People make mistakes. It's inevitable. no one has lived life without making mistakes. Nobody. What's important is learning from your mistakes and not repeating them. Whoremoans made a giant mistake, owned up to it after being called out, apologized for the mistake, and so far has attempted to do right. You haven't given him a chance to prove whether he will do it again or not and yet you paint him with a brush of permanence. Give him an opportunity to prove himself one way or another.
To draw a parallel, you've made your share of mistakes. Yes, you have been correct on occasion, but you've also been wrong more than once. Should we paint you with the same brush you choose to use for Whoremoans? If so, you'll never be correct again. I know your typical argument is you don't care what others think but it's pretty obvious you do otherwise all the time and energy you've placed in your responses would have been put to use elsewhere. You've also admitted your mistakes and apologized but the thing is, after a certain number of apologies, they're going to become useless bc you never learned from prior mistakes.
To draw another parallel, Torro has taken free gear twice now to my knowledge as well as admitting to being a rep for a lab (all things you hate). You were aware of both instances, participated in both threads, and both times did diddly in the end. Torro has yet to apologize, yet to say he won't do it again, or yet to state what he's received for his repping. You put the kiddie gloves on for him and bowed out. If you are unwilling to acknowledge this double standard and stop doing it then your word is of no value. A serious question can be posed of if, and if so, how many members have you turned a blind eye to their nefarious activities bc they were friends of yours? Has this happened? You see where I'm going with this don't you? The double standard calls into question your credibility, integrity, and honesty. No two ways around that. When you call out someone for being a hypocrite it's laughable if you perpetrate hypocrisy yourself. When you call someone out for taking free gear it's laughable if you refuse to do the same for a friend. Nobody said you have to throw your friend under the bus but you do need to hold him accountable for his actions if you want to continue your crusade. A good friend doesn't turn a blind eye when someone fucks up. They call them out, explain the situation, and help them to be better and not fuck up again. You're not doing anyone a favor by not doing the same for Torro. You're actually creating more harm for the forum bc now people will begin to think that if they befriend you, then they too will get a free pass