Dynamite Explanation & Apology - 2021

Ah yes another UGL that’s trying to redeem itself. Unless this guy makes EVERYONE whole, the colloquialism, screw me once I’m a sucker, screw me twice I’m an Idiot applies.
Do you plan on making everyone whole? What is your status as far as a source.
I have already started brother, 3 out of 4 people have been sent out their items.
3 have already been taken care of (one is not a MESO member and I included mentioning him for transparency), @dellis01 has had the majority of items shipped, and working on the last member - who has been sent a little bit of money however; we are discussing another refund term that he thought out.
I have already started brother, 3 out of 4 people have been sent out their items.
3 have already been taken care of (one is not a MESO member and I included mentioning him for transparency), @dellis01 has had the majority of items shipped, and working on the last member - who has been sent a little bit of money however; we are discussing another refund term that he thought out.

Lol shut the fuck up and get outta here you drug addict con artist thief.
Lol shut the fuck up and get outta here you drug addict con artist thief.
You seem to have a hard time with reading comprehension, so actually fuck it. I'll just ignore you. Usually I'll reply without any ill intent but since you wish death on me and more, I hope you deal with something you can't imagine, but I also hope you will come back from it. Taking medications as prescribed is not being an addict, thanks for listening to my TED talk. If you followed the timeline as well, there was no malicious/scamming intent involved.
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You seem to have a hard time with reading comprehension, so actually fuck it. I'll just ignore you. Usually I'll reply without any ill intent but since you wish death on me and more, I hope you deal with something you can't imagine, but I also hope you will come back from it. Taking medications as prescribed is not being an addict, thanks for listening to my TED talk. If you followed the timeline as well, there was no scamming involved -

Blaming others for your chemical dependence huh? No one forced those drugs down your throat. Or forced you to lie and steal from others. You'll do it again too. Can't take ownership for your actions. It's always someone else's fault when you hear an addict talk.
Blaming others for your chemical dependence huh? No one forced those drugs down your throat. Or forced you to lie and steal from others. You'll do it again too. Can't take ownership for your actions. It's always someone else's fault when you hear an addict talk.

There aren't treatment options or cures for my condition, I took the medication prescribed by the neurologist/pain management doctor (FIPP aka Fellow of International Pain Practice) which are the top pain doctors in terms of education and treatment.
Yes, that was my choice. He prescribed it and I took it as needed, after the 2 surgeries.
Perhaps I should've done my own research on dosages, but I listened to the professional in charge of my treatment..
I don't use street drugs, nor do I like being on these medications. I take full responsibility for using the prescribed medications.
Why are you so sure I'll do something again too?
An addict is someone who abuses medication, uses it to get high or what not if I'm correct. Sorry, I don't wish to expand on this topic anymore because I wrote many posts on it.

I know there is a stigma on people that use opioid medications, but I believe that when every single option has been exhausted there is a time and place to go towards palliative care which is what they put as my treatment plan. However, the dosage - I should have done more due diligence on. I respect your opinion but I what I don't understand is people telling me to get the fuck off instead of paying people back.
Blaming others for your chemical dependence huh? No one forced those drugs down your throat. Or forced you to lie and steal from others. You'll do it again too. Can't take ownership for your actions. It's always someone else's fault when you hear an addict talk.
Are you a damn idiot, or lack reading comprehension like @canadian mutant? Read what he already wrote regarding the addiction accusations. Good God some morons on this forum.
There aren't treatment options or cures for my condition, I took the medication prescribed by the neurologist/pain management doctor (FIPP aka Fellow of International Pain Practice) which are the top pain doctors in terms of education and treatment.
Yes, that was my choice. He prescribed it and I took it as needed, after the 2 surgeries.
Perhaps I should've done my own research on dosages, but I listened to the professional in charge of my treatment..
I don't use street drugs, nor do I like being on these medications. I take full responsibility for using the prescribed medications.
Why are you so sure I'll do something again too?
An addict is someone who abuses medication, uses it to get high or what not if I'm correct. Sorry, I don't wish to expand on this topic anymore because I wrote many posts on it.

I know there is a stigma on people that use opioid medications, but I believe that when every single option has been exhausted there is a time and place to go towards palliative care which is what they put as my treatment plan. However, the dosage - I should have done more due diligence on. I respect your opinion but I what I don't understand is people telling me to get the fuck off instead of paying people back.
That's about as close as you've come to finally owning it. Ive been wondering if you would get there. I'm very familiar with pallative care and how they'll try to over prescribe. They loaded me up and I take the minimum amount that I need to take enough pain away to function but nowhere near what they give me. You don't come across as unintelligent so you absolutely should've researched and got out in front of it. Theres also plenty of info out there about tapering off. So this is 100% on you and not your doctors. Not kicking you when you're down just giving my take since you put it all out there.

If I remember correctly the first time this happened you were running high doses of lorezapam or something similar. It's not worth me going back looking for it. I hope you've got your shit together for your sake and your family if you have one. There's no way in hell anyone should use you as a source. Once shouldve been enough hopefully twice is. You should make everyone whole and be done with it.

You officially have 0 credibility here for sticking up for a scammer
Time to make another handle lmao
I could care less what happens to dyna, he's just a raws seller on a forum. To continue to repeat the same thing over and over in order to humiliate him is ridiculous.
he's just a raws seller on a forum.
No, he WAS a raws seller on this forum, then he became a scammer. Now he is a scammer who is crying about his -not- addiction for ripping people off. Then you come in to defend his bullshit, how much free shit has he sent you to simp for him?
No, he WAS a raws seller on this forum, then he became a scammer. Now he is a scammer who is crying about his -not- addiction for ripping people off. Then you come in to defend his bullshit, how much free shit has he sent you to simp for him?
Ha, accusing me of receiving free product? If you had a brain, you would have read I already stated a week ago I never bought from him nor plan to. Dumbass.
Thanks bro, and yeah man we've always had some good talks bro, bullshitting back and forth - just about to real life, COVID and what not. I always appreciated our talks on Discord and what not.

I don't know if addiction or physical dependence is the correct phrase, I never abused medication. I obviously was dependent on the medication but i think there is a misconception on this thread.

I had surgeries and the doctors upped my dose of medication, then switched it. I asked for a taper after they raised my dose as well as when they switched my medication to a stronger one.
I took/used the medication as prescribed - when it comes to addiction I believe people use medications and abuse them to feel good. That was never the case with me..

The thing is, the medication they prescribed was way too strong and had negative effects on my physical and mental health, yes it helped my condition but made other things such as my mental health, motivation, ability to work, and socialize worse, to the point where I felt like a shell of myself.

I never took more than prescribed and asked for taper methods multiple times, however there are no doctors with tapering experience here. I did a home detox which failed miserably, and the medication was messing with my mental health a lot. I hated it. No this isn't a pity post, again this is just trying to clear up whatever people may think my mentality was in regards to being on the medication.

I have been prescribed medication for a while, and there is currently no treatment in regards to my pain/condition.

So I feel like when some members here say "if the shoe fits", "you're a piece of shit addict", "go die addict'... I feel like there was and is a misconception & possible misunderstanding due to my initial post. The medication the doctors prescribed (a very high dose) which I took as prescribed.
I have no happiness being on any medication besides the fact that it helps with my pain.
I hope that clears at least some of the misconception - as I believe some members here thought I was just taking medication whenever and however much I wanted and using it for fun - when that was far from what the actuality of the situation.
I really hated being on the medication and I went to multiple doctors to try to taper back to my initial dose pre-surgery, which they could not do. I have recovered now and am just working on getting everyone paid back. Whatever happens afterwards is up to the members and what not, I'm not focused on that as of now.

I think you have a misconception about addiction. It’s not just people doing drugs to get high and feel good. It can be that, but it’s also your body becoming dependent on a medication and requiring more of that to get the same therapeutic effect. It’s about withdrawals that your body and most importantly your brain tell you are happening.

Just because you took a drug as prescribed does not mean you were not addicted to it. While the doctors may have over prescribed, you are not completely absolved of taking the medication as prescribed if you didn’t need it in those dosages. I’m appalled that the doctors in this day and age would do such a thing with the available information we have on how opiates effect brain chemistry, but that’s neither here nor there. It’s clear from your time here that you are educated enough to know what these meds can do physically and psychologically, and you have to take accountability for that.

I am very sorry for your medical conditions, if the pain is requiring that level of medication (sounds like they moved you from morphine to dilaudid or fentanyl if I had to take an educated guess) then trying to make rational decisions is more than difficult. Hoping you can find something that works better to give you a better quality of life.
If you had a brain, you would have read I already stated a week ago I never bought from him nor plan to.
You go on about not having bought anything from him without denying you have received free shit to simp for him. Your post is very telling, moron.
Threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against (but not limited to) forum members and/or their family members are prohibited. Promoting or encouraging self-harm is also prohibited.
Also lmao Scamming a dude for thousands of dollars then sending him instalments of raw powder that costs you cents on the dollar 2 years later. Give the man a refund you fuckin con artist . And then after that, go Kill yourself, so your misery doesn’t get passed on to others like it did when u stole all our money