Dynamite Explanation & Apology - 2021

If R&R or Sym or any of the numerous sources that did the same thing as PIP came back here with a long, sappy story and promised to make things right, would you have the same view or would you see thing's for what they really are and tell them to get fucked?
We would tell them to get fucked.

This source is one more relapse away from running off with everyone’s money again and wallowing in self pity for months about it before manning up to face the music.

With all that being said I find it pretty wild that the same victim mentality that got him here is the same mentally he has coming back once again.

The “woah is me” story gets old when you have also lived and experienced the same things in life.

I have 0 pity for anyone who is in active addiction and stealing peoples money left and right. That’s some scum bag shit.

You can not trust a drug addict when they are in active addiction, you’ll get your shit stolen. Just like everyone here did. Lesson learned.
I'm glad to see you attempting to make those right who are out money and products when you could have never resurfaced, or resourced under a new name. I think at this point, rather than repeating the same story, make amends with everyone out and then have them confirm they were made whole. Whether you'll ever make it again as a source, no idea but just get those 3 people their money back is priority one.

Pay off the members he took money from, re-open shop... Then his cat dies or his mother needs her foot cut off because she can't stop eating Twix bars and off he goes again until the next time he's hard up for cash.

Where does the line get drawn?

i say repay who he scammed then GTFO.
i'm not upset. i'm actually shocked that members would be so flippant about a source that took orders and disappeared. The mass bans really fucked up the dynamic here.

You took money for orders. Didn't fulfill those orders and you stopped showing up here. The hallmarks of a reliable source.

If R&R or Sym or any of the numerous sources that did the same thing as PIP came back here with a long, sappy story and promised to make things right, would you have the same view or would you see thing's for what they really are and tell them to get fucked?

I don't think I know who R&R is, so I'm unaware. Did Sym scam? I can't recall.

anyway, we're saying the same thing for the most part. my answer would be the same. if someone swallows their pride and comes to make it whole, then let them and then they should shut the doors - as you said.
Pay off the members he took money from, re-open shop... Then his cat dies or his mother needs her foot cut off because she can't stop eating Twix bars and off he goes again until the next time he's hard up for cash.

Where does the line get drawn?

i say repay who he scammed then GTFO.
lol'd @ Twix bars.
We would tell them to get fucked.

This source is one more relapse away from running off with everyone’s money again and wallowing in self pity for months about it before manning up to face the music.

With all that being said I find it pretty wild that the same victim mentality that got him here is the same mentally he has coming back once again.

The “woah is me” story gets old when you have also lived and experienced the same things in life.

I have 0 pity for anyone who is in active addiction and stealing peoples money left and right. That’s some scum bag shit.

You can not trust a drug addict when they are in active addiction, you’ll get your shit stolen. Just like everyone here did. Lesson learned.
I agree with this all as well. my only contention is there's a difference between showing pity and not shitting on someone. there's neutral ground. Dyna needs to handle his business and could have spared us all the word salad buffet, but so be it. some people need that color in situations like this, I guess.
my only contention is there's a difference between showing pity and not shitting on someone.
Taking peoples money and giving them the run around for extended periods of time before falling off the face of the earth is shitting on someone.

What I said above was simply the truth, which can hurt sometimes but I would hardly say I’m shitting on anyone.
Pay off the members he took money from, re-open shop... Then his cat dies or his mother needs her foot cut off because she can't stop eating Twix bars and off he goes again until the next time he's hard up for cash.

Where does the line get drawn?

i say repay who he scammed then GTFO.
Unfortunately, the current crew here at meso can't band together enough to run a source off. If anyone deserved to be run off it was Qingdao, and many people tried, but members continued to purchase and so they're still here. I have never bought raws from Pip, but absolutely never would if he sourced again.
people fuck up, we all do. it's all about how we handle that that defines us. so we will see if he repeats his prior amends or not.

I've never ordered, never will, but you know I'll keep it real on both sides. I also agree with your prior message about coddling... to a point. if this was some otber member(s) relaying this on his behalf then sure, bullshit 100%. that he is here and (seemingly???) already fixing his repeat giant fuckups, well, alright.

Dyna it may be best for you to call it after making everyone whole. no shame in recognizing what you may not be able to do going forward.

the whole "karma will get you" retards, smh. guy is here repaying and fessing up. doesn't mean I'll ever make trades with him, and also doesn't mean he's actively scamming. life fucked him up / he fucked up life / both, he's fixing it, leave it be. y'all MFs act like you've never done a damn thing wrong and it shows.

I definitely fucked my life up as well as my reputation. Thanks so much man, there's a lot of truth to what you said.
Regarding the coddling that people are accusing members of, I made genuine relationships with people here and I believe they know my character. Of course they are not going to excuse me leaving, but they can understand and push me towards the right direction that I'm headed. I never asked them to write anything, as you said man. Appreciate you for your understanding.

The "karma will get me" guys are a little ridiculous, it's almost like they want me to not come back and make things right and when I am making things right karma will still get me I suppose... haha.

Thanks a lot bro, I appreciate you for understanding. Sometimes it takes a ear and a understanding person to get through something.. I don't know how to explain it but it certainly relieves the frustration, and it helps to know that atleast someone can understand what I'm trying to express and what I've been dealing with. Thank you!
Taking peoples money and giving them the run around for extended periods of time before falling off the face of the earth is shitting on someone.

What I said above was simply the truth, which can hurt sometimes but I would hardly say I’m shitting on anyone.
I agree with your general statement, however I didn't go into detail because of customer/source privacy.
I don't believe I gave a "run around", I gave a plan on each refund before I left - however the main refund to LIsk was unable to be done even till now because we both agreed that I would pay him when the source that owes me pays me for the items that I fronted him.
I tried to make things better by sending double a KG of an item he ordered but ofcourse that doesn't match up at all with the product he didn't receive. I respect your opinion Shiva, I've seen you post on many threads and your opinion and standpoints are usually on the people's side.
I feel like my initial post may have been a little unclear in general, after I recovered from my issue (not the pain or illness) but the issue on top of that, I saw that people were asking where I was and it seemed like a disappeared into thin air. I wanted to offer an explanation and transparency as well as an apology.
I am here to make these refunds that were already planned out before I left.
This is also to hold me accountable in public.
So basically you're a lying and stealing opioid addict? Who wouldn't want to do business with this guy? Not like he'd lie and steal from people a 3rd time.
Regarding the coddling that people are accusing members of, I made genuine relationships with people here and I believe they know my character.

That's why we shit on these dummies that think a source is their friend. Their objectiveness goes out the window.

You scammed. You can play with simantecs all you want, but the end result still stands. You left people holding their dicks.

There's no lack of raws sources here. Who wants to deal with a flaky middle man that can't get his shit together for more than 6 months at a time when they can go one thread over and buy from a shit mouthed Chinaman for the same price that you pay for raws?
Unfortunately, the current crew here at meso can't band together enough to run a source off. If anyone deserved to be run off it was Qingdao, and many people tried, but members continued to purchase and so they're still here. I have never bought raws from Pip, but absolutely never would if he sourced again.
It blows my mind that Qingdao is still allowed as a source here.
i'm not upset. i'm actually shocked that members would be so flippant about a source that took orders and disappeared. The mass bans really fucked up the dynamic here.
I wasn't savy to all that so I am guessing it's seriousness wasn't hitting home. I understand.
i'm not upset. i'm actually shocked that members would be so flippant about a source that took orders and disappeared. The mass bans really fucked up the dynamic here.

You took money for orders. Didn't fulfill those orders and you stopped showing up here. The hallmarks of a reliable source.

If R&R or Sym or any of the numerous sources that did the same thing as PIP came back here with a long, sappy story and promised to make things right, would you have the same view or would you see thing's for what they really are and tell them to get fucked?

I took money for orders, sent out orders - one got seized and I wasn't able to reship. Then one with Mast E, there was some miscommunication, either my FF sent it to another customer or it got seized as he said.
The thing is, people gave many other sources many chances. I'm sure you remember a source that kept locking his computer in his brew room.
I came back and made everyone right, I admit I did stop showing up. It is all on me, there were a combination of factors but I'm trying to make things right the 2nd time around.
The first time, there was proof of every thing I said (out of 30k from a friend).
This time I sent proof throughout 2021 of what I was going through, which does not excuse me leaving but I tried coming back multiple times in 2021 but couldn't come through on my promises I would come back. Everytime I came back it would be for a few days or a week, and then the other part of my ... issue took over my mind.
I left after my final restock was taken by a freight forwarder. Right now I'm also working on getting my money back or atleast items from that one freight forwarder. I feel like being transparent here is not as good as lying, or creating a new source. Yet I couldn't do some bullshit like that. When.I came back, a good friend/source suggested I just restart but I said I don't scam and I needed to make things right. But then again, me being transparent, these could just be words that I made up.

I was gone from I believe October 19th till now, I knew how bad it would look on me but I wanted to give an explanation and still make things right. I don't know what else people could ask for. I tried and am still trying, man. Personally, I've made progress on myself, now I wish to get things right again even if it takes time to get people paid back. So far 2 have already been paid back (well one has their item on the way).
I can only do what I am capable of doing which is paying people back as of now.
I am not asking for orders or pity, and i understand those that say that they would never give me another chance if I do come back. But there has been a lot of leeway for sources here that built a cult following, one that got sent away and a few that are still here.
When I operated I always made sure everyone was right and even more than right. I made this wrong, and I will make it right.
Regarding the 2019 debacle, I made everyone right and more.. it's hard to come back from nothing but I'm willing to.
I'm just asking for a chance to make things right for now then we can talk about whatever later.
I took money for orders, sent out orders - one got seized and I wasn't able to reship. Then one with Mast E, there was some miscommunication, either my FF sent it to another customer or it got seized as he said.
The thing is, people gave many other sources many chances. I'm sure you remember a source that kept locking his computer in his brew room.
I came back and made everyone right, I admit I did stop showing up. It is all on me, there were a combination of factors but I'm trying to make things right the 2nd time around.
The first time, there was proof of every thing I said (out of 30k from a friend).
This time I sent proof throughout 2021 of what I was going through, which does not excuse me leaving but I tried coming back multiple times in 2021 but couldn't come through on my promises I would come back. Everytime I came back it would be for a few days or a week, and then the other part of my ... issue took over my mind.
I left after my final restock was taken by a freight forwarder. Right now I'm also working on getting my money back or atleast items from that one freight forwarder. I feel like being transparent here is not as good as lying, or creating a new source. Yet I couldn't do some bullshit like that. When.I came back, a good friend/source suggested I just restart but I said I don't scam and I needed to make things right. But then again, me being transparent, these could just be words that I made up.

I was gone from I believe October 19th till now, I knew how bad it would look on me but I wanted to give an explanation and still make things right. I don't know what else people could ask for. I tried and am still trying, man. Personally, I've made progress on myself, now I wish to get things right again even if it takes time to get people paid back. So far 2 have already been paid back (well one has their item on the way).
I can only do what I am capable of doing which is paying people back as of now.
I am not asking for orders or pity, and i understand those that say that they would never give me another chance if I do come back. But there has been a lot of leeway for sources here that built a cult following, one that got sent away and a few that are still here.
When I operated I always made sure everyone was right and even more than right. I made this wrong, and I will make it right.
Regarding the 2019 debacle, I made everyone right and more.. it's hard to come back from nothing but I'm willing to.
I'm just asking for a chance to make things right for now then we can talk about whatever later.

Locked his keys in the raws room. That was comedy gold. He faked his own death too don't forget.

You have your chance to right your wrongs here, i'm certainly not going to try and stop you from doing what's right.

As for what happens after that, you're going to need a lot of understanding members and noobs that don't read if you plan to re-open. i can't get behind you this time though. Sorry.

Good luck, PIP.
I'm a chronic pain patient, I have a few conditions and other conditions not stated on the page before I believe. I also disclosed my pain and medical condition in my source thread in 2020.
Doctors explored all options, and I'm left with options like a spinal pump that dispenses pain medication every few hours, ketamine therapy, and pain medication. Palliative care is the treatment plan, to improve quality of life.
I hate being on this medication, if anyone has chronic pain to the level that it affects your ability to sleep, live a normal life, your relationships, daily life and more, you would know. Not only do these medications cause physical dependence, but they alter your mind state slowly but I'm hoping for treatment plans in the next decade or more.

Opiate addict? The doctors prescribed me medication, that I took and it messed with my mental state. I learned a lot about medication during these past few months. During 2020 when I was in business, I was prescribed medication as well however at the correct dose. I had two surgeries and they did opioid rotation, to a very strong opioid.
Addiction and physical dependance, I can't argue between those two but there was no correlation of an "addict mentality" as one user is stating (basically correlating leaving people behind to get medication?).

Sorry, I'm trying to be as transparent as possible. Perhaps people hearing the truth gives more ammo to attack, but I'll stick with being truthful.
I was on the very strong prescribed opioid medication at that high dose, and now I have been able to recover and taper back to my normal dose pre surgery where it does not affect me mentally, physically and more. It just keeps my pain at bay and helps me function at a level where I can do some of the things I like albeit not at the level I would like to. I'm talking about I can stay out for more than 30 minutes at a time now without having to go back home to lay down.
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Locked his keys in the raws room. That was comedy gold. He faked his own death too don't forget.

You have your chance to right your wrongs here, i'm certainly not going to try and stop you from doing what's right.

As for what happens after that, you're going to need a lot of understanding members and noobs that don't read if you plan to re-open. i can't get behind you this time though. Sorry.

Good luck, PIP.
I appreciate that, and yes he faked his own death to me, he was a very close friend at that time.. he made a very long story up, even pretending to be his own brother and saying that his niece would be missing his "dad". Then he ordered and used the same address and I called him out on it because I remembered it (it was very peculiar).
It was comic gold at that time and at the same time very sad as I genuinely believed a good friend had died.
I appreciate that and I understand you can't get behind me.
In 2020 when everything was fine, we were on decent terms. Now I can understand you just stand with the people which is great.

Thanks MSG.