Steroid Underground RULES

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MESO-Rx Administrator

Staff member
10+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
The "Steroid Underground" subforum is intended for members to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers.

You have my promise that no one will be protected from the truth.

Opinions and experiences - good and bad - regarding steroid sources and underground labs (UGLs) will not be censored at all.

Discussion is limited only to performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs).

Members will not be banned for anything that is said about sources. This rule applies only to this sub-forum.

All other subforums are subject to the following terms and conditions:

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