Elite Labs

No you're here to ask for free gear from labs lol

Probably learned it from Torro too, huh?

What's funny, whoremoans did what Torro did, he got caught and admitted what he did.

You just hold one to a different standard than the other, and you have the balls to call others hypocrites, including myself.

Go ahead and reply to this post with your incoherent horse shit and stupid fucking smileys though, God knows this thread will be yet another CDN thread.
Probably learned it from Torro too, huh?

What's funny, whoremoans did what Torro did, he got caught and admitted what he did.

You just hold one to a different standard than the other, and you have the balls to call others hypocrites, including myself.

Go ahead and reply to this post with your incoherent horse shit and stupid fucking smileys though, God knows this thread will be yet another CDN thread.

Check it out @Eman! I'm cdn's new target. It's such an honor.
If anyone is interested in playing at home or following along, I've created a thread in "general discussions" for @CdnGuy to lay out his accusations and proof of my alternate identity.

Edit: I don't want to clog this thread with useless crap.
I asked you a question! I never stated you had multiple handles lol But your defensive strategy is exactly what I planned for ! Hahahaha peace

Edit- tagging members now Weston LMAO CAN'T DO ONE ON ONE? BITCH MADE! Go tag every member you want shit don't faze ;)
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I asked you a question! I never stated you had multiple handles lol But your defensive strategy is exactly what I planned for ! Hahahaha peace

I know what you're doing you lunatic. Anyone reading this and knows anything about you knows what you're implying, as well. Don't be coy. Man up and spit it out. How about moving this over to the other thread where I tagged you so people don't have to read this bull shit just to get info on this lab. Like @Marcus said, if your accusations of me have anything to do with this lab, by all means, keep it here. If not, let move it.
Out of respect? What so we should just encourage members to use unknown labs now? Hey @jbeg1985 how'd that work out for ya? He didn't listen and paid for it SO ANYONE considering this lab needs their head checked!

Jbegs "mistake" may have saved many other ignorant members from harm.
I am not perfect, but I also am not a thief or a liar. Our product will be the same quality today, tomorrow, and so on.

You state that your product will always be the same quality, but how can you be sure of this if you are only performing a melting point test? Without performing at least random lab tests on your raws, how can you be assured that the concentration of your raws is correct in order for the finished product to have the ptoper dosing?
No you're here to ask for free gear from labs lol

People make mistakes. It's inevitable. no one has lived life without making mistakes. Nobody. What's important is learning from your mistakes and not repeating them. Whoremoans made a giant mistake, owned up to it after being called out, apologized for the mistake, and so far has attempted to do right. You haven't given him a chance to prove whether he will do it again or not and yet you paint him with a brush of permanence. Give him an opportunity to prove himself one way or another.

To draw a parallel, you've made your share of mistakes. Yes, you have been correct on occasion, but you've also been wrong more than once. Should we paint you with the same brush you choose to use for Whoremoans? If so, you'll never be correct again. I know your typical argument is you don't care what others think but it's pretty obvious you do otherwise all the time and energy you've placed in your responses would have been put to use elsewhere. You've also admitted your mistakes and apologized but the thing is, after a certain number of apologies, they're going to become useless bc you never learned from prior mistakes.

To draw another parallel, Torro has taken free gear twice now to my knowledge as well as admitting to being a rep for a lab (all things you hate). You were aware of both instances, participated in both threads, and both times did diddly in the end. Torro has yet to apologize, yet to say he won't do it again, or yet to state what he's received for his repping. You put the kiddie gloves on for him and bowed out. If you are unwilling to acknowledge this double standard and stop doing it then your word is of no value. A serious question can be posed of if, and if so, how many members have you turned a blind eye to their nefarious activities bc they were friends of yours? Has this happened? You see where I'm going with this don't you? The double standard calls into question your credibility, integrity, and honesty. No two ways around that. When you call out someone for being a hypocrite it's laughable if you perpetrate hypocrisy yourself. When you call someone out for taking free gear it's laughable if you refuse to do the same for a friend. Nobody said you have to throw your friend under the bus but you do need to hold him accountable for his actions if you want to continue your crusade. A good friend doesn't turn a blind eye when someone fucks up. They call them out, explain the situation, and help them to be better and not fuck up again. You're not doing anyone a favor by not doing the same for Torro. You're actually creating more harm for the forum bc now people will begin to think that if they befriend you, then they too will get a free pass
People make mistakes. It's inevitable. no one has lived life without making mistakes. Nobody. What's important is learning from your mistakes and not repeating them. Whoremoans made a giant mistake, owned up to it after being called out, apologized for the mistake, and so far has attempted to do right. You haven't given him a chance to prove whether he will do it again or not and yet you paint him with a brush of permanence. Give him an opportunity to prove himself one way or another.

To draw a parallel, you've made your share of mistakes. Yes, you have been correct on occasion, but you've also been wrong more than once. Should we paint you with the same brush you choose to use for Whoremoans? If so, you'll never be correct again. I know your typical argument is you don't care what others think but it's pretty obvious you do otherwise all the time and energy you've placed in your responses would have been put to use elsewhere. You've also admitted your mistakes and apologized but the thing is, after a certain number of apologies, they're going to become useless bc you never learned from prior mistakes.

To draw another parallel, Torro has taken free gear twice now to my knowledge as well as admitting to being a rep for a lab (all things you hate). You were aware of both instances, participated in both threads, and both times did diddly in the end. Torro has yet to apologize, yet to say he won't do it again, or yet to state what he's received for his repping. You put the kiddie gloves on for him and bowed out. If you are unwilling to acknowledge this double standard and stop doing it then your word is of no value. A serious question can be posed of if, and if so, how many members have you turned a blind eye to their nefarious activities bc they were friends of yours? Has this happened? You see where I'm going with this don't you? The double standard calls into question your credibility, integrity, and honesty. No two ways around that. When you call out someone for being a hypocrite it's laughable if you perpetrate hypocrisy yourself. When you call someone out for taking free gear it's laughable if you refuse to do the same for a friend. Nobody said you have to throw your friend under the bus but you do need to hold him accountable for his actions if you want to continue your crusade. A good friend doesn't turn a blind eye when someone fucks up. They call them out, explain the situation, and help them to be better and not fuck up again. You're not doing anyone a favor by not doing the same for Torro. You're actually creating more harm for the forum bc now people will begin to think that if they befriend you, then they too will get a free pass
Yes Doc I've made many mistakes MORALLY!!!!!!!!! Never once were my mistakes due to being a shady fuck looking to score! I'm calling all these clowns out that's all my brother. Spring cleaning lol
People make mistakes. It's inevitable. no one has lived life without making mistakes. Nobody. What's important is learning from your mistakes and not repeating them. Whoremoans made a giant mistake, owned up to it after being called out, apologized for the mistake, and so far has attempted to do right. You haven't given him a chance to prove whether he will do it again or not and yet you paint him with a brush of permanence. Give him an opportunity to prove himself one way or another.

To draw a parallel, you've made your share of mistakes. Yes, you have been correct on occasion, but you've also been wrong more than once. Should we paint you with the same brush you choose to use for Whoremoans? If so, you'll never be correct again. I know your typical argument is you don't care what others think but it's pretty obvious you do otherwise all the time and energy you've placed in your responses would have been put to use elsewhere. You've also admitted your mistakes and apologized but the thing is, after a certain number of apologies, they're going to become useless bc you never learned from prior mistakes.

To draw another parallel, Torro has taken free gear twice now to my knowledge as well as admitting to being a rep for a lab (all things you hate). You were aware of both instances, participated in both threads, and both times did diddly in the end. Torro has yet to apologize, yet to say he won't do it again, or yet to state what he's received for his repping. You put the kiddie gloves on for him and bowed out. If you are unwilling to acknowledge this double standard and stop doing it then your word is of no value. A serious question can be posed of if, and if so, how many members have you turned a blind eye to their nefarious activities bc they were friends of yours? Has this happened? You see where I'm going with this don't you? The double standard calls into question your credibility, integrity, and honesty. No two ways around that. When you call out someone for being a hypocrite it's laughable if you perpetrate hypocrisy yourself. When you call someone out for taking free gear it's laughable if you refuse to do the same for a friend. Nobody said you have to throw your friend under the bus but you do need to hold him accountable for his actions if you want to continue your crusade. A good friend doesn't turn a blind eye when someone fucks up. They call them out, explain the situation, and help them to be better and not fuck up again. You're not doing anyone a favor by not doing the same for Torro. You're actually creating more harm for the forum bc now people will begin to think that if they befriend you, then they too will get a free pass

man, that was poetry right there. I felt like I was listening to a wise monk.

That wasn't sarcasm by the way. lol

well said.
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I don't suggest using antibacterial soap on any lab glassware. Soap leaves a residue behind. A mild cleaning detergent or one specially made for lab glassware is best. These don't leave residues after rinsing.

I also don't suggest using 91% IPA on rubber stoppers. Alcohol works by disrupting the hydrophobic forces that hold the membrane walls together. This process takes a little time so if you use 91% it evaporates quicker and allows some of the bacteria to create a defense for it. If you just dunk the stopper in quickly and take it out it evaporates too quick. I you leave it submerged too long then the alcohol will start to deteriorate the rubber. 71% is better bc it's more hypotonic or holds more water. The alcohol is enough to cause the membrane walls to become brittle and then the hypotonicity from the water allows the cell to burst from the water going in.

The best method available to us is steam sterilization with an autoclave or pressure cooker and/or gamma radiation. Failing that or in a pinch, I'd use 70% IPA and let it soak for about 15min and then dry it off in the oven at around 180-200deg F.

450deg F for 1hr is fine for glassware and vials. I do 500deg F for a little more than an hour just bc you never know what temp your oven truly is and there are hot spots and cold spots within the oven.

You're prolly gonna be too busy with other issues but when you have time...
You know I'm always open for new ideas to be safe. I always rinse the vails, stoppers and glass with IPA91 for roughly 10 min or so. il start using 70 now due to the rubber you say. Never had any issues though.

Anyhow, then I rinse with distilled water because I don't trust the tap water. Then throughly wash all glass, stoppers and caps with Dawn. Again rinse with distilled water and I don't let them sit to dry. I put the glass in the heat for roughly 3hrs @ 450*. Stoppers and caps 15min @ 170*. When I remove them, both are covered to avoid air contaminants(as much as possible).

I've never had any visible residue, water spots or floaters of any kind. Out of 90 plus bottles never had a Infection or redness of any kind either. (Knock on wood).
Out of the myriad of questions asked, some answered and some not, I'm just curious why you picked Meso, @Elite_Labs? There's tons of source boards that welcome new UGL's with open arms and open wallets... so what made you choose one of the most notorious, non-source AAS boards to try and open up shop in?
I "wonder" because you're notorious for making accusations that are complete garbage. There's nothing "innocent" about me, but I'm definitely new to cycling gear. As I have mentioned in the new member intro when I joined, I've pinned peptides, but I don't like jabbing myself several times a day.

My one and only gear cycle started off as test e and dbol only for 10 weeks, but it turned out to be 8 weeks of test e and then I switched to test p and tren a.
I don't have any clue of what @CdnGuy is talking about right now but don't discredit the good he has done here brother I'm sure dirt bag members are getting away with stuff by riding the cdn guy is crazy and don't know what he is talking about train Iv seen him pull great info
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I don't have any clue of what @CdnGuy is talking about right now but don't discredit the good he has done here brother I'm sure dirt bag members are getting away with stuff by riding the cdn guy is crazy and don't know what he is talking about train Iv seen him pull great info

I use to agree with you on this. Not any more. Now he's trying to discredit me somehow. Fuck that.
Out of the myriad of questions asked, some answered and some not, I'm just curious why you picked Meso, @Elite_Labs? There's tons of source boards that welcome new UGL's with open arms and open wallets... so what made you choose one of the most notorious, non-source AAS boards to try and open up shop in?

I honestly would rather have to prove myself then join a board like say Reddit, and have a bunch of clueless people with no knowledge or aas or safety precautions purchasing our gear. The amount of knowledge I have read on this board in the past week makes me believe I made the right choice.