E2 issue


Hi Everyone,
i did my blood test last week and my E2 was 80 pg/ml and my prolactine was 16ng/ml.

My actual cycle:

900mg Test E
600mg Tren E
400mg Mast E
750mg Eq U
40mg Winstrol ED
2.5mg letro ED
100mcg T4
100mg Cardioaspirin

The problem that i have was:
-Excess of fatigue
-I don't have the strength I had before

I Suppose was a E2 related problem, the tren may be false my E2 and lead me to take too much letro (maybe)?
Any suggestion?
You may be actually crashing your E2 levels and the tren is covering this up. That's just my 2 cents
I am not at all on that level of bodybuilding, so I can't give you any advice about your cycle.

My guess is that with all those drugs running through your blood, your body is fighting back giving you bad symptoms, call it E2 or whatever, your body must be freaking out.
Hi Everyone,
i did my blood test last week and my E2 was 80 pg/ml and my prolactine was 16ng/ml.

My actual cycle:

900mg Test E
600mg Tren E
400mg Mast E
750mg Eq U
40mg Winstrol ED
2.5mg letro ED
100mcg T4
100mg Cardioaspirin

The problem that i have was:
-Excess of fatigue
-I don't have the strength I had before

I Suppose was a E2 related problem, the tren may be false my E2 and lead me to take too much letro (maybe)?
Any suggestion?
I don't think your E2 is crazy high. Lots of guys get closer to 100 and dont have symptoms. It could be your culprit for fatigue but Id bet it is something else.

I do think you are taking a high total dosage combined of everything and maybe its time for a cruise.
Maybe you can change the letro for arimidex to control you estro ..
Yeah, I share your opinion , I will do this.
I don't think your E2 is crazy high. Lots of guys get closer to 100 and dont have symptoms. It could be your culprit for fatigue but Id bet it is something else.

I do think you are taking a high total dosage combined of everything and maybe its time for a cruise.
What? You suggest me a cruise but you do not know if I’m in contest prep, coming from a cruise etc.. Bah.
Yeah, I share your opinion , I will do this.

What? You suggest me a cruise but you do not know if I’m in contest prep, coming from a cruise etc.. Bah.
How would I know you are in contest prep or coming from a cruise from seeing your original post?

Anyway, from my viewpoint it just seemed like you are on a lot but I don't know much about contest prep so disregard my advice then.

I'm no expert, I just try to help in my own way.
And why you suggest me a cruise if you don’t know ? Random suggest?
It was based on what I considered as a large number of compounds and high doses. That is why I suggested what I did.

As stated before though, forget about it. Now that you have explained yourself further, my advice does not seem to apply to you.
Hi Everyone,
i did my blood test last week and my E2 was 80 pg/ml and my prolactine was 16ng/ml.

My actual cycle:

900mg Test E
600mg Tren E
400mg Mast E
750mg Eq U
40mg Winstrol ED
2.5mg letro ED
100mcg T4
100mg Cardioaspirin

The problem that i have was:
-Excess of fatigue
-I don't have the strength I had before

I Suppose was a E2 related problem, the tren may be false my E2 and lead me to take too much letro (maybe)?
Any suggestion?

Insulin sensitivity issues, high oxidative stress (high TS/ferritin), low CoQ10, impaired mitochondrial function, "cns fatigue" (need to deload), some funky chit going on with MR/GR levels and receptors, ...

I love it how the num skulls seem to blame everything on estrogen.

And you're going to have to be more specific in defining "fatigue". Also, your sleep? Your executive functions? Blood sugar levels? How about sharing your bloods maybe?
Insulin sensitivity issues, high oxidative stress (high TS/ferritin), low CoQ10, impaired mitochondrial function, "cns fatigue" (need to deload), some funky chit going on with MR/GR levels and receptors, ...

I love it how the num skulls seem to blame everything on estrogen.

And you're going to have to be more specific in defining "fatigue". Also, your sleep? Your executive functions? Blood sugar levels? How about sharing your bloods maybe?
I ve done all the bloodwork and the result was nearly perfect.
Blood sugar was 75 fasted in the morning
Sleeps not too good, also I wake up tired, but this few days ( from 1-2 days ago) I was sleep well.
Hi Everyone,
i did my blood test last week and my E2 was 80 pg/ml and my prolactine was 16ng/ml.

My actual cycle:

900mg Test E
600mg Tren E
400mg Mast E
750mg Eq U
40mg Winstrol ED
2.5mg letro ED
100mcg T4
100mg Cardioaspirin

The problem that i have was:
-Excess of fatigue
-I don't have the strength I had before

I Suppose was a E2 related problem, the tren may be false my E2 and lead me to take too much letro (maybe)?
Any suggestion?

Wait, you started using 2.5mg letro ed after the 80 pgml e2 or were you already on that much before the labs?
I ve done all the bloodwork and the result was nearly perfect.
Blood sugar was 75 fasted in the morning
Sleeps not too good, also I wake up tired, but this few days ( from 1-2 days ago) I was sleep well.

Ok. Then what is your transferin sat, and where is your homocysteine at, how about fasting insulin? What is "all the blood work"?
I ve started using because without ai for 7 days I was 114pg ml with high bp and some acne, then I start to take 2.5mg letro x 3 a week an get 80pg ml , then I start for 5 days to take ed 2.5 mg letro
Ok. Then what is your transferin sat, and where is your homocysteine at, how about fasting insulin? What is "all the blood work"?
Listen, the problem is the ai, because I’ve stopped it 2 days ago and now I feel better, I think to switch to adex 1mg x 3 at week
Listen, the problem is the ai, because I’ve stopped it 2 days ago and now I feel better, I think to switch to adex 1mg x 3 at week

I'm listening, and I also greatly appreciate you pointing out, that I should listen. and now that I have, boy o boy, have I been enlightened!

Anyway, fine, OK even! Seems like you've got it covered then? Or what do you want from us benevolent little forum helpers?
I'm listening, and I also greatly appreciate you pointing out, that I should listen. and now that I have, boy o boy, have I been enlightened!

Anyway, fine, OK even! Seems like you've got it covered then? Or what do you want from us benevolent little forum helpers?
Well you were def better prepared than me. I totally missed. :D