Elite Labs

Honestly no goals. Just wanted to try a fast 8wk blast of prop.
Gotcha - I am seriously considering a short run of tren ace. Trying to tighten things up and finally get rid of this stubborn thin layer of belly fat. I saw the mast included in your program, thought maybe leaning out was on your agenda as well.
Gotcha - I am seriously considering a short run of tren ace. Trying to tighten things up and finally get rid of this stubborn thin layer of belly fat. I saw the mast included in your program, thought maybe leaning out was on your agenda as well.

Prob tighten up a little. But I'm not one that needs to be ripped.
Fellas. I never used test prop. How long to kick in on average
If you want science based answers (ones that matter), my advise would be to not solicit anecdotal "bro-science" responses with the types of questions you ask...what does "kick in" mean?
Testosterone is testosterone, the only differences in different testosterone compounds is the rate in which the ester releases testosterone into the bloodstream.
So your question of "how long to kick in on average" would require data to conclude what the actual "average" dose we're questioning is.
You can google the half-life of Test-Prop, but I'll help ya out....it's proven to average 4 days.
So I guarantee you if you shoot a gram of it you will feel it "kick-in" in that 4 day window (providing your UGL is square on MG per ML)...if "kick-in" means how long it takes to build a base-line total T level on prop only, it will always depend on the dose size and frequency administered.
Not "bro hating" bro, but if you ask "bro-science" questions, expect "bro-science" answers.