HGH for joint pain/injuries

I use all three. QSC have dirt cheap tb4 and bpc 157.

I would recommend tb4 over tb500, much wider range of effects.
dont understand why people want to mess with immune system function in very unknown ways using those TB peptides. many people even note it sparks anaphylaxis just not a good think IMO to be taking daily and who knows what super arthritis or auto immune issues(however small or big) in the future... anyway just my opinion.
dont understand why people want to mess with immune system function in very unknown ways using those TB peptides. many people even note it sparks anaphylaxis just not a good think IMO to be taking daily and who knows what super arthritis or auto immune issues(however small or big) in the future... anyway just my opinion.

It's important to highlight the risks aswell, 100%. When dealing with chronic injuries that cripple daily life you become pretty desperate
It's important to highlight the risks aswell, 100%. When dealing with chronic injuries that cripple daily life you become pretty desperate
yes just think folks need to chill out esp on the TB IMO.. if a diagnosed issue and its either BPC or surgery and gave it a solid few weeks of rest and months and months of rehab and 0 improvement, than ya a month or 2 of bps may be worth it to avoid going under the knife.. but I think vast majority of "healing" is simply pain relief and why pain comes back when u stop as wasn't healed, just like taking an antidepressant for the pain... one always has to think is this compound healing people in 2 weeks? or is it just pain relief? if ACTUALLY worked as fast as people notice relief what else is it growing? nothing wrong with pain relief we just dont know if its safer than antidepressants or aspirin.
I have suffered with golfers elbow for quite a while and tried everything under the sun and work my elbows daily for an hour both at the gym and home. Flexbar, cortizone shots, ice, bpc157, tb500, rest etc have not done much. I recently added NPP150 to my TRT regiment after reading about the joint health it provides and for the first time in a few years my elbows are showing improvement and overall feel better since I added the NPP. For those desperate I would def give this a shot and keep doing those hammer curls.
I was unaware, I would have thought GH would be an almost universal benefit in those situations.

Which do you say GH can worsen, the tear or the tendonitis?
In what way?
Here, lll throw you a bone, go back and actually read post #11 where @Type-IIx responded to @99people99. That post alone covers at least part of your questions but perhaps he can elaborate more on that post.

You really should think more before you type especially when you continue to make statements as if they are facts when giving advice to people.
Remember this is a harm reduction forum. Someone could have fucked themselves up more by believing what you typed is fact.

What you would have thought is not a fact. @99people99 you are much better off listening to @Type-IIx advice in this situation (post #11 and anything further he adds).Type II knows his stuff. Others, not as much.

You did the right thing @99people99 by asking for additional advice earlier in this thread and not just taking someone's word as fact. Best of luck in resolving your situation.
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Here, lll throw you a bone, go back and actually read post #11 where @Type-IIx responded to @99people99. That post alone covers at least part of your questions but perhaps he can elaborate more on that post.

You really should think more before you type especially when you continue to make statements as if they are facts when giving advice to people.
Remember this is a harm reduction forum. Someone could have fucked themselves up more by believing what you typed is fact.

What you would have thought is not a fact. @99people99 you are much better off listening to @Type-IIx advice in this situation (post #11 and anything further he adds).Type II knows his stuff. Others, not as much.

You did the right thing @99people99 by asking for additional advice earlier in this thread and not just taking someone's word as fact. Best of luck in resolving your situation.
You aren't qualified to be involved in this discussion @lifter6973 @mass gain

You're the perennial poser masquerading as a member on these forums.

Go back to your coloring books and your cheese puffs, the adults are talking.
You don't even understand the topic of conversation or what I asked in the first place.
Here, lll throw you a bone, go back and actually read post #11 where @Type-IIx responded to @99people99. That post alone covers at least part of your questions but perhaps he can elaborate more on that post.

You really should think more before you type especially when you continue to make statements as if they are facts when giving advice to people.
Remember this is a harm reduction forum. Someone could have fucked themselves up more by believing what you typed is fact.

What you would have thought is not a fact. @99people99 you are much better off listening to @Type-IIx advice in this situation (post #11 and anything further he adds).Type II knows his stuff. Others, not as much.

You did the right thing @99people99 by asking for additional advice earlier in this thread and not just taking someone's word as fact. Best of luck in resolving your situation.
Thanks decided to get off hgh when I read type-II's post, like he said everything has a tradeoff. Sold my kits already for a nice profit lol.

I am in my mid-twenties and naturally very lean, so I do not really need it anyway. I feel like more bad than good can come from it. I did feel fuller on it but the unknowns of long term use are not worth it to me, as I am not a pro bodybuilder. I just lift because I love it. We know steroids work and their consequences. The benefit/risk of Hgh is not as clear cut to me the more I research, especially when used at a young age. I will probably use when I'm 40+ years old, if ever again.
Thanks decided to get off hgh when I read type-II's post, like he said everything has a tradeoff. Sold my kits already for a nice profit lol.

I am in my mid-twenties and naturally very lean, so I do not really need it anyway. I feel like more bad than good can come from it. I did feel fuller on it but the unknowns of long term use are not worth it to me, as I am not a pro bodybuilder. I just lift because I love it. We know steroids work and their consequences. The benefit/risk of Hgh is not as clear cut to me the more I research, especially when used at a young age. I will probably use when I'm 40+ years old, if ever again.

Kinda wise for a 20-something. Good on you.