Elite Labs

200mg cyp 1x week
75mg prop ed
200 mast E 1x week

So, let's say you go 6x a week with Prop, that's 650 mg's/week of Test, when combined with your trt. Not a bad little blast.

Add in the Masteron and you're pinning 8 times a week. No big thing, but if you haven't done it a lot, it gets old fast.

You gonna run a log?
If not, let us know how you make out.
If you want science based answers (ones that matter), my advise would be to not solicit anecdotal "bro-science" responses with the types of questions you ask...what does "kick in" mean?
Testosterone is testosterone, the only differences in different testosterone compounds is the rate in which the ester releases testosterone into the bloodstream.
So your question of "how long to kick in on average" would require data to conclude what the actual "average" dose we're questioning is.
You can google the half-life of Test-Prop, but I'll help ya out....it's proven to average 4 days.
So I guarantee you if you shoot a gram of it you will feel it "kick-in" in that 4 day window (providing your UGL is square on MG per ML)...if "kick-in" means how long it takes to build a base-line total T level on prop only, it will always depend on the dose size and frequency administered.
Not "bro hating" bro, but if you ask "bro-science" questions, expect "bro-science" answers.

Right, but i think we all know what he means the real question is when is he going to feel like he's on some shit. Its a valid noob Q.
This will end badly. Ok so my experience with this source. I emailed him about a decent amount of mast and was told he'd check his supply and for me to email him again later that night. I was working and already sent an email telling him exactly what I wanted and how i was gonna pay so never bothered to resend an identical email.

It doesn't take a business guru to be able to fill bottles correctly. This shows lack of quality or care on elites part. Maybe he's in a hurry to fill orders...who knows, what i do know is I don't trust a source who cant fill a bottle properly. We've had much more reliable sources here who never had issues like this and eventually even they bit the dust. Only question in my mind is not if but when he goes out, will he bow out honorably or will he take as much member money as he can before he starts up under another name with new labels.
This will end badly. Ok so my experience with this source. I emailed him about a decent amount of mast and was told he'd check his supply and for me to email him again later that night. I was working and already sent an email telling him exactly what I wanted and how i was gonna pay so never bothered to resend an identical email.

It doesn't take a business guru to be able to fill bottles correctly. This shows lack of quality or care on elites part. Maybe he's in a hurry to fill orders...who knows, what i do know is I don't trust a source who cant fill a bottle properly. We've had much more reliable sources here who never had issues like this and eventually even they bit the dust. Only question in my mind is not if but when he goes out, will he bow out honorably or will he take as much member money as he can before he starts up under another name with new labels.

I assume you are stating your experience with this source so far is not stellar? Is your concern he asked you to send him a reminder email or that he has had uneven fill levels so far?

He has apologized for the uneven fill levels and already has stated all future bottles will be evenly filled. In fact he said he is going to fill them to either 11 or 11.5 (can't recall which) at members' requests. In my opinion, he is admitting the concern and has reported he will fix the issue. I personally respect that.
I assume you are stating your experience with this source so far is not stellar? Is your concern he asked you to send him a reminder email or that he has had uneven fill levels so far?

He has apologized for the uneven fill levels and already has stated all future bottles will be evenly filled. In fact he said he is going to fill them to either 11 or 11.5 (can't recall which) at members' requests. In my opinion, he is admitting the concern and has reported he will fix the issue. I personally respect that.

He has a chance to correct his mistakes, not hard to do either.

What i want to see is pics of this newest batch, with vials lined up evenly, like soldiers.

That way we can see if the fill level problem has been corrected. If it hasn't, then i'm going to make baseless accusations CdnGuy style, till we get some answers. :D
This will end badly. Ok so my experience with this source. I emailed him about a decent amount of mast and was told he'd check his supply and for me to email him again later that night. I was working and already sent an email telling him exactly what I wanted and how i was gonna pay so never bothered to resend an identical email.

It doesn't take a business guru to be able to fill bottles correctly. This shows lack of quality or care on elites part. Maybe he's in a hurry to fill orders...who knows, what i do know is I don't trust a source who cant fill a bottle properly. We've had much more reliable sources here who never had issues like this and eventually even they bit the dust. Only question in my mind is not if but when he goes out, will he bow out honorably or will he take as much member money as he can before he starts up under another name with new labels.

Sir, my apologies for requesting a second email. We receive a great amount of emails and depending on what was going on at that time I most likely did not want to forget and simply requested a reminder email, again my apologies. If and when we close up shop for good, we will take absolutely no money from anyone as good karma is the only good type of karma in life, and I am a not a thief. Our fill levels have been corrected and are all 11.5ml (at the curve in the vial). I understand that presentation is very important and I appreciate your feedback.
He has a chance to correct his mistakes, not hard to do either.

What i want to see is pics of this newest batch, with vials lined up evenly, like soldiers.

That way we can see if the fill level problem has been corrected. If it hasn't, then i'm going to make baseless accusations CdnGuy style, till we get some answers. :D

Sir all batches that have been/are being brewed now have all even levels at 11.5.
I assume you are stating your experience with this source so far is not stellar? Is your concern he asked you to send him a reminder email or that he has had uneven fill levels so far?

He has apologized for the uneven fill levels and already has stated all future bottles will be evenly filled. In fact he said he is going to fill them to either 11 or 11.5 (can't recall which) at members' requests. In my opinion, he is admitting the concern and has reported he will fix the issue. I personally respect that.

Brother all vials are filled to the curve in the vial which is roughly 11.5ml in ALL compounds. We will continue to fill all vials to this level.
I assume you are stating your experience with this source so far is not stellar? Is your concern he asked you to send him a reminder email or that he has had uneven fill levels so far?

He has apologized for the uneven fill levels and already has stated all future bottles will be evenly filled. In fact he said he is going to fill them to either 11 or 11.5 (can't recall which) at members' requests. In my opinion, he is admitting the concern and has reported he will fix the issue. I personally respect that.
Personally, I don't give a flying fuck what you do or do not respect. I also don't care one way or another where i get my next order from. Ive learned to pay attention to all the little things that new sources do and the way they present themselves. Elite seems to have a solid grasp on how to communicate with potential customers without your help. Fill levels may seem petty but the practice in itself points to an attention to detail issue. I would question any business that doesn't care enough about what they are doing to provide a high quality product each and every time, not to mention product that will be injected into ones body.

I dont brew aas. I build electrical things and i care enough about what im doing to know that nothing I create isnt top of the line. Please don't piss down my back about all fill levels will be this or that from now on. It never should've been an issue in the first place and the Meso i know would have realized that before it became the next eroids
Soooo I don't know how I did this, but I needed to move on to some new test as the vial I'm on from pcom is done so I was going to pin elite's and get bloodwork to go along with analyzer's tests.

I pulled out my vials and 1 is supposed to be EQ and other test E, and both are test E. I have no fuckin clue how I missed this twice before when sending the shit to be analyzed (maybe cuz I was just in a rush each time?). Kinda fucked this one all up.

Sorry guys, I have 2 samples test e on the way to analyzer instead of 1 EQ and 1 test. My apologies to everyone here. I don't know how I missed this

Personally, I don't give a flying fuck what you do or do not respect. I also don't care one way or another where i get my next order from. Ive learned to pay attention to all the little things that new sources do and the way they present themselves. Elite seems to have a solid grasp on how to communicate with potential customers without your help. Fill levels may seem petty but the practice in itself points to an attention to detail issue. I would question any business that doesn't care enough about what they are doing to provide a high quality product each and every time, not to mention product that will be injected into ones body.

I dont brew aas. I build electrical things and i care enough about what im doing to know that nothing I create isnt top of the line. Please don't piss down my back about all fill levels will be this or that from now on. It never should've been an issue in the first place and the Meso i know would have realized that before it became the next eroids
So what would you like to be done? The guy admitted the uneven vials and said he corrected the problem. What else can he do with that issue?
Soooo I don't know how I did this, but I needed to move on to some new test as the vial I'm on from pcom is done so I was going to pin elite's and get bloodwork to go along with analyzer's tests.

I pulled out my vials and 1 is supposed to be EQ and other test E, and both are test E. I have no fuckin clue how I missed this twice before when sending the shit to be analyzed (maybe cuz I was just in a rush each time?). Kinda fucked this one all up.

Sorry guys, I have 2 samples test e on the way to analyzer instead of 1 EQ and 1 test. My apologies to everyone here. I don't know how I missed this

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Shit happens man. No worries.
Soooo I don't know how I did this, but I needed to move on to some new test as the vial I'm on from pcom is done so I was going to pin elite's and get bloodwork to go along with analyzer's tests.

I pulled out my vials and 1 is supposed to be EQ and other test E, and both are test E. I have no fuckin clue how I missed this twice before when sending the shit to be analyzed (maybe cuz I was just in a rush each time?). Kinda fucked this one all up.

Sorry guys, I have 2 samples test e on the way to analyzer instead of 1 EQ and 1 test. My apologies to everyone here. I don't know how I missed this

View attachment 70874
Wow, man. No one is gonna like you any more. You may even get banned from meso.

Actually, the only thing that sucks about that is you paid for two tests of the same thing. Sorry, man. I first I thought you were saying that he sent you test e instead of eq.
Don't you think you should care? It's your body homie.
Obviously you missed my point entirely. Do i need to slow it down for you? Ok, I'll rephrase. I don't care one way or another where my next order comes from but you can bet your ass it won't come from a source who doesn't care. Did you bother to read anything i posted or was that smart ass reply all you got @legendary
Wow, man. No one is gonna like you any more. You may even get banned from meso.

Actually, the only thing that sucks about that is you paid for two tests of the same thing. Sorry, man. I first I thought you were saying that he sent you test e instead of eq.
Well analyzer hasn't received and tested them yet, so I'm just gonna tell him to test 1 or the other. Hasn't charged me yet either. Thank god lol
Obviously you missed my point entirely. Do i need to slow it down for you? Ok, I'll rephrase. I don't care one way or another where my next order comes from but you can bet your ass it won't come from a source who doesn't care. Did you bother to read anything i posted or was that smart ass reply all you got @legendary
Dude, calm yourself down. You do realize no one is attacking you here, right?