Easy on the prostate

Regular Joe

Well-known Member
I have to tell her all the time.

Seriously what anabolics are easiest on the prostate? I'm down to 180 test a week and my prostate is still giving me pissing problems. 250 a week is where I was happy but I'm getting older. 250 put my total t just over 1000 so I'm not trying to go overboard or anything. I think I'm going down to 150mg test a week but may add 100mg/week deca or 25mg/day anadrol, I think those aren't supposed to convert to dht. Thoughts, suggestions?
Do you keep your estrogen in check?

According to Harrod Buhner: Estradiol–but not DHT–has been found to act with SHBG to cause an eightfold increase in intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in human BPH tissue, which causes increases growth of the prostate. In other words, in cases of enlarged prostate, estrogen is the likely culprit.