Dynamite Raws (International & US Domestic)

New page, means repost of stocklist and pricelists!

1) Mast P, E 10g price went down to $75 from $90.
2) DHB price lowered by $10/$10/$20/$100/$200
3) MET price raised because factories stopped production until.. possibly the middle of October or even later.
4) Peptides prices readjusted - only certain peptides will be sold per vial (such as Follastatin, IGF, etc)
5)10 compounds going out for testing within the next 8-10 days hopefully if my financial situation permits me. Please pick your poisons - I will not retest anything that has been tested within the last month and a half, as they are still from the same batch according to the factory - unless there is a vast majority that votes for testing on that an item that needs retesting.

Pricelist + Order Instructions + Promos, etc:

Updated Peptides Pricelist:
k man... now i know

what's the shipping cost for domestic? thank you

Are these questions for real? “Can you email me a price list That’s posted on every page That says price list at the top so everyone knows what it is and regardless of the fact that you already informed everyone you would not respond to price list emails many many times?” maybe you would have known this if you read for yourself instead of asking people to wipe your ass for you. AND “can you tel me the shipping cost that is clearly listed on the price list under the huge heading that says “SHIPPING”?” Cmon guys. Between this shit and all the politics bullshit it would be less painful for me to cut my eyes out with a slurpee spoon then to continue reading.... it’s shit like this that makes stupid people ask stupid questions instead of reading for themselves! They see people getting spoon fed and think “hey that is way easier than reading for 5 minutes! I’ll just ask someone to do it for me! And hopefully they don’t give me bad info!”
by the way if you were about to ask who is g2g instead of reading and seeing for yourself, send symbiotic your money ASAP! BEST GEAR EVER!
Are these questions for real? “Can you email me a price list That’s posted on every page That says price list at the top so everyone knows what it is and regardless of the fact that you already informed everyone you would not respond to price list emails many many times?” maybe you would have known this if you read for yourself instead of asking people to wipe your ass for you. AND “can you tel me the shipping cost that is clearly listed on the price list under the huge heading that says “SHIPPING”?” Cmon guys. Between this shit and all the politics bullshit it would be less painful for me to cut my eyes out with a slurpee spoon then to continue reading.... it’s shit like this that makes stupid people ask stupid questions instead of reading for themselves! They see people getting spoon fed and think “hey that is way easier than reading for 5 minutes! I’ll just ask someone to do it for me! And hopefully they don’t give me bad info!”
by the way if you were about to ask who is g2g instead of reading and seeing for yourself, send symbiotic your money ASAP! BEST GEAR EVER!

Dont sweat man.. i came on this thread for first time this week, i went to the first page and didnt find neither his wickr nor the peptides list.. just a mail address... so i asked him via mail a peptides price list..
youre adding unneeded drama to the whole thread... “stupid people that ask stupid questions” you said... boring people that write stupid worthless messages in a topic... i explained to the other guy that the shipping cost was at the end of the file dynamite did re attach for me... shipping cost for international wasnt immediately findable... so , keep your drama and maybe chill a little bit instead of thinking you re smarter than everyone else
Are these questions for real? “Can you email me a price list That’s posted on every page That says price list at the top so everyone knows what it is and regardless of the fact that you already informed everyone you would not respond to price list emails many many times?” maybe you would have known this if you read for yourself instead of asking people to wipe your ass for you. AND “can you tel me the shipping cost that is clearly listed on the price list under the huge heading that says “SHIPPING”?” Cmon guys. Between this shit and all the politics bullshit it would be less painful for me to cut my eyes out with a slurpee spoon then to continue reading.... it’s shit like this that makes stupid people ask stupid questions instead of reading for themselves! They see people getting spoon fed and think “hey that is way easier than reading for 5 minutes! I’ll just ask someone to do it for me! And hopefully they don’t give me bad info!”
by the way if you were about to ask who is g2g instead of reading and seeing for yourself, send symbiotic your money ASAP! BEST GEAR EVER!

anyway, nice fuckin avatar
Bros... going to wrap up my tren cycle after 20 weeks in like mid November, jumping on like 600 primo and cruise trt.

I'm kind of to the point of "fuck it", wanna get real fucking huge. What should I stock up on for my next cycle that won't literally kill me after all this tren madness?

Deca/NPP? Is 30 too young for hgh? Just destroy my body and mind with superdrol? More primo? Methyl tren/superdrol/cheque drops for 16 weeks?
Bros... going to wrap up my tren cycle after 20 weeks in like mid November, jumping on like 600 primo and cruise trt.

I'm kind of to the point of "fuck it", wanna get real fucking huge. What should I stock up on for my next cycle that won't literally kill me after all this tren madness?

legit hgh and insulin... and for insulin i dont mean just humalog, but humulin r and lantus too... i use humalog just post wo.. humul pre wo... and dont care if Chris Aceto suggest humalog pre wo, i goes easily hypo so i prefer humulin r pre and humalog post..

NPP, Bold, Anadrol, DHB too... a mix of them obv not every compound listed
Bros... going to wrap up my tren cycle after 20 weeks in like mid November, jumping on like 600 primo and cruise trt.

I'm kind of to the point of "fuck it", wanna get real fucking huge. What should I stock up on for my next cycle that won't literally kill me after all this tren madness?

Deca/NPP? Is 30 too young for hgh? Just destroy my body and mind with superdrol? More primo? Methyl tren/superdrol/cheque drops for 16 weeks?
Sorry to be a bearer of bad news but if you’re depending on drugs to make you “huge” then you’re gonna stay disappointed. :(

Sure it can help, but if you’re not eating in a caloric surplus over a period of time then you will not gain. You can take some PEDs that will get you a little bigger for a moment but when you stop the usage you’re more than likely going to shrink back down. :eek:

Bump your calories up a little. You don’t have to eat 1000 calories over maintenance to put on size. If you do that then you’re just gonna have to diet back down to loose the fat you also gained, and in return loose some muscle too. Small caloric increases like 3-500 calories over maintenance over time will show results you can keep. :cool:

The goal, imo, is to use the smallest amount of gear that will get you towards the results you want to try and achieve. Don’t expect to just load your body with tons of drugs and expect to see like 30lbs gained, unless you’re just a genetic freak. Sadly, it just doesn’t work that way for the majority of us regular gym rats. :)
Sorry to be a bearer of bad news but if you’re depending on drugs to make you “huge” then you’re gonna stay disappointed. :(

Sure it can help, but if you’re not eating in a caloric surplus over a period of time then you will not gain. You can take some PEDs that will get you a little bigger for a moment but when you stop the usage you’re more than likely going to shrink back down. :eek:

Bump your calories up a little. You don’t have to eat 1000 calories over maintenance to put on size. If you do that then you’re just gonna have to diet back down to loose the fat you also gained, and in return loose some muscle too. Small caloric increases like 3-500 calories over maintenance over time will show results you can keep. :cool:

The goal, imo, is to use the smallest amount of gear that will get you towards the results you want to try and achieve. Don’t expect to just load your body with tons of drugs and expect to see like 30lbs gained, unless you’re just a genetic freak. Sadly, it just doesn’t work that way for the majority of us regular gym rats. :)
Bruh I'm already fucking shredded I just want to keep the ball rolling into "holy shit this guy is fucking shredded".

This ain't my first rodeo.
Bruh I'm already fucking shredded I just want to keep the ball rolling into "holy shit this guy is fucking shredded".

This ain't my first rodeo.
Take all the gears... and then you’ll be fuckin shredded :oops:
Idk what I was thinking... everyone knows it’s the drugs that does all the work... :D
JK :p

I’m just saying don’t set yourself up for disappointment by relying solely on gear bro.

Maybe I misunderstood cause I thought you wanted to get bigger? I take the word ‘shredded’ as less body fat, less calories, less water weight, and so on.
Nutrition is where it’s at either way. If you’re spending more money on gear than food then you’re doing it wrong, imo.

Good luck on your upcoming rodeos... :D