Dynamite Raws (International & US Domestic)

My other account locked me out. Wouldnt send me 2 step verification renewal. So 3 weeks later had to make a new account, which also took a few days to get admin approval, but happy to be back.
2 questions:
1) @ExtremePIP, on the promo, is the 4 grams of mystery product gonna be orals most likely? Cuz not super keen on brewing 4 grams of an oil.....
2) the epistane is listed as 10g 50g and 100g prices, correct?

3) this is a review for dynamite raws accutane. I ordered some with my first order 6 or so months ago. Haven’t needed it but after getting towards the end of my 2nd month of my tren cycle I started to break out pretty bad. Capped em at 20mg cuz I wanted to try to keep the dose as low as possible so I went slightly under the recommendation of .5-1.0 mg/kg/day. A little over a week in, at 40 mg a day, my body acne is non existent, lips are constantly dry and have to remember to drink a ton of water and use chapstick constantly to combat this. It’s Anecdotal evidence, however, it clearly is working for me.

-side note, when you forget to cap it and it gets all clumpy and hard AF, seal it in a vacuum bag with a shit ton of silica (or whatever they are) moisture absorbing packets. A few days later, prob 3-4, i opened it and all the hard ass clumps powdered back up really nice and were easy enough to work with yet again...... it was my first experience with accutane and I was unaware of the issue of it becoming a bloody rock after a period of time un capped. But this solution sufficed.

4) This is a review for my most recent order. T/A 4 days. Had tracking same day as payment. Entire experience smooth as hell, as always, and everything in the order was on point, as always.
TE (unmelted:D)- havnt used
Met - using, feelers report solid
Tam - using, but can’t report any assurances without letting some more time past first. However, I trust it or I wouldn’t have ordered it.

Thanks Papa Pippy.... good looking out bromigo!
My other account locked me out. Wouldnt send me 2 step verification renewal. So 3 weeks later had to make a new account, which also took a few days to get admin approval, but happy to be back.
2 questions:
1) @ExtremePIP, on the promo, is the 4 grams of mystery product gonna be orals most likely? Cuz not super keen on brewing 4 grams of an oil.....
2) the epistane is listed as 10g 50g and 100g prices, correct?

3) this is a review for dynamite raws accutane. I ordered some with my first order 6 or so months ago. Haven’t needed it but after getting towards the end of my 2nd month of my tren cycle I started to break out pretty bad. Capped em at 20mg cuz I wanted to try to keep the dose as low as possible so I went slightly under the recommendation of .5-1.0 mg/kg/day. A little over a week in, at 40 mg a day, my body acne is non existent, lips are constantly dry and have to remember to drink a ton of water and use chapstick constantly to combat this. It’s Anecdotal evidence, however, it clearly is working for me.

-side note, when you forget to cap it and it gets all clumpy and hard AF, seal it in a vacuum bag with a shit ton of silica (or whatever they are) moisture absorbing packets. A few days later, prob 3-4, i opened it and all the hard ass clumps powdered back up really nice and were easy enough to work with yet again...... it was my first experience with accutane and I was unaware of the issue of it becoming a bloody rock after a period of time un capped. But this solution sufficed.

4) This is a review for my most recent order. T/A 4 days. Had tracking same day as payment. Entire experience smooth as hell, as always, and everything in the order was on point, as always.
TE (unmelted:D)- havnt used
Met - using, feelers report solid
Tam - using, but can’t report any assurances without letting some more time past first. However, I trust it or I wouldn’t have ordered it.

Thanks Papa Pippy.... good looking out bromigo!

Thanks a lot bro! :)
Appreciate the detailed review, missed ya on here!!!
20 kits DBHGH is domestic at the moment, 14iu Gold Tops and more 10iu Gold Tops on the way!
On the dbhgh website it states to avoid refrigeration before it is reconstituted and AFTER reconstitution. I have always frigerated Hgh whether it is in its powder form and when it is reconstituted. Is this not the case with dbhgh?
Does this call for a price adjustment lol :p

My white tops are at $120 haha, haven’t been sold yet (they’re the same as Gold Tops). My GH guy apparently had some miscommunication OR was lazy and just sent out what he had in front of him.
Told him to send out either the Gold Tops ($130) or DBHGH ($155) for testing.
Those are going out this week though!
Also, I don’t like doing call outs but this member has been ignoring me on Wickr for 48 hours.
I refunded you $179 because you didn’t want to wait for results and said it was complete bunk shit (my Cialis). Now the test reports have come out - atleast respond to my Wickr..
I won’t put your username on here but you know who you are.
On the dbhgh website it states to avoid refrigeration before it is reconstituted and AFTER reconstitution. I have always frigerated Hgh whether it is in its powder form and when it is reconstituted. Is this not the case with dbhgh?

I never refrigerate any raw GH, just kept it at a lower than room temp. I put all constituted Gh in the fridge
Anyone tried dyna's Epistane yet? Used to love havoc back in the day, and I'm for sure looking for an oral that doesnt make me feel like shit.
Proviron, anavar never made me feel shitty, epistane is a pro hormone isn’t it?
Also, I don’t like doing call outs but this member has been ignoring me on Wickr for 48 hours.
I refunded you $179 because you didn’t want to wait for results and said it was complete bunk shit (my Cialis). Now the test reports have come out - atleast respond to my Wickr..
I won’t put your username on here but you know who you are.
WOW! Hahaha. That’s super fucking lame. What a Chad!

Thanks for responding. Always good to get another take. And for sure proviron and var are great orals when you dont want to feel bloated and nasty.

Stacked var at 75 mg ed long with test, tren and eq. Not a bad cycle, but not as productive as one with dbol. I wouldn't be the first guy to say var's a little weak.

Yeah epistane is a pro hormone. Tried it years ago when I didnt know what I was doing and did an epistane only cycle and got awesome results. From what I remember epistane is pretty powerful and doesnt make feel like shit. Sad when it went off the shelves.