Elite Labs

Not sure how anyone on here can have such fragile sobriety/clean time. I don't know anyone in recovery that would consider accidentally consuming alcohol a relapse. While 95% the 12 steppers in my area would consider steroids and cialis a relapse-- lol as they smoke 2 packs a day

I don't have "fragile sobriety" bro. My sobriety is strong. And I don't consider accidentally ingesting alcohol a relapse. However drinking alcohol CAN trigger a relapse. That's why alcoholics don't even cook with alcohol. They don't even take NyQuil. No alcohol in any form under any circumstances. I worked hard for my recovery and I'm not going to jeaprodize it for anyone or under any circumstances. Just like Heroin addicts should not be taking opiate pain medication. Fuck, I don't even go to 12 step programs anymore. That's not the point.
I didn't say it was all his fault. However if someone is inexperinced with liquid orals and unaware that most are suspended in alcohol, how is one to know what to ask about. I admit I have read some orals are suspended in alcohol. But not all of them. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't some suspended in polyethylene glycol? That's not ethylene alcohol like Everclear and will not get you intoxicated. However I may be wrong. He is willing to make it up to me and send me some caps. So that's nice of him. He is very apologetic and I appreciate that.

But why are you mentioning Cialis? I'm not the one who ordered that from him. Bigpappachump did. I have an RX of Viagra from my Dr.

Well sorry about Cialas mix up. But it's your job to know what your taking. If you have a floater, or unfilled order yea that's on him. But this is on you. You chose to order without asking how it's made. So have you eaten any foods with vanilla or orange extract in them or used mouthwash? You prop read labels????
End of the day fellas. It's a ugl you never know what the fuck you are taking. If you don't want to chance that don't order from any ugl. It's not a pharmacy. He didn't shove it down our throat. Man up and take responsibility. You ordered you consumed.
End of the day fellas. It's a ugl you never know what the fuck you are taking. If you don't want to chance that don't order from any ugl. It's not a pharmacy. He didn't shove it down our throat. Man up and take responsibility. You ordered you consumed.

You're right. I did. I accept that. But it should have been mentioned.
"I'm an alcoholic and you didn't say anything about your products containing alcohol" Jesus fucking Christ, this is what vetting a UGL source on MESO is about nowadays.....
Guess what, wheat is addictive too (google that shit) so a UGL should also "come clean" on using any ingredient in their products that is a derivative of wheat?
Bottom line with ALL UGL's is, you're 100% fortunate if the active ingredient in a UGL product is what it is supposed to be and 200% fortunate when said product is dosed according to their marketed specs, and 300% fortunate when said product is free of contamination and 400% fortunate if the transaction doesn't land you in court or behind bars.
It's 100% every alcoholics responsibility to question 100% of the substances they choose to consume, just the same as it is every gluten sensitive person to research (ask questions) about the products they intend to consume!
There are no "it should have been mentioned" when dealing with an UGL.
You're 100% fortunate to get uncontaminated products containing the represented active ingredient, dosed as represented.
The fucking FDA does a spotty job in their requirements for labeling products containing alcohol.....vendors are allowed by FDA regulations to "mention" a product contains alcohol.....a vendor is not required by the FDA to flash it in neon in-front of every alcoholic....sometimes you have to dig for that shit, even on a FDA approved label.
This post isn't about "sticking up for this UGL" or any UGL for that matter, it's about explaining that when you buy black-market drugs from an underground lab (and I use the term "Lab" generously here) just be fortunate to get the actual substance that you bought, dosed cleanly and accordingly to what is marketed and thankful that you don't end up in court or jail for dong so.
I didn't say it was all his fault. However if someone is inexperinced with liquid orals and unaware that most are suspended in alcohol, how is one to know what to ask about. I admit I have read some orals are suspended in alcohol. But not all of them. Correct me if I am wrong but aren't some suspended in polyethylene glycol? That's not ethylene alcohol like Everclear and will not get you intoxicated. However I may be wrong. He is willing to make it up to me and send me some caps. So that's nice of him. He is very apologetic and I appreciate that.

But why are you mentioning Cialis? I'm not the one who ordered that from him. Bigpappachump did. I have an RX of Viagra from my Dr.
ehylene glycol is what is in anti freeze
It will kill you if ingested.
Do not drink it....it is a horrible way to die.
Pretty common on Alot of orals. They all have alcohol. Pretty common knowledge. I don't blame ugls doing that way capping pills can be grueling and it Jack's up the price. A pill press will get you flagged. But in general there are alot of products that have alcohol mouth was. Foods ectra. You should be downing that much of a oral that it would even tempt you imo that shit taste nasty as hell. I'm not sticking up for the sorce but it pretty common for ugl to do this. You are obviously some what new?
I'm fucking pissed! So I placed an order. It got here fast. Opened it up and took a dose of the liquid Dbol. Tastes like fucking ass. Smells like alcohol. I emailed Elite to ask what it was reconstituted in. He fucking tells me it's Everclear. I'm a fucking recovering alcoholic and have not touched a drop of alcohol in 9 years!! WTF?!!! So not only did I drink alcohol which could fucking make me relapse, I now have a bottle of dbol that is useless.
The amount you are taking is so small it's would not get u drunk ever but I get it I'm in recovery also I had the same thing happen to me but my guy changed it for me it's like taking next to nothing
Pretty common on Alot of orals. They all have alcohol. Pretty common knowledge. I don't blame ugls doing that way capping pills can be grueling and it Jack's up the price. A pill press will get you flagged. But in general there are alot of products that have alcohol mouth was. Foods ectra. You should be downing that much of a oral that it would even tempt you imo that shit taste nasty as hell. I'm not sticking up for the sorce but it pretty common for ugl to do this. You are obviously some what new?

No, I am not some what new. Although, I have never taken an oral liquid AAS. All the orals I have ever taken have been caps or pills.
ehylene glycol is what is in anti freeze
It will kill you if ingested.
Do not drink it....it is a horrible way to die.

You are correct ethylene glycol is in antifreeze and will cause kidney failure. It is different than polyethylene glycol which is in oral medications. I meant to type ethyl alcohol which is what Everclear is. My phone recognized me typing ethyl and offered ethylene and I chose it by mistake. Thanks for correcting me.