Dynamite Explanation & Apology - 2021

Locked his keys in the raws room. That was comedy gold. He faked his own death too don't forget.

You have your chance to right your wrongs here, i'm certainly not going to try and stop you from doing what's right.

As for what happens after that, you're going to need a lot of understanding members and noobs that don't read if you plan to re-open. i can't get behind you this time though. Sorry.

Good luck, PIP.
SP2.0 mentioned the locked keys thing recently in a Stanford thread, must have been before my time. What's the full story behind that excuse and who was it, Pristine?
SP2.0 mentioned the locked keys thing recently in a Stanford thread, must have been before my time. What's the full story behind that excuse and who was it, Pristine?
Nevermind, found all kinds of references along with this. I forgot all about gunsrus, the rep. I was here for some of this and idk how I forgot.

The coincidence was that my shipper went awol on me the week before I got arrested. He shipped out a bunch of packs, but told me they were all taken care of. I only knew something was up when I started tracking and seeing some packs obviously weren't being dropped. I was just gonna brew some new stuff and ship from that but I was waiting on vials. A lot of the stuff I owed when I got back was actually already packed up, I just hadn't had a chance to drop the packs yet.

We don't have a "raws" room, it was finished that I couldn't get to because my shipper was being dodgy. We didn't lose the key, he just wouldn't give me a straight up answer on what was going on and he's the one that stores all of the finished stuff. I didn't tell ol' boy that I was taking time off for a restock, I told him that I might shut down soon for a few days to do a big restock. It was just something I was thinking about because I knew I had to fix the situation with shipping in the very near future.

He accidentally locked his secure device in the raws room and lost the key. He found the key, but then the cops came and arrested the secure device on a 4 year old warrant.
Taking peoples money and giving them the run around for extended periods of time before falling off the face of the earth is shitting on someone.

What I said above was simply the truth, which can hurt sometimes but I would hardly say I’m shitting on anyone.
yes, all fair and objective points as well. I can't disagree with any of it.

@ExtremePIP good luck in righting your wrongs. what most here don't get is that it's possible to chastise while also maintaining a level of dignity towards someone when they're trying to fix a giant fuckup like you are.

in the end, we all need to be heard and understood despite our wrongdoings. from my side you do have that. take care of these people and all the best thereafter.
For what it’s worth, there was an order made when dyna came back and it was delivered like normal. It had the wrong product in it, but it was still sent on time like normal. Always great to have a domestic source but gonna be a rough comeback
Hi, sorry I can’t quote most of the above replies, I'll address everything and more here below.

Firstly, I am trying to pay the people I owe back - not take any orders. I don’t know much, if anything, at all about the current domestic raw situation and have not done any due diligence, due to the fact that I’m here, firstly to explain what happened to the people I owe, and the people that wondered where I suddenly went.

All the above responses are warranted, but at the same time, I think it would be fair to also look at the timeline of events. I accept the backlash and lack of trust, especially on MESO, since it takes a long time to build that trust, and one stroke of bad luck or mistake to destroy most if not all of it.

Yes, I have been as transparent as possible and have always been. As someone mentioned before, and anyone familiar with myself, something similar happened under very different circumstances at the end of 2019. I won’t elaborate on that except that I made everyone right and provided all proof of events that occurred.

In the past year of 2021 I got myself into a deep hole due to my chronic health issue, still with no one to blame but me. I believe elaborating on my personal struggles is a waste of time, won’t win me any brownie points with most of the people here and it doesn’t have a place here.
I kept everyone updated to the best of my ability, mainly through Wickr and Protonmail; I also had my rep give as much info as possible on MESO. Throughout the middle of 2021, I tried multiple times to come back and “break the shackles” that were holding me down. However, it was almost impossible during that period due to how deep in I was. I would tell people that I would be back within two to three weeks and give various updates on my situation, but whenever I came back, I would leave again because my situation was not resolved. I tried not to leave anyone in the dark about my whereabouts, I was constantly in and out of the hospital due to my condition, and I sent proof to various members, customers, and friends.
During that time, I was receiving a lot of support, and people would tell me they wanted to see me get better and stay healthy… sadly I was unable to do so because I was at my “rock bottom.” I was taken aback and still am by some of the kindness I received.
Reading some of the comments, I would like to personally address a few that I felt/feel are a little inaccurate.
I believe that calling someone a compulsive liar and bullshitter when I have provided proof of my issues (albeit not publicly on the forums, but to members on MESO on Wickr, my friends/customers), and have come back to make things right is a little rash. Also, during the time of sourcing, I have always kept my word, I did not lie, and I always provided the best comms and customer service to my ability (as I am a one man team). I got lied to and scammed many times, but that’s part of the game. I personally don’t believe the jacket fits me, but everyone is also entitled to their opinion. I will just defend myself where I believe I should.

Regarding people finding other domestic sources without “having to deal with someone like me”. I don’t believe I let anyone down during my time as a source, when I had no personal issues. Yes, this personal issue affected a lot, but at the time I was already private and was not accepting many orders.
Things became too much for me in November (the last time I tried to come back), health wise, luck wise, and like I said it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. My mental health deteriorated and I was at a new low, I would not talk to anyone in life and isolate. I also kept my phone off, basically ignoring everyone checking in on me, not only the few people that I owed. I am not trying to throw a pity party, far from it.

There are people that asked me for exactly what happened and I am just giving a timeline of events, apology and transparency - which I am doing so.

I wish to make things right, and actions speak louder than words. I believe I took the right action by coming back, it would’ve been easy to come back on a different handle and try to do whatever or just leave permanently. It’s very hard to come back when you’re down, and I’m trying. Albeit not only once but twice - people may use the first time against me as above, but coming back to pay people the first time after that loss was extremely rough, and paying people back this time will also be extremely rough. Also, I don’t believe it would make sense to anyone to leave when the money I owed was less than the money that was owed to me. I didn’t leave MESO while still asking the person that owed me to pay me back, I just gave up during that period of time; also when I slowly stopped comms in March/April everything was going well business wise, but personally I was not doing well. At that time, life was honestly really rough, and yes; I know most of MESO gives no fucks about how rough it is. Why did I have to have this issue and other sources not have issues such has these? 99% of other sources have many people taking care of their sales, forum reputation, and everything while the main boss collects the check. I’m a one man team so I guess when I go down, everything goes down. That’s the hard part but being one man doing all of this allows me to connect with people on a different level, and customers always can make sure they are speaking to the highest person on the “chain”.

I was already told that coming back to source would be rough and I wouldn’t be able to make it due to the abundance of other sources, but it is what it is.
I’m not here to make a come back yet, nor do I believe people would even take a chance. I’m here to pay what I owe and I'll do it the quickest way I can.

@Tiredandhot I plan on paying people back one at a time, whatever I can do quickest. I believe I can do so.

Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out here. You’re a Piece of shit
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I’m honestly shocked at the reception u guys are giving this piece of shit scammer who still hasn’t paid up to the people he robbed. You guys are fucking retards. What has meso become . Holy fuck

@ExtremePIP I hope u die
I was on the very strong prescribed opioid medication at that high dose, and now I have been able to recover and taper back to my normal dose pre surgery where it does not affect me mentally, physically and more. It just keeps my pain at bay and helps me function at a level where I can do some of the things I like albeit not at the level I would like to. I'm talking about I can stay out for more than 30 minutes at a time now without having to go back home to lay down.
This is a very slippery slope man. I don’t think you will find success with this going about it this way.

Addiction is a very very powerful thing. I understand you have a prescription, but addiction doesn’t care. I know you have chronic pain, but addiction doesn’t care.

An alcoholic who drinks a whole 5th of vodka everyday will not find success by reducing their alcohol consumption by 50%

A heroin addict doesn’t get better by only injecting a little bit of heroin instead of a lot.

You are going to stay in this constant battle until you get clean for good. It sucks, but that’s the reality of addiction.

I truly do hope you can find a way to get past this part of your life, you and I always were cool on a personal level and I don’t wish addiction on anyone man.
Thanks for your kind words bro, I appreciate you. You've always checked up on me asking if I was doing alright, even in 2020 when things were going well. Also, hopefully when things are okay I can try to help you out again; let's hope your country's postal service improved! Love you brother.

Kim has always been great, I love her!
Yeah man,I fucked up - bad. There is a lot of shame when it comes to what I did and didn't do, thanks for understanding Robbie.
I plan on making everyone whole again, 2 customer's products are already going to be on the way today, and the other 2 I'm still working on as one of them is a monetary refund and the other is still being talked about.
During 2020, I was in a much better place but as I showed many people, I was always at the hospital getting my medication & seeing doctors.
I wish I never saw a new one for surgery, and the pain got worse and hell began.
Thank you so much bro, I'll shoot you a PM sometime soon.
So you are sending product to people that hasn't been tested? Hahahahaha
Here’s the thing…your explanation really means fuck all to anyone. Fessing up to it and asking for forgiveness doesn’t right any of the wrongs, and it definitely doesn’t make you a “stand up guy”

You keep writing about yourself and everything that you went through…what about the people you took money from? Do you think you “borrowing” their money without permission may have caused a hardship for them? Do you even care?

Maybe they needed those raws so that they can produce a product to pay for stuff that they may need. You keep crying about what you went through..me, me, me ,me…enough of that bullshit, pay what you owe, or don’t and shut the fuck up. The people you owe have probably already written it off and moved on, you are untrustworthy and inconsiderate.

Given the fact that you only seem to think about yourself (like most addicts) you only see the harm that it causes you, not the harm it may have inflicted on others, and that’s where the karma aspect comes in.

Pay your debts and shut up…honorable people do that without making a public service announcement, unless of course you are a politician looking for votes in an upcoming election, can’t trust those idiots either.
Here’s the thing…your explanation really means fuck all to anyone. Fessing up to it and asking for forgiveness doesn’t right any of the wrongs, and it definitely doesn’t make you a “stand up guy”

You keep writing about yourself and everything that you went through…what about the people you took money from? Do you think you “borrowing” their money without permission may have caused a hardship for them? Do you even care?

Maybe they needed those raws so that they can produce a product to pay for stuff that they may need. You keep crying about what you went through..me, me, me ,me…enough of that bullshit, pay what you owe, or don’t and shut the fuck up. The people you owe have probably already written it off and moved on, you are untrustworthy and inconsiderate.

Given the fact that you only seem to think about yourself (like most addicts) you only see the harm that it causes you, not the harm it may have inflicted on others, and that’s where the karma aspect comes in.

Pay your debts and shut up…honorable people do that without making a public service announcement, unless of course you are a politician looking for votes in an upcoming election, can’t trust those idiots either.
Exactly, just STFU and pay the people back. Coming here looking for a pity party on why he was ripping people off, boo fucking who. OP you're nothing fucking special everyone is struggling with something.
Man why you even come here? You own about 6k to Liska and another 1,5k to other person and maybe that are some people that are on that list also
Liska has waited one year for that. Do you think that he doesn't needed that money or raws? 6k is a good amount of money and there are people buried in the woods for much less than this. I would be angry if someone would scam me for 6k.
If there was 500$ let's say that shit happens and move on but here is much more

Pay your debt or go silence. And do you will pay with interest like a shark loan have? But at this point I don't even know how would you get that money to pay back

Probably the best would have been just to dissappear and that's it
I didn't read the whole thread thoroughly and I don't want to judge OP since I don't really know him, but shouldn't every source be responsible for their business regardless of their personal problems? E.g. don't operate a shop when you're severely ill.
Man why you even come here? You own about 6k to Liska and another 1,5k to other person and maybe that are some people that are on that list also
Liska has waited one year for that. Do you think that he doesn't needed that money or raws? 6k is a good amount of money and there are people buried in the woods for much less than this. I would be angry if someone would scam me for 6k.
If there was 500$ let's say that shit happens and move on but here is much more

Pay your debt or go silence. And do you will pay with interest like a shark loan have? But at this point I don't even know how would you get that money to pay back

Probably the best would have been just to dissappear and that's it

imo it has nothing to do with the amount of money being scammed.
Scammers are scum, simple as it is. No situation verifies someone to steal another person.
All the people posting "welcome back, nice to see you" etc.. well, imagine you were the one who was scammed? Would you react the same?
Hey.. at least you’re taking responsibility, owning up to your faults and mistakes and trying to make amends… good on ya’ anyways, good luck and hope all works out for ya’ in whatever way that may be.
Out of curiosity, would you mind expanding on this? I've noticed that a lot of the older guys like trennedoutlunatic, bigbaldbeardguy, froz3nbomb3r, and silentmon1011 are gone. Is the mass ban the cause?

A lot of the vets were vetting a source and things got out of hand and they were all banned. Of course there’s more to it than that but that sums it up short and sweet. This place hasn’t been the same since. It may never be.

@ExtremePIP I’ve hesitated from making an appearance here. I completely agree with everyone here. It’s one of those fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. There will be no more shaming or fooling and quite frankly you got one more chance than any other source would have.

With that said, I am glad to see you around. The reason you got one more chance than others would have is for things like this…. I once had something tragic happen that rocked my world and you reached out offering condolences and wanting to help anyway you could. We had/have never done business together and I couldn’t believe that you genuinely cared. I really appreciate that and wish you the best in whatever the future may hold for you. I just don’t think you have a future here.