E2 advise

mid cycle bloods came today. Test is capped >3000. E2 is 135. No sides that I’ve noticed or if I do they are minuscule atm. But to be safe should I use ai. I’ve got novadex. Arimadex never came in.
Short term high E2 may not be a problem. But the few studies i have seen show even high normal to start to cause health issues over time. I have seen no studies showing a ratio of high E to T to be acceptable.
seriously? Because an e2 of 135 isn't sustainable long term , unless you want to grow some titties,
Not true, not everyone gets “tits” with elevated estradiol. Elevated estradiol shows numerous benefits in scientific studies, not bro science dogma. If his level was that high all the time then I would agree but it doesn’t sound like he is running high doses “long term”. Also most importantly…he is not experiencing side effects.
Not true, not everyone gets “tits” with elevated estradiol. Elevated estradiol shows numerous benefits in scientific studies, not bro science dogma. If his level was that high all the time then I would agree but it doesn’t sound like he is running high doses “long term”. Also most importantly…he is not experiencing side effects.
People don't experience side effects usually from high blood pressure or high glucose etc. levels either in the early days. So i don't find that a valid argument. So waiting till damage has been done is not how i choose to handle my health. Others should do what is in their comfort zone.
as long as op gets his e2 in control , but hes got to have a game plan not just inadvertently throwing AI around trying to figure it out
I think OP is on top of it hence the blood work, take what’s needed and retest. Start with the lowest working dose and adjust from there.

Most of us didn’t know our tolerance and how we react to ais until we had probably 4 cycles or until we reached the threshold of test/compounds that raises our e2 that warrants an ai.

Hence, vets preach the idea of using test as first few cycles till you determine the maximum dose where you need an ai, this way you’re not just winging it.
If no sides, why would you use one?
Because maybe you can feel better with one.

You need to recognize and be aware of your side effects to know they exist. You’ll never know if your e2 is too high until you bring it down and see how you feel.
seriously? Because an e2 of 135 isn't sustainable long term , unless you want to grow some titties,
Nah. I had e2 higher than that for 2 years and I got no titties.
from my personal experience with higher e2 82, then i did my arimidex protocol and got it down to 17, but i DONT like the way i feel with e2 that low , im all achey in joints etc so i think ima let it climb a little higher and try to keep it in the 30-40 possibly