Open Letter to Millard

Point of fact: naps was banned for the behavior in question for four weeks. The allegation that he was not banned is not true. Several members have continued to circulate this lie for their own respective reasons. In addition, there are several other baseless accusations.

Should the ban have been longer? That is a fair topic of discussion. Everything else is bullshit.

I am running out of patience with the lying, the whining, the false victimhood, the wannabe martyrs, and anyone who is unwilling to follow the forum rules.
I have been reading this post way too long. Guys this is the point you are trying to get to and keep missing it. Is threatening to post another members info and potentially ruin his life worth twice what spamming is worth? From what I gather one was banned for two weeks and one for a month.

This is a debatable topic and the rules do not define ban times they are arbitrary. So what is the criteria for a permanent ban? Is a longer ban more fitting for doxing?

I said I wouldn’t get involved in this topic and I apologize however Millard provided what I thought what is being missed and I felt compelled to point this out.
Point of fact: naps was banned for the behavior in question for four weeks. The allegation that he was not banned is not true. Several members have continued to circulate this lie for their own respective reasons. In addition, there are several other baseless accusations.

Should the ban have been longer? That is a fair topic of discussion. Everything else is bullshit.

I am running out of patience with the lying, the whining, the false victimhood, the wannabe martyrs, and anyone who is unwilling to follow the forum rules.
I'm happy to hear you are willing to discuss the bolded.
I can't speak for everyone, but I think the point was that Naps got off with a slap on the hand compared to BBBG's ban. Yes they were banned for the same amount of time, but what Naps did was more severe.

Doxxing or even the threat is very serious and goes against harm reduction. I think that is what some, myself included, are trying to convey here.
I'm happy to hear you are willing to discuss the bolded.
I can't speak for everyone, but I think the point was that Naps got off with a slap on the hand compared to BBBG's ban. Yes they were banned for the same amount of time, but what Naps did was more severe.

Doxxing or even the threat is very serious and goes against harm reduction. I think that is what some, myself included, are trying to convey here.

Slap on the hand indeed. He technically violated the rules twice in that other thread then used an alt handle to continue arguing.

I'm addressing this to all the meso sources. The meso fuckguard has to be stopped. The names exposed. Addresses found and 10kg boxes of the cheapest gear sent to these fuck faced idiots to make them shut up forever.

But I will make sure the attackers on our competition announcement post data is found or PMed me. I do not make a secret out of this. They believe it's an online game for them. This does not apply to meso community members (76k) but to the group of attackers. 5-6 people who have lost the sense of reality.

A very delicate pinpoint strike.

Fake pic, and anyone with half a brain knows this. If this was really true, we would have seen 100s of these vials from this batch, and pics would be posted all over the internet. Yet, we only see one vial. Waiting for your expert explanation..

3 strikes and you're out... for a month. So someone can break all the rules as long as they do it within the same day or as many as they can muster before Millard becomes aware of it and it will only count as 1 offense?
IMHO, shit like this needs to be handled on a case by case basis.

And I wouldn't be opposed to having a separate set of rules for sources and a set of rules of members. Many of the terms could be the same but some different.

A shit ass source should never be allowed to remain that calls for the doxxing of a member or another source, for that matter. It should be a permanent ban for sources or members calling for that kind of bs.
Point of fact: naps was banned for the behavior in question for four weeks. The allegation that he was not banned is not true. Several members have continued to circulate this lie for their own respective reasons. In addition, there are several other baseless accusations.

Should the ban have been longer? That is a fair topic of discussion. Everything else is bullshit.

I am running out of patience with the lying, the whining, the false victimhood, the wannabe martyrs, and anyone who is unwilling to follow the forum rules.
I appreciate you clarifying. The rules are the rules and we gotta follow them and I know you can't make exceptions for any specific person. Glad to hear that naps was also banned, it sounds like they instigated things but idk, I was gone for a week and came back go this lol. Just a shitty situation to have to deal with all around. I do think what naps did was really, really fucked up. I would not react well to that kind of threat either... IMO much worse than BBBG... anyway sorry man :/ I hope things calm down soon