and paying people back this time will also be extremely rough. Also, I don’t believe it would make sense to anyone to leave when the money I owed was less than the money that was owed to me. I didn’t leave MESO while still asking the person that owed me to pay me back, I just gave up during that period of time; also when I slowly stopped comms in March/April everything was going well business wise, but personally I was not doing well. At that time, life was honestly really rough, and yes; I know most of MESO gives no fucks about how rough it is. Why did I have to have this issue and other sources not have issues such has these? 99% of other sources have many people taking care of their sales, forum reputation, and everything while the main boss collects the check. I’m a one man team so I guess when I go down, everything goes down. That’s the hard part but being one man doing all of this allows me to connect with people on a different level, and customers always can make sure they are speaking to the highest person on the “chain”.

I was already told that coming back to source would be rough and I wouldn’t be able to make it due to the abundance of other sources, but it is what it is.
I’m not here to make a come back yet, nor do I believe people would even take a chance. I’m here to pay what I owe and I'll do it the quickest way I can.

@Tiredandhot I plan on paying people back one at a time, whatever I can do quickest. I believe I can do so.
I mean Im gonna give it to you straight, coming here with the pity party stuff when you still owe multiple people 4 figure amounts does not look good. AFAIK Dyna was known for guaranteed shipping to rare places like Canada etc. I was very interested in what you had but I think until you have made everyone whole that got screwed over during your clearly trying time, this post will ring hollow for most, especially the ones owned 4k+ in product.

Weren't you the one guaranteeing 100% shipping rates on huge amounts to Canada?
Yes, at one time I had a 100% shipping rate to Canada with a special line.
I didn’t think it was a pity party when I wrote this post, I tried to just explain what happened but I think many people view it as a “pity party”.
I owe one person 4k in product (Liska) - well 1kg of Mast. I am taking care of Mustang’s product today!
I’m so fucking sorry, hating myself would be an understatement.

I wish that would be sufficient to express how I felt about my disappearance, the debacle of 2021, the damage I did to myself, and the apparent distrust I caused in MESO.

However, that’s obviously not enough as an explanation... Nor would it bring anyone/or at least most members, the satisfactory response that would be warranted from my actions or lack thereof.

I am a source here for those who don’t know me who provided domestic raws for a reasonable time. If I may say so myself, I am extremely good with comms, shipping, and customer service in general. I’m not trying to state all these good qualities. Still, I believe that it's essential to understand what transpired throughout this past almost precisely one year of constant failure and loss.

As a person, I believe most people that were, or even weren’t customers knew me as a very generous, kind, and caring guy (sorry, this sounds like a Tinder profile) - not just as a source. I developed various relationships with people on different levels, primarily friendships because I genuinely care/d about the people here. I won’t list all the stuff I did. Still, the point of this above paragraph is to just underline that I am not, nor would ever be, a scammer - or do something malicious.

From the end of 2020 until the first few months of 2021, I had a few life-changing procedures that would ultimately spiral me out of control because of what happened after the procedures. I’ve always been transparent with my health, and most of my profit goes towards seeing doctors & such. However, I chose to do something that I never thought I would do as a human, and I don’t wish to elaborate on it. Still, it took me to the depths of hell, where I felt like I couldn’t escape. I kept trying to come back every few weeks for those that remember - business was going fine.

Still, I slowly lost all life motivation to continue doing anything because of… Throughout 2021, I only made a handful of sales; it got to the point where I wouldn’t even check my email or my Wickr. You guys probably will point this out as a highly negative and a “how could we know that this wouldn’t happen again”? Regardless, I don’t want to omit these details because they are essential and hopefully will allow me to gain some trust back. It got to a point where I just stopped caring, even when a significant SST friend/source owed me 6000 USD. I didn’t bother to try to collect the debt. I would reply very late to customers, stop taking orders, and be slow at everything. I stopped my business even when I still have and had stock domestically. Something was just corroding my mind, and I’m glad I finally am free of it - albeit the health issues remain.

I tried to keep people updated, making promises I couldn’t keep at the time - things kept just falling apart every time it felt like I might’ve got better. Always asked my rep to post and tell people to give me 2 weeks or so, and I would be back as I was trying to recover - but recovery was not easy and did not happen during that time as planned.

When I felt like I could come back, suddenly, another three personal tragedies hit during the summer of last year. I was already at that mental stage, so I could not process them well. I stated that I would be back in 2 weeks, but I couldn’t make the deadline.

Now I’ll get a little specific because it is essential to address this in public so everyone can hold me accountable. I sent an order out to @Liska, who made a few orders off me - one of the orders did not make it through, and I still owe him. I was very transparent with @Liska and let him know that I would refund him when the source/friend that owed me a front paid me back. That friend hasn’t paid me back to this day either, and I could not send Liska a monetary refund (instead of sending him the items owed). I still will make it my mission to pay @Liska back, regardless of his opinion of me now (which is probably on the negative side).

However, I appreciate his patience because he was very patient and understanding. After all, we shared many things in common regarding health, morals, and values.

Skipping forward, I tried to make a restock in November. I put down most of my savings into the restock (of all the “rare items” that stopped production at the time). Suddenly, my freight forwarder disappeared - I sent it to another freight forwarder, and boom... She disappeared with my goods, essentially ghosting me. On top of everything else, I believe you could say that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I felt like life was stacked against me, and I couldn't keep it up going through that deep depression and anhedonia. I did things that were very unlike myself and out of character and landed me in the hospital for a while - things that I am ashamed of to this day.

During that time frame, I received a payment for an order for around 1500 USD. I still owe that customer his items, and I also owe a good friend @Mustang_18 another item.
I also promised EveryC to help him with many freebies that I sent him before (when he was scammed by another source). Still, that package was sent back because the postal service in his country was useless, to say the least. However, I was not on my feet, and I couldn’t send another freebie at that time - but I wanted to let you know I always keep up with my word, and I will still help where I can.
Again, I’m so sorry to those that I really disappointed and left in the dark. I am sorry. Really sorry. I just was not myself.

I will refund everyone where and when I can; it may take some time, but I will do it. I will need to get rid of some of my domestic stock and pay off what I can pay off domestically (to one of the customers). Perhaps some people will never do business with me again, or a good amount of people, but maybe my luck will change. I am in a better place now, and I wish to get back to how I treated and did my business in 2019-beginning of 2021. I ask for forgiveness and patience, and I also wanted to thank the few people who have always reached out and checked on me. I don’t know if they wish to be named publicly, but I don’t think I would have been able to get myself out of this hole without them. As a human, I think we all have a fear of failure. That fear hit me extremely hard; I think these past few years have been very hard for many of us, but many people came out on top while many were stuck in a rut. I just ask for what would be my 2nd chance, and I promise I will not fall back again. I know it may sound redundant due to the constant back and forth in 2021, but I was not myself.

I feel like I haven’t covered everything. There will definitely be significant backlash and attacks on my character, which are warranted. I just ask you to please not be too jarring, haha.
Also, regarding my pricing, I read that someone posted that I was charging 70%-150% over market price - I understand that there are one or two sources selling raws very cheaply right now. Still, I was just matching prices with other sources during that time frame, and the market price for raws was high, at least for me. I also always sent freebies and did discounts on every item with lab tests to back every one of my raw’s quality. My shipping domestically has always been 2-4 days instead of 3-8 weeks.
Also, I provide domestic shipping - yes, perhaps internationally, I should lower my prices, but my primary audience is domestic. I also will provide lab reports as always and ensure the quality of my raws.

I don’t know how the response will be, but I hope there will be some understanding. To those, I have reached out to privately in the past week, thank you for reaching back out and understanding. Thank you for supporting me and those I didn’t reach out to who still always kept a good word for me; I owe you more than anything. I really wish to name you guys, but I feel like it would be a disservice, but again I appreciate everyone so much. Without this support, I don’t think I would’ve been able to write this today these few people.

Much love as always,

P.S: I tried to separate the wall of text - sorry. it may be an eyesore to read.
So glad you are back and ok. :D
Yes, at one time I had a 100% shipping rate to Canada with a special line.
I didn’t think it was a pity party when I wrote this post, I tried to just explain what happened but I think many people view it as a “pity party”.
I owe one person 4k in product (Liska) - well 1kg of Mast. I am taking care of Mustang’s product today!
You forgot you fucked colonial over too? They mentioned it on other forums