Give me a source

Wow I wasn't expecting that!!

Cheers, I was reading Astros page from his initial welcome where he received loads of abuse up until now where everyone is raving about it.

I will contact him too. Do you mind if I pm you, I have a src but I'm not 100% sure about him

Cheers dude

I never mind getting pm, once you leave the military behind only two things really stick more than anything: craving for correspondence and craving for pussy. Don't expect me to offer you any feedback on powders sources though, I'm a newbie here. You do know Wal-mart has everything?
Can Roidhunter be banned for spamming this thread, please? He clearly isn't here do us any service. Fucking wanker.
Can Roidhunter be banned for spamming this thread, please? He clearly isn't here do us any service. Fucking wanker.

Actually, yes. While it's almost impossible to be banned from the Steroid Underground sub-forum, Roidhunter blatantly and repeatedly violated rules #1 and #2

(1) Solicitations by spammers will be prohibited. (People who register and post the same spam message on multiple threads will be banned.)

(2) All links to third-party websites must be coded. Active "clickable" hyperlinks will also be prohibited. Posts that violate rule #2 will automatically be deleted.