Elite Labs

First pieces of my cycle arrived today, and a little something to damage my wife with lol. @Elite_Labs is good in my book as of now. The gear gods didn't want this pack to arrive (western union and usps both gave me trouble) but elite was quick with responding to messages and easy to do business with
So the wife likes Cialis?
You mean to minimize the nickel and dime orders I don't blame you . lol
I've placed two orders from him and I have nothing floating in my vials. And sent two for testing.
My vials look good too. I also have zero pip from my first inject
First pieces of my cycle arrived today, and a little something to damage my wife with lol. @Elite_Labs is good in my book as of now. The gear gods didn't want this pack to arrive (western union and usps both gave me trouble) but elite was quick with responding to messages and easy to do business with
Just a FYI the test e is painless and smooth. That's all I know about it so far.
First pieces of my cycle arrived today, and a little something to damage my wife with lol. @Elite_Labs is good in my book as of now. The gear gods didn't want this pack to arrive (western union and usps both gave me trouble) but elite was quick with responding to messages and easy to do business with
Glad to hear it brother, enjoy
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I think you may be mistaken. I asked the member who sent in his sample if they checked for contaminants and he said only concentration and content. However I do think Analizer tests for contaminants like something other than was it's supposed to be in the vial. Like another chemical. But I don't think he tests for bacterial, fungal, or inorganic such as hair etc.
From analyzer himself
I was able to rub the staff off the bottom so I can tell it's on the outside. I saw a little more under the label. He's offered to replace it, but I'll wait till I reorder and only if I don't use it.


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Thank you for posting that. I have yet to reach out to him personally like you have. I was going by what @Weston reported in his communication with him and his results of the testing.

I am wondering however, if he cannot test for organic contaminants such as bacteria or fungus, what "other organic contaminants" is he referring to? Do you know?
No, he is saying he can test for organic contaminants such as bacteria that originate form an organic source, but is unable to test for inorganic contaminants.
I know I'm biased here, but to me it makes sense to give a bigger credit to individuals that have actually had it lab tested. The reason I say this is because blood work can vary from person to person and I've seen labs take some shit because someone's bloods came back lower than expected. The gear itself could've been dosed properly, but you just never know with the individual or the circumstances of their blood draw. When it's tested in a lab, it's harder to dispute anything. Blood work is very misleading sometimes. People have this idea of 10x in their head and won't let it go.
Hey brother I'm looking for your labs ...can you tell me what page they are on
So he can't test for inorganic or microbial contamination . @Marcus I believe he is saying he can only test for organic contamination. not try to argue just asking because I respect you're input what would be considered organic dust,dead skin sweat?

I'm a little confused about this as well. @Weston said he asked about testing for bacteria and was told by Analyzer that he couldn't do that. And the conversation that @Marcus had with @Analyzer posted here, specifically says per Analyzer, "I cannot test for microbial content". Bacteria are microbes. I am also not arguing and am not looking for a debate. I'm just confused. Maybe @Analyzer can chime in here and clarify because I think there are several members here that think the gear from Elite that @Weston had tested was "contaminant" free. And it very well may be, but if the dude says he can't test for microbes it could still have bacterial contamination thus giving members a false sense of sterility. Just looking out for everyone. Me included. I pinned some of his gear as well.
Carbon-Based chemicals such as solvents and pesticides. definition of organic contaminants .
So he cannot test for bacteria and such that's inorganic .
So he can't test for inorganic or microbial contamination . @Marcus I believe he is saying he can only test for organic contamination. not try to argue just asking because I respect you're input what would be considered organic dust,dead skin sweat?
No worries brother man! All here to learn. So I know organic compounds are carbon based... quick search shows that something like common house dust is made primarily of sand, which is Silicone and Oxygen, making it an inorganic compound and thus not detectable by these tests (if I'm understanding analyzer correctly).

Another quick search shows dead skin as a primarily carbon based element, which leads me to believe that it can be tested for... again, all my assumptions here really.

@Analyzer can you help us define some examples of contaminants that you are capable of testing for?
I'm a little confused about this as well. @Weston said he asked about testing for bacteria and was told by Analyzer that he couldn't do that. And the conversation that @Marcus had with @Analyzer posted here, specifically says per Analyzer, "I cannot test for microbial content". Bacteria are microbes. I am also not arguing and am not looking for a debate. I'm just confused. Maybe @Analyzer can chime in here and clarify because I think there are several members here that think the gear from Elite that @Weston had tested was "contaminant" free. And it very well may be, but if the dude says he can't test for microbes it could still have bacterial contamination thus giving members a false sense of sterility. Just looking out for everyone. Me included. I pinned some of his gear as well.

I misspoke. I didn't understand what Analyzer was telling me. I think I corrected it later on. At least I did when I was talking in pm to someone. Analyzer told me he can't test for inorganic contaminants, but he does test for impurities. That's how he told me about the EO that was in my npp.
I misspoke. I didn't understand what Analyzer was telling me. I think I corrected it later on. At least I did when I was talking in pm to someone. Analyzer told me he can't test for inorganic contaminants, but he does test for impurities. That's how he told me about the EO that was in my npp.
Yeah EO is a solvent and carbon based so it's an orgainic contamination he stated that he could test for. I can see were it could be useful knowing how much BB,BA,EO a lab is using. I have some brutal test from another lab I need to talk with him and see if he can test amounts of solvent that way if a brewer isn't really experienced it will show.
What's the real fact here? The fact I almost drank myself to death 6 years ago? The fact I I have the big book on my dresser at all times? The fact the only alcohol I've touched in 5 years was a dropped of Cialis the other day mean wtf. I can lay it out for you further but just cause I can afford my alcohol and never needed to swoop down and start sucking on alcohol wipes doesnt make me less of an alcoholic than anyone else on here.
I go to the other program but I love the big book man
I was able to rub the staff off the bottom so I can tell it's on the outside. I saw a little more under the label. He's offered to replace it, but I'll wait till I reorder and only if I don't use it.
Is that on the vile to me from what I can see in the pic it looks like burn marks for heating the vile I could be wrong tho
It seemed kinda like nail polish but can't tell. Maybe he has hot naked chicks packing shit up like in the movies and one had just gotten her nails done??