@Correctionnn I didn't ask you to diagnose my crashed E2. My bloodwork already did that. Yes doctor correction, my bloodwork did come back low, no I don't need your vaunted opinion on that. I didn't ask you to critique my cycle or diagnose my crashed E2 that's why I didn't give you dosages.
I asked the forum if anyone had experience with crashing E2, recovery times, and any tips on dealing with it. Something my endocrinologist couldn't answer. Just read a couple posts and you'll find I even posted a study showing typical recovery times from crashed E2.
Did you really just call me a rookie and nolvadex an AI in the same post? Nolvadex isn't an AI it's a SERM. It doesn't destroy the enzyme like EXE, or bind it like ADEX, it bonds to the estrogen receptor. Which is why you will absolutely still have massively elevated E2 levels in your body when your on the AA cocktail listed above and a SERM like Tam. Those E2 levels in conjunction with something like Tren, will absolutely increase prolactin levels which is why I included a dopamine agonist like Caber. Yes it also worked, and yes using caber to deal with elevated prolactin shouldn't be earth shattering to such an "experienced" user like yourself.
What you don't seem to realize is EQ isn't an AI, despite some claims about its metabolites having AI properties, you should do your research before you post shit like that. Or here, I'll do it for you. You don't have to look far, more plates more dates has an awesome video about that.
Epistane on the other hand absolutely has antiestrogenic properites, and due to my new anecdotal expierience... they seem to that seem to be alot stronger then I thought. Seems like when you combine it with something like EXE you can crash your E2, which is why I posted about it, here. Because our man Dyna is one of the few places where you can get EPI, and we've been posting about it's results the past couple weeks.
go back, read the thread do your research before you sound like a bigger asshole.