Elite Labs

I'm going to take it for another test run and only take 25mg which is still slightly higher than I've gotten away with in the past. Who knows maybe my cialis was overdosed in the last batch I got from another source. Or maybe I had some other issue going on physically or emotionally which dulled the effects. I mean it's kinda hard to gauge boner intensity accurately lol, but it didn't feel as potent as what I've become used to.
You Must have just beat me to that order. Everything was pretty cleaned out.
Yea I was trying to get more myself but he was already out of some things. Like a lot of other guys said I'd rather him close shop for a week n reup instead of fucking up and under dosing a batch or something like that. At least he's honest and tells you he's out instead of taking your money like this other source I was using and then waiting around getting bs stories from the dude.
Just a heads up pinned their test e @375 mg left delt for first day. Plan on running 750 a week 20week cycle and adding their tren e and mast e at week 4-16 and will post blood work on it and have a friend running their deca so will get results from him too hopefully.Also sent some samples for test ting just waiting for him to revive and get back to me. Will post those also.