Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thanks for the link. I'm not denying the lower temp for shorter time period isn't sufficient for "sterilization" my position is simply that the lower temperature while destroying the cell walls of said bacterial spores is sufficient, it's not sufficient to render the endotoxins of the cell walls of decayed bacteria cells denatured. In fact it will actually release more endotoxins unless you heat sufficiently to destroy the endotoxins. Now whether or not this high prolonged heat will denature the hormones themselves that would require more research than I'm willing to throw at this question. In over 25 years of Homebrewing I've yet to ever terminally sterilize my end product, the BA and .22 micron filtering does all that's necessary. Will 25 years of slow minute heavy metals and endotoxin exposure get me? Who knows, with all the contaminated supplements, greens, produce, fluoride, meats, processed foods etc I'm assuming it's cumulative effects over many years of everything we do adds up. I'm not too worried about the supplements and most people aren't, I don't think these hormones are magnitudes worse than the food and water we ingest daily.

Meh, I’m tired of this topic. Everyone is welcome to spend money for endotoxin testing, we will call the first one to do it a hero.

My post was on error. Should have said "I would take that bet".

I've sent hundreds of our product for endotoxin testing over the years, all with high microbial counts, and 99% were below the detection limit of 0.5 EU. Only 1 ever came back with a level of 5 EU.

Only Gram negative organisms produce endotoxin, so if you do have a dirty process but it's mostly Gram positive organisms (staph, strep, micrococci, etc), you get no endotoxin result.

Just to touch on this topic. I have tested multiple raws and my homebrew for endotoxin and total viables but open to discuss more. I've been brewing for over 10years.

I extracted my oil (Gso) in LRW for 2hours while shaking at 120rpm on an orbital shaker. I took an aloquat and tested it using kinetic turbidmetric method on a plate reader. We use the AAMI ST72 bacterial endotoxin standard.
There was no enhancement/ inhibition and the results came out at <0.05

TVCs came back low in the 1-2 cfu per ml

I would love to print out results but I would have to have a paper trail and issue lab IDs for samples. It's an ISO 17025 accredited lab but we work primarily for Biomedical devices
Just to touch on this topic. I have tested multiple raws and my homebrew for endotoxin and total viables but open to discuss more. I've been brewing for over 10years.

I extracted my oil (Gso) in LRW for 2hours while shaking at 120rpm on an orbital shaker. I took an aloquat and tested it using kinetic turbidmetric method on a plate reader. We use the AAMI ST72 bacterial endotoxin standard.
There was no enhancement/ inhibition and the results came out at <0.05

TVCs came back low in the 1-2 cfu per ml

I would love to print out results but I would have to have a paper trail and issue lab IDs for samples. It's an ISO 17025 accredited lab but we work primarily for Biomedical devices
It’s great to see someone actually did the groundwork.

So what’s the danger if any to be injecting that said amount?
Kind of thinking of spending the whole MOQ on test and wont have to worry about TRT for the next 16 years
do it jewish GIF
I'm just saying what happens when TRT isn't enough and you got to start banging grams.... You better get 12 kits
lmao well even if i run a cycle that'll bring it down to maybe..idk 12 years instead of 16 lol

Even on cycles I run low test I aromatize heavy and always have to donate blood almost immediately.