Dynamite Explanation & Apology - 2021

Out of curiosity, would you mind expanding on this? I've noticed that a lot of the older guys like trennedoutlunatic, bigbaldbeardguy, froz3nbomb3r, and silentmon1011 are gone. Is the mass ban the cause?

What B Ware said, as well as a thread about manspreading, whatever the fuck that is. That got a lot of long term members banned.

Then there was a few voluntary bans after seeing so many good names banned. A few said fuck it, ban me too.
"There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again. '"
To bring some context into this, George Bush actually said this to a worldwide television audience. He couldn't even get a classic Texas saying right, how was he going to lead our country? That was a classic George Bush misstep. It was hysterical. The Daily Show tore him apart for that. Great quote, this really made me laugh.
To bring some context into this, George Bush actually said this to a worldwide television audience. He couldn't even get a classic Texas saying right, how was he going to lead our country? That was a classic George Bush misstep. It was hysterical. The Daily Show tore him apart for that. Great quote, this really made me laugh.
"you work hard to put food on your family."

"so many OBGYNs can't practice their... love... across America"
just rebrand, going to happen most likely
I don't know dyna on a personal level, but we joined meso around the same time so I've read a lot of his posts. And I don't ever see him rebranding, plus he would have done it already if he was going to. If anything, he'd pay everyone back and retry here.

But with the recent raw sources, he's got competition. Coupled with his pattern of health problems and disappearances, I don't see him making it again.
I tried to be transparent, I don't know how people throw addict around so easily.
I wouldn't rebrand either, and would never come back as a new source.

@B Ware I totally agree with your opinion but thanks man for the kindness. I also appreciate that you brought that up. We talked a lot, and I figured even if we don't do business I would try to reach out. You didn't need anything though and was hesitant to accept freebies. Thanks for being a good dude.
just rebrand, going to happen most likely
To be honest, I'm surprised you would say that because if I remember correctly, you know me quite well in terms of character.
I don't know dyna on a personal level, but we joined meso around the same time so I've read a lot of his posts. And I don't ever see him rebranding, plus he would have done it already if he was going to. If anything, he'd pay everyone back and retry here.

But with the recent raw sources, he's got competition. Coupled with his pattern of health problems and disappearances, I don't see him making it again.

Thanks man, we talked a lot but yeah never on a personal level. I might or might not make it again, but it feels optimistic to be on the normal dosage of medication. My health problems are here always, and they will be here for a lifetime and to be honest, I haven't completely accepted that. That's why I used all the money during the time I sourced to look for new doctors, treatment, and surgery which ended up doing the opposite of good. I don't know. As of now I can't really focus on whether I can come back or not. However I am trying to stay optimistic, I can say with confidence that during the time I was not over prescribed and rotated medication, I went above and beyond as a source. Maybe people will bash me for saying this because they will think its bragging but it was and is something I pride myself on in terms of customer service, communication and building that trust. Regardless, thanks T.

I was told someone wished me death, I didn't read the post personally and I don't wish to. However regarding wishing someone illness or death, is pretty dark. I think many of us have been to the point where we faced atleast one or two issues where we thought we couldn't come back from, depending on how much you can tolerate. Some people will fall apart from a break up, some people fall apart from a death, some people fall apart from various things.
I was physically dependent on my medication, and I was overprescribed the dosage after multiple surgeries and three other procedures.
I don't know why addict is thrown so loosely, as in people think I took some money to go fund my medication. That wasn't the case and I don't think there's a point in lying. I already told the truth and got bashed for it, I will keep telling the truth.
I'm sorry for what happened, truly. That's all I can say.
In terms of what I can do, I have spoken to the customers. Mustang's refund has been settled, Liska's is slowly being settled and I gave a timeframe, the other member not on this board has already been his product in half.
There is one more person I am still trying to get in contact with.
Actions speak louder than words, but I will post in order to hold myself accountable in public.

Regardless, I won't read the death thread post because I feel like it's unnecessary and I don't even think I know the poster.
I'm sorry the poster feels that I should die, I just find it weird that death wishes weren't made to the sources that actually exit scammed, or lied completely about their issues, faked their own death, told customers to fuck off and not deal with refunds; but death wishes are made towards someone that wants to make things right.

Yeah - I have no room to complain, but the least I can ask is for men to be men and although we're on the internet we don't know what everyone is going through. Why wish anyone death, it brings nothing.

Thanks for reading this regardless, goodnight or afternoon to you guys.
I tried to be transparent, I don't know how people throw addict around so easily.
I wouldn't rebrand either, and would never come back as a new source.

@B Ware I totally agree with your opinion but thanks man for the kindness. I also appreciate that you brought that up. We talked a lot, and I figured even if we don't do business I would try to reach out. You didn't need anything though and was hesitant to accept freebies. Thanks for being a good dude.

To be honest, I'm surprised you would say that because if I remember correctly, you know me quite well in terms of character.

Thanks man, we talked a lot but yeah never on a personal level. I might or might not make it again, but it feels optimistic to be on the normal dosage of medication. My health problems are here always, and they will be here for a lifetime and to be honest, I haven't completely accepted that. That's why I used all the money during the time I sourced to look for new doctors, treatment, and surgery which ended up doing the opposite of good. I don't know. As of now I can't really focus on whether I can come back or not. However I am trying to stay optimistic, I can say with confidence that during the time I was not over prescribed and rotated medication, I went above and beyond as a source. Maybe people will bash me for saying this because they will think its bragging but it was and is something I pride myself on in terms of customer service, communication and building that trust. Regardless, thanks T.

I was told someone wished me death, I didn't read the post personally and I don't wish to. However regarding wishing someone illness or death, is pretty dark. I think many of us have been to the point where we faced atleast one or two issues where we thought we couldn't come back from, depending on how much you can tolerate. Some people will fall apart from a break up, some people fall apart from a death, some people fall apart from various things.
I was physically dependent on my medication, and I was overprescribed the dosage after multiple surgeries and three other procedures.
I don't know why addict is thrown so loosely, as in people think I took some money to go fund my medication. That wasn't the case and I don't think there's a point in lying. I already told the truth and got bashed for it, I will keep telling the truth.
I'm sorry for what happened, truly. That's all I can say.
In terms of what I can do, I have spoken to the customers. Mustang's refund has been settled, Liska's is slowly being settled and I gave a timeframe, the other member not on this board has already been his product in half.
There is one more person I am still trying to get in contact with.
Actions speak louder than words, but I will post in order to hold myself accountable in public.

Regardless, I won't read the death thread post because I feel like it's unnecessary and I don't even think I know the poster.
I'm sorry the poster feels that I should die, I just find it weird that death wishes weren't made to the sources that actually exit scammed, or lied completely about their issues, faked their own death, told customers to fuck off and not deal with refunds; but death wishes are made towards someone that wants to make things right.

Yeah - I have no room to complain, but the least I can ask is for men to be men and although we're on the internet we don't know what everyone is going through. Why wish anyone death, it brings nothing.

Thanks for reading this regardless, goodnight or afternoon to you guys.
You are the only domestic raw source which you have on your side.
To bring some context into this, George Bush actually said this to a worldwide television audience. He couldn't even get a classic Texas saying right, how was he going to lead our country? That was a classic George Bush misstep. It was hysterical. The Daily Show tore him apart for that. Great quote, this really made me laugh.
You the same bd supplements that used to source 7 or sobyears ago? If so you had some good shit. Hated to see you go down like that.
This is a very slippery slope man. I don’t think you will find success with this going about it this way.

Addiction is a very very powerful thing. I understand you have a prescription, but addiction doesn’t care. I know you have chronic pain, but addiction doesn’t care.

An alcoholic who drinks a whole 5th of vodka everyday will not find success by reducing their alcohol consumption by 50%

A heroin addict doesn’t get better by only injecting a little bit of heroin instead of a lot.

You are going to stay in this constant battle until you get clean for good. It sucks, but that’s the reality of addiction.

I truly do hope you can find a way to get past this part of your life, you and I always were cool on a personal level and I don’t wish addiction on anyone man.

Thanks bro, and yeah man we've always had some good talks bro, bullshitting back and forth - just about to real life, COVID and what not. I always appreciated our talks on Discord and what not.

I don't know if addiction or physical dependence is the correct phrase, I never abused medication. I obviously was dependent on the medication but i think there is a misconception on this thread.

I had surgeries and the doctors upped my dose of medication, then switched it. I asked for a taper after they raised my dose as well as when they switched my medication to a stronger one.
I took/used the medication as prescribed - when it comes to addiction I believe people use medications and abuse them to feel good. That was never the case with me..

The thing is, the medication they prescribed was way too strong and had negative effects on my physical and mental health, yes it helped my condition but made other things such as my mental health, motivation, ability to work, and socialize worse, to the point where I felt like a shell of myself.

I never took more than prescribed and asked for taper methods multiple times, however there are no doctors with tapering experience here. I did a home detox which failed miserably, and the medication was messing with my mental health a lot. I hated it. No this isn't a pity post, again this is just trying to clear up whatever people may think my mentality was in regards to being on the medication.

I have been prescribed medication for a while, and there is currently no treatment in regards to my pain/condition.

So I feel like when some members here say "if the shoe fits", "you're a piece of shit addict", "go die addict'... I feel like there was and is a misconception & possible misunderstanding due to my initial post. The medication the doctors prescribed (a very high dose) which I took as prescribed.
I have no happiness being on any medication besides the fact that it helps with my pain.
I hope that clears at least some of the misconception - as I believe some members here thought I was just taking medication whenever and however much I wanted and using it for fun - when that was far from what the actuality of the situation.
I really hated being on the medication and I went to multiple doctors to try to taper back to my initial dose pre-surgery, which they could not do. I have recovered now and am just working on getting everyone paid back. Whatever happens afterwards is up to the members and what not, I'm not focused on that as of now.
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Hey.. at least you’re taking responsibility, owning up to your faults and mistakes and trying to make amends… good on ya’ anyways, good luck and hope all works out for ya’ in whatever way that may be.
Thanks man, I appreciate it!
tl:dr- domestic raws when?
Can't tell if sarcasm but I am just working on finishing paying what is owed. Actions speak louder than words. Thanks man.

I believe everyone else that keeps bashing me when I already said I made this thread not as a pity party - just as an explanation for my disappearance, and to hold myself accountable in public when it comes to paying people back.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion here but some people are overly harsh - I haven't seen people get bashed harder for exit scamming, coming back as a rebrand, faking their death, locking their laptop or key in their raws room, etc. I just ask people to let me pay people back, I have already done so for two members, another has received a small payment. One last member I am trying to get in contact with - I forgot his handle, but if he could contact me on Wickr it would be great; otherwise I'll keep looking (I'm sure I'll be able to get in contact with him within these few days). Currently I'm working on handling the other member's remaining payment.

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Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Can't tell if sarcasm but I am just working on finishing paying what is owed. Actions speak louder than words. Thanks man.

I believe everyone else that keeps bashing me when I already said I made this thread not as a pity party - just as an explanation for my disappearance, and to hold myself accountable in public when it comes to paying people back.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion here but some people are overly harsh - I haven't seen people get bashed harder for exit scamming, coming back as a rebrand, faking their death, locking their laptop or key in their raws room, etc. I just ask people to let me pay people back, I have already done so for two members, another has received a small payment. One last member I am trying to get in contact with - I forgot his handle, but if he could contact me on Wickr it would be great; otherwise I'll keep looking (I'm sure I'll be able to get in contact with him within these few days). Currently I'm working on handling the other member's remaining payment.


Hello Dyna,

I have not heard from you about my owed product. Possibly the last member you are looking for. I sent you a message on your Proton account,
Hello Dyna,

I have not heard from you about my owed product. Possibly the last member you are looking for. I sent you a message on your Proton account,
Thank you! I'm trying to get back on my Proton - just needs my 2FA. If you could send me a SS, through Wickr as I haven't been able to get on recently
Thanks for reaching out!
EDIT: Wickr: Dynamiteraws
You the same bd supplements that used to source 7 or sobyears ago? If so you had some good shit. Hated to see you go down like that.
Yes Sir! That was me! I was recently released from prison after being taken down by Operation Cyber Juice. Thank you very much for your kind words. I worked hard to provide quality gear for my venerable customers. It was a pleasure to serve you while I could my friend.