Dynamite Explanation & Apology - 2021

Also lmao Scamming a dude for thousands of dollars then sending him instalments of raw powder that costs you cents on the dollar 2 years later. Give the man a refund you fuckin con artist . And then after that, go Kill yourself, so your misery doesn’t get passed on to others like it did when u stole all our money
Keep in mind, this type of verbiage can get you banned. Just FYI
Keep in mind, this type of verbiage can get you banned. Just FYI
No, personal threats are solid reasons to ban. He is encouraging him to commit suicide, huge difference.

I am not saying that should be tolerated but how different are regarding potential banning.

@ExtremePIP how are you dealing with @Liska issue, I think this person was very reasonable with the words he used taking a look at how you ghosted and the amounts you owed him.
ExtremeFag needs cash . So he sells some dude product he doesn’t have. Then realizes he can just steal the product from Liska . Then flips that for a bit more of cash. Master con artist. It was all planned. Someone mentioned he mentioned his health issues in one of his early posts? He set it up right from the start. What kind of internet drug dealer posts about his personal health in his source page. This guy is a fuckin idiot. All thieves should be executed
No, personal threats are solid reasons to ban. He is encouraging him to commit suicide, huge difference.
Unless the rules have changed, wishing harm or death on someone is grounds for a ban. It’s not my rule, I’m just letting y’all know what has happened in the past
Unless the rules have changed, wishing harm or death on someone is grounds for a ban. It’s not my rule, I’m just letting y’all know what has happened in the past
As it should be. Wishing death on someone is extreme and the very few I've seen make such comments on here in the past were hateful members who deserved to be banned.
As it should be. Wishing death on someone is extreme and the very few I've seen make such comments on here in the past were hateful members who deserved to be banned.
To be fair, I’m not saying it’s a bad rule, I’m just trying to stay out of this whole thing while enlightening members of what is or is not tolerated by this board. @Alphalfa made an incorrect assumption about the rules.
To be fair, I’m not saying it’s a bad rule, I’m just trying to stay out of this whole thing while enlightening members of what is or is not tolerated by this board. @Alphalfa made an incorrect assumption about the rules.
So where are the official rules for the whole board? I can only find the Undergound ones, in the rest of the forum applies Terms and Conditions, that is all. And I remember the ban issue last year and all Millard talked about was personal threats.
"Threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members are prohibited."

I do not believe wishing someone anything is a reason to ban, personal threats yes, unless it degenerates hugely and all the messages are around those ideas, like exclusively focusing on a person.

What is the difference between wishing someone cancer or sucking a big fat cock, like and source recently wished to me lol?

Wishes, that is all, not a personal threat.
Wheter he commits suicide or not is something that the user wishing it has nothing to do with, not something he is going to do personally. A personal threat, wheter it is serious or not, is a threat statement and should be taken as that.

@Millard , @MESO-Rx Administrator , I have tried to search the rules that are numbered as quoted by you and other members, but unfortunately I cannot find the original thread nor any list where they are. All I can see is people talking about 1), 3), 4), 5),7)(being that the one regarding threats), 8), but using the searcher I had no luck, and tried everything.
The thread you quoted on this message is no longer valid(404 error):
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So where are the official rules for the whole board? I can only find the Undergound ones, in the rest of the forum applies Terms and Conditions, that is all. And I remember the ban issue last year and all Millard talked about was personal threats.
"Threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members are prohibited."

I do not believe wishing someone anything is a reason to ban, personal threats yes, unless it degenerates hugely and all the messages are around those ideas, like exclusively focusing on a person.

What is the difference between wishing someone cancer or sucking a big fat cock, like and source recently wished to me lol?

Wishes, that is all, not a personal threat.
Wheter he commits suicide or not is something that the user wishing it has nothing to do with, not something he is going to do personally. A personal threat, wheter it is serious or not, is a threat statement and should be taken as that.

@Millard , @MESO-Rx Administrator , I have tried to search the rules that are numbered as quoted by you and other members, but unfortunately I cannot find the original thread nor any list where they are. All I can see is people talking about 1), 3), 4), 5),7)(being that the one regarding threats), 8), but using the searcher I had no luck, and tried everything.
The thread you quoted on this message is no longer valid(404 error):
And this one have not a list, like it seems it used to be, and for the rest of the forum T&C applies:

It seems in this old post you can find the original numbered list:

"The "Steroid Underground" forum is intended for members only to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers.
You have my promise that no one will be protected from the truth.
Opinions and experiences - good and bad - regarding steroid sources and underground labs (UGLs) will not be censored at all.
Discussion is limited only to performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs).
Members will not be banned for anything that is said about sources. This rule applies only to this sub-forum.
The forum will be largely uncensored and unmoderated.
Rules are subject to change.
(1) Solicitations by spammers will be prohibited. (People who register and post the same spam message on multiple threads will be banned.) This includes solicitations via PM.
(2) All links to third-party websites must be coded. Active "clickable" hyperlinks will also be prohibited. Posts that violate rule #2 are subject to deletion.
For example:
Anabolic Steroid Information - MESO-Rx

(3) Absolutely no unauthorized posting of identifying information about any MESO-Rx member e.g. no phone numbers, no names, no addresses, etc.
(4) Engaging in conduct that is illegal or tortious is prohibited.
(5) Engaging in deceptive activities, including misrepresentation of affiliation, impersonation, and fraud is prohibited.
(6) Members must disclose any affiliation with vendors discussed in the "Steroid Underground" for which they receive, or expect to receive, compensation.
(7) Threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members are prohibited.
(8) Threats of cyber-attack are prohibited.
(8) Creating multiple user accounts for the primary purpose of covertly promoting the sale of AAS is prohibited.
(9) Internet forum trolling is prohibited whereas trolling is defined as the disruption of forum discussion with unprovoked personal attacks on multiple members and/or repeatedly posting of off-topic messages in numerous threads.
The possession and/or distribution of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) is illegal in the United States without a valid medical prescription. It is illegal in many other countries as well. Do not buy and/or sell anabolic steroids if it is illegal in your jurisdiction.
The legality of using such drugs varies from country to country. The use and/or importation of such drugs into your country or locality may or may not be disallowed or illegal. We recommend that you contact your local FDA and/or customs office regarding the regulations and restrictions of your country.
MESO-Rx assumes no responsibility or liability for violation (or consequences thereof) of the respective rules and regulations in your particular jurisdiction. Any attempt to circumvent your country's importation laws is strongly discouraged. Any attempt to do so is done at your sole risk and as such under no circumstances is MESO-Rx liable for any damages, financial, legal or otherwise that result from such actions."
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Keep in mind, this type of verbiage can get you banned. Just FYI

Unless the rules have changed, wishing harm or death on someone is grounds for a ban. It’s not my rule, I’m just letting y’all know what has happened in the past

As it should be. Wishing death on someone is extreme and the very few I've seen make such comments on here in the past were hateful members who deserved to be banned.

To be fair, I’m not saying it’s a bad rule, I’m just trying to stay out of this whole thing while enlightening members of what is or is not tolerated by this board. @Alphalfa made an incorrect assumption about the rules.

So this is the only rule that could be potentially applied:

(9) Internet forum trolling is prohibited whereas trolling is defined as the disruption of forum discussion with unprovoked personal attacks on multiple members and/or repeatedly posting of off-topic messages in numerous threads.

Is it a personal attack? If it is, is it unprovoked? Once again, I believe that whishes, even when they are harmful, are not threats nor personal attacks.

Open up to interpretations, but not as clear as you pointed out.
So this is the only rule that could be potentially applied:

(9) Internet forum trolling is prohibited whereas trolling is defined as the disruption of forum discussion with unprovoked personal attacks on multiple members and/or repeatedly posting of off-topic messages in numerous threads.

Is it a personal attack? If it is, is it unprovoked? Once again, I believe that whishes, even when they are harmful, are not threats nor personal attacks.

Open up to interpretations, but not as clear as you pointed out.
What is clear is that I have seen people temp banned for telling others to kill themselves. Just because it isn't expressly written does not mean that it won’t be enforced.

It’s kinda like labeling a vial of HGH as 10 IU even though it’s not. You’re ok with that being labeled incorrectly, but you cannot seem to understand that rules are enforced other than they’re written.
I actually asked @Millard about the list of rules above last Saturday or Sunday, because I couldn't find any. I think he said he pulled them and revising it right now.
So where are the official rules for the whole board?
A link to the terms and rules is available at the bottom left of every forum page. If those are too ambiguous, here's some extra guidance:

"Threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against (but not limited to) forum members and/or their family members are prohibited. Promoting or encouraging self-harm is also prohibited."
Last-minute add-on for the past year at least.
Actions that we've tolerated with temporary bans involve the category of violence - threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members, direct/indirect/hypothetical, as promotion/encouragement of self-harm
Well, I have found you including it on the 7th rule when all the ban dramma and Naps happened, so you were right.

I would highly recommend to update the "Underground forum rules" thread with all the rules so people can be sure what the limits are.
I would highly recommend to update the "Underground forum rules" thread with all the rules so people can be sure what the limits are.
It's pretty simple: keep the violence and threats off the forum. It's a harm reduction forum. I don't know what to tell you if someone can't figure out that encouraging or promoting another member's death is inconsistent with this.
I would have thought anyone involved with this ugl would have burned it and started over with a new name.

I never used these guys, it seemed like a good idea to have a domestic raw supplier, it's a fantastic idea if you can pull it off. The problem was the dude was in and out of the hospital all the time and sick. I feel for anyone suffering health problems, but you can't take peoples money and then turn around and state you're in bad health.

Someone sends you money and you send the the product or you immediately refund the money and tell them sorry but my health is fucked and I can't fill your order. Seems like bullshit to keep the money and hand a customer an IOU. The patience some of these customers showed is mind blowing.