Open Letter to Millard

Well then I’ll be the first to say, it’s hard but from where I come from as a “big homie” youve got to hits for the team once in awhile. So @cochino , @BigBaldBeardGuy, @Navysquid. Thanks for cleaning up the underground and preventing some youngster from getting ripped of the turdbucket squad Naps.
A “threat” is a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done. This is usually an offensive attack.

A deterrent is a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

This is the simple rule in question:

"Threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members are prohibited."

I'm not going to change the rules to give special treatment to some people over others. Nor am I going to lower the standards for some groups over others.

Rather than being a flaw, I think the equal application of the rules to everyone is a defining feature of the MESO forum that makes it stand out from other forums.

It stills sounds like you are trying really hard to say you didn't violate the rules. The wordplay is confusing. A deterrent is not a threat when it is defensive? However, a threat can be a deterrent when it is defensive although it is usually it is offensive? But does a deterrent become a threat when it is offensive?

I suggest you try a different approach:

You should argue that it is more concerning when a source violates the rule than when a non-source violates the rule. I think you will find unanimous agreement on this point.

(Well, except when it involves TGI, then members think a source is perfectly justified in pursuing violence against a non-source. But that's another story.)
This is the simple rule in question:

"Threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members are prohibited."

I'm not going to change the rules to give special treatment to some people over others. Nor am I going to lower the standards for some groups over others.

Rather than being a flaw, I think the equal application of the rules to everyone is a defining feature of the MESO forum that makes it stand out from other forums.

It stills sounds like you are trying really hard to say you didn't violate the rules. The wordplay is confusing. A deterrent is not a threat when it is defensive? However, a threat can be a deterrent when it is defensive although it is usually it is offensive? But does a deterrent become a threat when it is offensive?

I suggest you try a different approach:

You should argue that it is more concerning when a source violates the rule than when a non-source violates the rule. I think you will find unanimous agreement on this point.

(Well, except when it involves TGI, then members think a source is perfectly justified in pursuing violence against a non-source. But that's another story.)
Than why was I banned. Did I quote something or troll naps a little to hard?
Than why was I banned. Did I quote something or troll naps a little to hard?

You were banned for misattributing/falsifying quotes. I don't know how you missed it.

This reason was listed along with your ban notice. This warning was listed along with each on of the posts in violation of this policy for everyone to see.
uneducated in the topic, but glad you’re back.

on the true issue here, sources are getting ballsy and it appears to be the other edge of the sword you get with a forum like this..
Right on, the proven RAT fuck @Twisted has been involved with some shady labs and burned several people.
He posted in the NAPs thread. I am dying for him to post again so I can completely shine a light on his ignorance. I don't tolerate rats or those that stand behind promoting shit sources.
BTW, he thinks telling you guys that I am a psychopath is telling you something you don't know. You guys all should know I am certifiable by now, if you don't, something is wrong with you.
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It stills sounds like you are trying really hard to say you didn't violate the rules. The wordplay is confusing. A deterrent is not a threat when it is defensive? However, a threat can be a deterrent when it is defensive although it is usually it is offensive? But does a deterrent become a threat when it is offensive?
I think that he’s basically trying to say that he actually violated the rules from an objective point of view, but from a subjective point of view there’s an exemption, which is self-defence.

Eg: I will kill you (no matter what you do) is a threat.

Eg2: I will kill you if you shoot at me (to get yourself killed you have to satisfy a condition). This is a deterrent.

Just my 2 cents, have a nice day :)
I think that he’s basically trying to say that he actually violated the rules from an objective point of view, but from a subjective point of view there’s an exemption, which is self-defence.

Eg: I will kill you (no matter what you do) is a threat.

Eg2: I will kill you if you shoot at me (to get yourself killed you have to satisfy a condition). This is a deterrent.

Just my 2 cents, have a nice day :)
For the record, that kind of logic holds up in court. I know from personal experience. Hypothetical if-then statements are circumstantial and do not constitute an actual threat. I'm not arguing this situation because I haven't read in to it.