Open Letter to Millard

I agree with you but most everything that goes on in here is illegal, including buying, selling distributing steroids lol.
The constitution doesn't apply here.

Yes, true. But that’s different from making legitimate threats
Point of fact: naps was banned for the behavior in question for four weeks. The allegation that he was not banned is not true. Several members have continued to circulate this lie for their own respective reasons. In addition, there are several other baseless accusations.

Should the ban have been longer? That is a fair topic of discussion. Everything else is bullshit.

I am running out of patience with the lying, the whining, the false victimhood, the wannabe martyrs, and anyone who is unwilling to follow the forum rules.

To be fair Millards just doing his duty.

I know it will be unpopular but some of you guys cross the line, ive never been one for drama but a lot of you bros turn this forum into an androgenic soap opera sometimes.

With that said, Millard its a bit petty to ban a guy just because he said ban me though.

I for one appreciate you enforcing the rules, and its pretty easy to follow them. You seem pretty level headed and able to restrain your emotions despite all the abuse you get.

But i dont agree with banning someone just because they said ban me. Just seems classless and petty.

Regarding Naps threatening people, to be honest one temp ban is suitable but if it happens again its best to be permanent IMO. That sort of conduct benefits nobody here. Emotions get out of hand and guys say shit they dont actually intend to follow through with, but if follow through happens or the threat happens a second time it should definitely be a permanent ban, without debate and with no recourse from the offending party.

In conclusion i have no beef with Millard and actually appreciate his efforts to keep the boys in line. But i reiterate my feeling that banning someone because they said ban me is a tad bit petty and it would be more respectable if you just ignored such foolery.
I was referring to being banned, because he said to Millard "go ahead, ban me"
I have found on other boards that when people say ban me, it is probably a good idea to grant their wish because their next post will likely leave admin wishing they had done it earlier.


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