Dynamite Explanation & Apology - 2021

Man, im so happy to hear you are still alive and kicking, i thought you died or something. Very sad to hear that you have been having such a rough time mentally and had so many shitty situations, i hope you have found a way to get through your days without falling into the depths of darkness like that again, I know how awful one can feel mentally, It can really fuck ones life over. Its really appreciated how upfront and honest you are though, despite a lot of people giving you shit which is very understandable considerig how things have played out before, but i think it shines through how good hearted you really are towards this community and that you really are going to make it right in the long run, you just got to get back on to your feet. Yes, you fucked up, but you are trying to do what you can to fix it which is the right thing to do instead of running away like a piece of scum. I hope to see you back in full health, doing what you love and having made everything right to everyone that thought they were wronged. Use the good people you have around you and do what you can to keep your head up and doing whats best for you and your endevours in the longrun.

Welcome back mate, i hope its all going to go the right way now and that everyone ends up being happy with the outcomes that will play out.

Stay safe and sane.
I wanna start off by saying, it’s actually good to see Dyna back. For anyone who hasn’t been fully aware of the situation, Dyna has been battling health issues for quite some time. Health issues that forced him away from the boards before with outstanding orders. He could have been a piece of shit but he came back and made good on every one of them. Just like this time, I think everyone who he owed had pretty much taken it as a loss (including myself) so the fact he’s come back and knows he needs to make good with the customers he’s wronged, I believe says quite a bit about the his character as a person. I’ve been on the boards since 2002 as a mod on EliteFitness and I’ve never once seen a source disappear then return and make good with the exception of Dyna. That’s what was the deciding factor in choosing him to do business with. I’m not telling anyone to go and start placing orders… he knows what he’s got to do to earn people’s trust back so let’s give him that chance. Obviously if you don’t feel comfortable using his services, no ones forcing your hand either ‍♂️

You lost me at mod on elite fitness - y’all are a bunch of scamming ass pieces of shit !!! Go suck off Dylan Giamelli clown
Dylan Giamelli ? Not a clue who the hell that is and haven’t been on EliteFitness since maybe 2007/2008. If you read the post you’d have seen that I said I used to and been on the boards since 2002. You know nothing about me and I sell absolutely nothing to scam people with so don’t run your mouth! Fuckin goof

Dylan Giamelli ? Not a clue who the hell that is and haven’t been on EliteFitness since maybe 2007/2008. If you read the post you’d have seen that I said I used to and been on the boards since 2002. You know nothing about me and I sell absolutely nothing to scam people with so don’t run your mouth! Fuckin goof

so where else you been since 2002 besides here for 5 years. If you were a mod on elitefitness all they were and are...are lying frauds and scammers soooo if the shoe fits.....
@ExtremePIP I definitely have worse medical conditions than you and would never screw people over like that. I have multiple sclerosis and I’m legally blind in my right eye.Using your “illness” as an excuse is very lame. Using an undisclosed “illness” to me sounds like your a drug addict. I love how people use their “illness” to excuse their wrong doings. I have zero respect for you and karma gets you.
Living life man! I dunno about you but I don’t have time for the boards like I did when I was in my early 20s! I dunno what Elite Fitness you’ve seen but back in the early 2000s, it was just like this place with the exception of no open source posting. Busy all day with members who actually knew their shit. It was run by a guy named George Spellwin (sp?) but he left the forums up to all the mods and it was my second home for years. Once it became shit, all of us jumped ship to AF Board run by a guy named Ulter. Eventually the boards had run their course. I still like to pop in every now and then but based on my time here vs post count, it isn’t that often. Like I said, I dunno where you get scammer from in all of this but anyone who knows me from these boards will tell you that couldn’t be further from the truth.

I don't think I've scammed anyone, but I do agree with the fact that actions do speak for themselves.
I have no power to speak above your opinion, we probably have never spoken and you read this thread to get an overall understanding of me or my situation. That's fair enough, and i respect your opinion.
As far as scamming goes, I would never scam anyone. I made that pretty clear with my past actions and current actions. Appreciate your opinion.
Also, to clear up that pity & to make myself feel better: no I don't wish for pity nor do I wish to feel better (or maybe I do want to justify my own choices?). I think as a human, when we make mistakes (no I am not saying scamming), I'm saying horrendous human life choices which I made last year that turned me into a shell of myself, yes I did/do want to make myself feel better and stop feeling this constant disgust towards myself. Pity? I don't want pity. I just wanted to be transparent, I don't know how much of me you know of but my whole time on MESO is and was based on transparency.

Hi Kim! Thanks so much, and I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she makes a full recovery! It's been so long since we haven't spoken. I'm so sorry that I left you in the dark of all people. Health issues are hell on earth when you couple that with incapable doctors and a high dose of medications that destroy your mind.
I missed you so much more, I love you Kimmy.

Trust is extremely hard to build and you can spend two years building the best relationships with people, and all the trust in the world. Yet one action will destroy all the trust built, and that's how life works. I made that mistake, poison. I will suffer and bear the consequences,
Ya can't help but love Kimmers right! LoL
I don't think I've scammed anyone, but I do agree with the fact that actions do speak for themselves.
I have no power to speak above your opinion, we probably have never spoken and you read this thread to get an overall understanding of me or my situation. That's fair enough, and i respect your opinion.
As far as scamming goes, I would never scam anyone. I made that pretty clear with my past actions and current actions. Appreciate your opinion.
Also, to clear up that pity & to make myself feel better: no I don't wish for pity nor do I wish to feel better (or maybe I do want to justify my own choices?). I think as a human, when we make mistakes (no I am not saying scamming), I'm saying horrendous human life choices which I made last year that turned me into a shell of myself, yes I did/do want to make myself feel better and stop feeling this constant disgust towards myself. Pity? I don't want pity. I just wanted to be transparent, I don't know how much of me you know of but my whole time on MESO is and was based on transparancy

Trust is extremely hard to build and you can spend two years building the best relationships with people, and all the trust in the world. Yet one action will destroy all the trust don't think I've scammed anyone, but I do agree with the fact that actions do speak for themselves.
I have no power to speak above your opinion, we probably have never spoken and you read this thread to get an overall understanding of me or my situation. That's fair enough, and i respect your opinion.
As far as scamming goes, I would never scam anyone. I made that pretty clear with my past actions and current actions. Appreciate your opinion.
Also, to clear up that pity & to make myself feel better: no I don't wish for pity nor do I wish to feel better (or maybe I do want to justify my own choices?). I think as a human, when we make mistakes (no I am not saying scamming), I'm saying horrendous human life choices which I made last year that turned me into a shell of myself, yes I did/do want to make myself feel better and stop feeling this constant disgust towards myself. Pity? I don't want pity. I just wanted to be transparent, I don't know how much of me you know of but my whole time on MESO is and was based on transparency.
Dyna, human is as human does. I'm the king of fuck ups so I understand what you are saying more importantly I understand why you are saying it.
Can or so you plan on making any damaged parties whole again? That's the most important thing for you to do to earn trust back.
I know you are a good bro who (when you are in a good place) are as honest and giving as they come. When your demons start driving....all bets are off.
Let me know if I can help with accountability. Kim's in your corner also. PM me when you get a chance.
Dyna, human is as human does. I'm the king of fuck ups so I understand what you are saying more importantly I understand why you are saying it.
Can or so you plan on making any damaged parties whole again? That's the most important thing for you to do to earn trust back.
I know you are a good bro who (when you are in a good place) are as honest and giving as they come. When your demons start driving....all bets are off.
Let me know if I can help with accountability. Kim's in your corner also. PM me when you get a chance.

i must've missed the memo where we coddle sources and look the other way when they scam as long as they eventually come back and promise to make things right.

i promise not to say i told you so the next time he takes orders and pulls another Houdini. Not!
i must've missed the memo where we coddle sources and look the other way when they scam as long as they eventually come back and promise to make things right.

i promise not to say i told you so the next time he takes orders and pulls another Houdini. Not!
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I got this last week. Check your inbox MSG! :D
Man, im so happy to hear you are still alive and kicking, i thought you died or something. Very sad to hear that you have been having such a rough time mentally and had so many shitty situations, i hope you have found a way to get through your days without falling into the depths of darkness like that again, I know how awful one can feel mentally, It can really fuck ones life over. Its really appreciated how upfront and honest you are though, despite a lot of people giving you shit which is very understandable considerig how things have played out before, but i think it shines through how good hearted you really are towards this community and that you really are going to make it right in the long run, you just got to get back on to your feet. Yes, you fucked up, but you are trying to do what you can to fix it which is the right thing to do instead of running away like a piece of scum. I hope to see you back in full health, doing what you love and having made everything right to everyone that thought they were wronged. Use the good people you have around you and do what you can to keep your head up and doing whats best for you and your endevours in the longrun.

Welcome back mate, i hope its all going to go the right way now and that everyone ends up being happy with the outcomes that will play out.

Stay safe and sane.

Thanks for your kind words bro, I appreciate you. You've always checked up on me asking if I was doing alright, even in 2020 when things were going well. Also, hopefully when things are okay I can try to help you out again; let's hope your country's postal service improved! Love you brother.

Ya can't help but love Kimmers right! LoL

Dyna, human is as human does. I'm the king of fuck ups so I understand what you are saying more importantly I understand why you are saying it.
Can or so you plan on making any damaged parties whole again? That's the most important thing for you to do to earn trust back.
I know you are a good bro who (when you are in a good place) are as honest and giving as they come. When your demons start driving....all bets are off.
Let me know if I can help with accountability. Kim's in your corner also. PM me when you get a chance.
Kim has always been great, I love her!
Yeah man,I fucked up - bad. There is a lot of shame when it comes to what I did and didn't do, thanks for understanding Robbie.
I plan on making everyone whole again, 2 customer's products are already going to be on the way today, and the other 2 I'm still working on as one of them is a monetary refund and the other is still being talked about.
During 2020, I was in a much better place but as I showed many people, I was always at the hospital getting my medication & seeing doctors.
I wish I never saw a new one for surgery, and the pain got worse and hell began.
Thank you so much bro, I'll shoot you a PM sometime soon.
Thanks for your kind words bro, I appreciate you. You've always checked up on me asking if I was doing alright, even in 2020 when things were going well. Also, hopefully when things are okay I can try to help you out again; let's hope your country's postal service improved! Love you brother.

Kim has always been great, I love her!
Yeah man,I fucked up - bad. There is a lot of shame when it comes to what I did and didn't do, thanks for understanding Robbie.
I plan on making everyone whole again, 2 customer's products are already going to be on the way today, and the other 2 I'm still working on as one of them is a monetary refund and the other is still being talked about.
During 2020, I was in a much better place but as I showed many people, I was always at the hospital getting my medication & seeing doctors.
I wish I never saw a new one for surgery, and the pain got worse and hell began.
Thank you so much bro, I'll shoot you a PM sometime soon.
Please do. Good luck
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I got this last week. Check your inbox MSG! :D

i had an idea. Hear me out. Why don't you and the other well wishers cover the members that he scammed.

What's a few thousand bucks between the 3 or 4 of you? i'm sure he'll pay you back and then some, right.

You trust him. What could possibly go wrong. It's not like he has a track record of taking money and running. Oh, wait...
@ExtremePIP I definitely have worse medical conditions than you and would never screw people over like that. I have multiple sclerosis and I’m legally blind in my right eye.Using your “illness” as an excuse is very lame. Using an undisclosed “illness” to me sounds like your a drug addict. I love how people use their “illness” to excuse their wrong doings. I have zero respect for you and karma gets you.

You know, I don't expect you to even know my medical condition but you state that you have MS. Blindness in your right eye is not a disease, but I'll give it to you too.
I'm sorry that you have MS and I see patients with MS in the cancer hospital all the time, some are getting chemo and other outpatient treatments. MS makes your quality of life quite shitty doesn't it?
So does CRPS, LTN and SS nerve palsy, TOS, DDD, arthritis in the thoracic and cervical spine, and more that I won't list due to OPSEC.

I didn't use my illness as an excuse, I gave a timeline of events. I wish I could disclose more in regards to my illness but I don't believe it would be good for OPSEC. The fact that we are sitting here and you are trying to compare diseases is kind of ridiculous. As a chronic patient with a disease or condition that will affect them for the rest of their life, why do so? MS is a horrible disease, yet there are also good medications developed for it, and I hope they help allow you to lead a functional life.

I'm a chronic pain patient, have been and after my last two surgeries and other three non surgical procedures, my pain got worse. That's when I was put on a higher dose , then rotated to a much stronger analgesic.
You brought addict into it - I probably would've fought that off before.
If you read it more closely, I stated that the I couldn't get rid of the "shackles that held me down" and I couldn't "recover". At that time, I was put on very strong analgesics, coupled with life events, I slowly stopped taking orders in the 2nd quarter of 2021.

At that time, things were going great; I didn't owe anyone anything and business was just "flourishing". Then slowly, business just crashed, things happened and coupled with both issues made it very hard to keep any mental fortitude and continue with this at the time. Throughout last year I probably only took 7 more orders in total which resulted in two issues.
There was no scam - I was communicating with everyone during that time albeit very slowly.
Each of us made an agreement on how to handle the situation, one customer no longer wanted the product anymore and wanted a monetary refund. This was agreed to... when my customer paid me back my money from a front I would use that money to pay this customer back (proof was already given). At the time of this agreement, I had no money to make that monetary refund.
My other customer, I agreed to reship him his product - at that time it was already November. The rest is explained in my initial post.

The 3rd customer and I are still waiting for an agreement at the moment, and the fourth is not a member of the forums just a private customer. I already made right with him.

Thanks for your wishes of bad luck and karma, I believe in karma and the energy you put in is what you get out. I've never maliciously lied to anyone, or hurt anyone, or scammed anyone. I agree, with just the illness/pain/disease you and I wouldn't have had any issues in continuing business because I was doing just so the year before, but coupled with many other factors I don't believe you could say the same - and if you ended up doing so, more power to you.

I don't know 5coops , but I've spoken to Colonial as we have been good friends for a long time. Neither of us have any idea about the "fuck over" you mentioned above, and it seems like you just have a vendetta against me which is fine. But I would love to know about the Colonial issue.
i had an idea. Hear me out. Why don't you and the other well wishers cover the members that he scammed.

What's a few thousand bucks between the 3 or 4 of you? i'm sure he'll pay you back and then some, right.

You trust him. What could possibly go wrong. It's not like he has a track record of taking money and running. Oh, wait...
Bro, relax. I was just kidding. I hope the dude keeps his shit together but I'm not advocating expungement of what he did.
Didn't know you'd be so upset over a joke man. My bad.
i had an idea. Hear me out. Why don't you and the other well wishers cover the members that he scammed.

What's a few thousand bucks between the 3 or 4 of you? i'm sure he'll pay you back and then some, right.

You trust him. What could possibly go wrong. It's not like he has a track record of taking money and running. Oh, wait...

During that first time, I made things right, provided proof, and more.
I've never ran with money, taking money and running would be never coming back and just leaving.

I've already made a member right and am working on another as we speak. I have never ran off with anyones money and never plan to.

However your'e the vet here.
i had an idea. Hear me out. Why don't you and the other well wishers cover the members that he scammed.

What's a few thousand bucks between the 3 or 4 of you? i'm sure he'll pay you back and then some, right.

You trust him. What could possibly go wrong. It's not like he has a track record of taking money and running. Oh, wait...
people fuck up, we all do. it's all about how we handle that that defines us. so we will see if he repeats his prior amends or not.

I've never ordered, never will, but you know I'll keep it real on both sides. I also agree with your prior message about coddling... to a point. if this was some otber member(s) relaying this on his behalf then sure, bullshit 100%. that he is here and (seemingly???) already fixing his repeat giant fuckups, well, alright.

Dyna it may be best for you to call it after making everyone whole. no shame in recognizing what you may not be able to do going forward.

the whole "karma will get you" retards, smh. guy is here repaying and fessing up. doesn't mean I'll ever make trades with him, and also doesn't mean he's actively scamming. life fucked him up / he fucked up life / both, he's fixing it, leave it be. y'all MFs act like you've never done a damn thing wrong and it shows.
During that first time, I made things right, provided proof, and more.
I've never ran with money, taking money and running would be never coming back and just leaving.

I've already made a member right and am working on another as we speak. I have never ran off with anyones money and never plan to.

However your'e the vet here.
I'm glad to see you attempting to make those right who are out money and products when you could have never resurfaced, or resourced under a new name. I think at this point, rather than repeating the same story, make amends with everyone out and then have them confirm they were made whole. Whether you'll ever make it again as a source, no idea but just get those 3 people their money back is priority one.
Bro, relax. I was just kidding. I hope the dude keeps his shit together but I'm not advocating expungement of what he did.
Didn't know you'd be so upset over a joke man. My bad.

i'm not upset. i'm actually shocked that members would be so flippant about a source that took orders and disappeared. The mass bans really fucked up the dynamic here.

During that first time, I made things right, provided proof, and more.
I've never ran with money, taking money and running would be never coming back and just leaving.

I've already made a member right and am working on another as we speak. I have never ran off with anyones money and never plan to.

However your'e the vet here.

You took money for orders. Didn't fulfill those orders and you stopped showing up here. The hallmarks of a reliable source.

people fuck up, we all do. it's all about how we handle that that defines us. so we will see if he repeats his prior amends or not.

I've never ordered, never will, but you know I'll keep it real on both sides. I also agree with your prior message about coddling... to a point. if this was some otber member(s) relaying this on his behalf then sure, bullshit 100%. that he is here and (seemingly???) already fixing his repeat giant fuckups, well, alright.

Dyna it may be best for you to call it after making everyone whole. no shame in recognizing what you may not be able to do going forward.

the whole "karma will get you" retards, smh. guy is here repaying and fessing up. doesn't mean I'll ever make trades with him, and also doesn't mean he's actively scamming. life fucked him up / he fucked up life / both, he's fixing it, leave it be. y'all MFs act like you've never done a damn thing wrong and it shows.

If R&R or Sym or any of the numerous sources that did the same thing as PIP came back here with a long, sappy story and promised to make things right, would you have the same view or would you see thing's for what they really are and tell them to get fucked?